Let's see what everyone thinks... Best character for incarnate trials ?




I usually hate the "what's the best blabla" threads as they tend to be pointless, however this one seems like an interesting question, and i sure asked that myself a few times, but i couldn't come up with a good answer.

So, i'm trying to think about what would be the best incarnate trial character, i mean, a character that would really be helpful to any itrial out there, and help filling the gaps that are common in random trials. The point would be to run them and farm astrals/empyreans with a character that is comfortable to play, and can make any itrial feel like a smooth ride by bringing useful stuff to the raid.

I think ideally it should:

-have debuffs that work well on the AV we face. I'm thinking regen, and offensive debuffs mostly ? Most of the damage comes from gimmick attacks that no amount of debuffing will reduce anyway. So allowing more damage seems more useful than trying to debuff the AV damage.

-some buffs and heals to bring survivability, maybe even a rez

-enough damage to be able to solo some objectives and/or hold my own if the team is failing hard

-clairon + tactics for UG

-good survivability

-anything else i forget ?

So far the best character i have to play on trials is an Ill/Time controller, and the more i think about it, the more it seems close to what can be the best in there. It has enough damage to manage some of the objectives (like BAF prisoners), it can take alpha and tank a bit with the pets for tricky situations, it has good buffs and useful debuffs, and it can survive pretty much anything with a softcap and some resist. However, it's really lacking serious -regen and a rez.

I feel rather useles on my brutes, scrappers and other offensive ATs so, they seem out of the question as they only bring damage, which is usually not enough in the harder trials.

What are your thoughts or favorite characters to run through trials ? Any idea on the character you would love to have in any itrial ?

Dark armor lover.

The Claws/DA Scrapper guide.



I was gonna say Illusion/Dark/Fire. Dark for all it's lovely Debuffs, Fire cause you get a self rez (something I find HIGHLY useful on trials on a squishy) and Illusion simply because my favorite toon to go on trials with is my Illusion/Sonic/Fire controller. Honestly, I feel like the Primary (or secondary in the case of Defenders) doesn't make a huge difference, the main thing is the debuffing makes the largest impact on ensuring that the AVs go down fast before the time limit.



Whichever one of my toons I decide to run at that time. Seriously, there is no "one" powerset or AT that is the "best" for Itrials...that is bait I just can't swallow sorry...

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Need a tank/brute that can actually hold aggro, need -regen toons which alot of people don't play or have these days, need several healers, plus the damage



There is no 'best' considering the variety of mechanics thrown at players. That said, there are some standout powers that help in certain trials...

Kinetics' siphon speed is the only thing that can slow down lieutenants. Patch damage/-res effects are good for clearing the doors as escapees flee. High S/L/E resists work well vs. the bots and their hight tohit attacks.

Lambda: High ST attacks help vs. containment/turrets, psy damage is good against marauder.

Healing is great. Invisibility allows fast bunker access. Wormhole clears terminals ASAP. Taunt makes leading the AV far faster.

Psy resists are great. Telekenisis can turn around Tillman in the well portion. TK/tp foe/wormhole can bring the storm minions into proper range reliably. Healing helps in the portal portion.

High energy/S/L resists and confusion resists help here.

High ST damage, psy resist help here quite a bit, as does taunt.

Healing helps, as does ST damage vs. essences.

Overall healing, psychic resistance, energy resistance, and enemy placement controls find far higher usage than in most other game content.



It depends heavily on what the league needs, really. There's really no character you can name that would never join a league, look at the composition, and think "maybe I should switch to ______".

Sometimes a Brute is just extra muscle when the league really needs control or debuffs or whatever, true. But sometimes a Brute taunting Warworks away from terminals makes the trial waaaaay easier. And although most leagues end up with disproportionately many melee types, you really notice how important having people to manage aggro is when you happen into a BAF run with no Tankers and only two Brutes, neither of whom have Taunt nor are sure what "pull" means. Plus, a competent and self-sufficient character can accomplish many objectives on their own while the league does other stuff, which is not a trait exclusive to melee, but it's certainly a useful trait that melee have.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Psy resists are great. Telekenisis can turn around Tillman in the well portion.

Oh really?!? I never thought of that (then again my Mind/Emp Controller doesn't have TK so... ).

So you can use TK on Tilman before she's able to be mez'd from the exploding EBs?

I would think that's a bug...


If that's the case anything with repel in it should work yes? Hurricane, Kinetics' Repel, FF's Repel bubble (forgot name)....

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



If I had to pick just one, and assuming average values and capabilities the rest of the league?

A Thermal/Sonic Defender running Leadership toggles and using (for most trials) Destiny Barrier. Switch to Clarion for UG and one entire team is Confuse-protected from the end boss as long as you keep Thawing them.



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Oh really?!? I never thought of that (then again my Mind/Emp Controller doesn't have TK so... ).

So you can use TK on Tilman before she's able to be mez'd from the exploding EBs?

I would think that's a bug...


If that's the case anything with repel in it should work yes? Hurricane, Kinetics' Repel, FF's Repel bubble (forgot name)....
Repel only works on Tilman once she is able to be controlled. All cases but TK are detrimental, however.

TK is the most controlled, and even it needs to be timed well. The difference with TK is that it is (a) targeted and (b) one-directional. you stand at the well, she gets pushed back. The other repels in the game are radial, scattering mobs away from Tilman when they need to die near her. With TK, she is pushed away from you, so you stand at the well facing her, and she gets pushed back to her origin point. It should be noted that timing is important: starting TK when she is immune will continuously push the nightmares back from her, keeping her immune to its effects by keeping the nightmares away from her. Also, it should be deactivated just before she hits the back wall, as she can become stuck in the geometry there, or slide up, hindering the league. A well used TK can save a MoM run. A misused one can still mess it up.

Hurricane and force bubble can and will render Tilman immune from control by scattering mobs that remove her control immunity, and shouldn't be used. Kinetics' repel is KB, not repel (the effect) so it won't work on her.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Repel only works on Tilman once she is able to be controlled. All cases but TK are detrimental, however.

Okay so I interpreted what you said wrong then.

I thought you were saying that TK was able to be used to stop Tilman from walking BEFORE she got hit from the EB's death debuff thingy.

Therefore I thought it was a bug

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
Okay so I interpreted what you said wrong then.

I thought you were saying that TK was able to be used to stop Tilman from walking BEFORE she got hit from the EB's death debuff thingy.

Therefore I thought it was a bug

Fire/Cold Corruptor -Nasty Mix of Damage and debuffs

Elec/Kin Corruptor - This can be a sapper that makes AVs Brawl

Rad/Rad Defender - Debuff King...'nuff said

Dark/Dark Defender - Lots of fun debuffs and soft controls

Ill/Rad Controller - Tank Mage

Dark/Dark Controller - Debuffs plus tons of pets and good damage

Plant/Storm Controller - Seeds of Confusion...seriously

Fire/Kin Controller - The classic controller power combo

Fire/Psi Dom - All kinds of nastiness with debuffs galore and top rate damage

Mind/Psi Dom - Probably one of the nastiest hard target combos...


Dark/Fire tank - Damage + lots of psi/status resists

Fire/Ice tank - Damage plus soft controls for aggro management

TW/Dark Brute - This is pure insanity balled into a fun package

SS/Fire Brute - If you want DPS + taunt... this is a good one too

DM/Inv Brute - Sturdy as can be, and solid debuffs...plus several AoE powers that make you an NPC magnet (Soul Drain, Dark Consumption, Shadow Maul).

Currently Playing:
Rage King - SS/Regen Brute (50+3)
Soulfire Darkness - Dark/Fire Tank (50+2)
Deaths Final Embrace - Kat/Dark Brute (50+3)



Sounds like you are mostly describing a corruptor with Fire Blast primary, Psi Epic, and one of the following secondaries: Rad, Cold, Dark, and maybe Time.




Electric Armor Tanker. Then you can always be sure aggro is managed.



My Mind/Cold Controller, Illusion/Storm Controller or Kat/Regen Scrapper generally make mincemeat out of all trial action.

Can't really go wrong with Cold Domination.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Most of those holes can be filled with incarnate abilities.

Judgement: Void provides -50% damage for 30 seconds.
Lore: Longbow provides -Regen. Cimmerorans provide Single Target damage. Storms provide invincible Hurricanes.
Destinies: Barrier provides +Defense, +Res. Rebirth provides +Regen. Clarion provides Mez. Ageless provides Endurance/Debuff Res.

I don't have experience outside of my Regeneration scrapper on Incarnate trials. However, he has vengeance (someone will always be KOed on the league so it's always active), several emergency powers, self healing, and self revives. Since there is usually irresistible attacks his heals come into play, and he can mitigate surprise things like Lethal Force Authorized or other announced, resistible powers by using his Moment of Glory power.

Outside of one challenge in Incarnate Trials (The Really Hard Way) the AT/debuffs won't make enough difference to roll something specifically for a trial that can't be replaced with proper Incarnate ability use.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
Whichever one of my toons I decide to run at that time. Seriously, there is no "one" powerset or AT that is the "best" for Itrials...that is bait I just can't swallow sorry...
/signed .. I'm sorry (to the OP) I now have 24 character that have tier 4 in every single incarnate power (yeah including hybrid). All of them have three different destinies (Clarion, Barrier and Rebirth) so I can slot whatever the leader needs. Many also now have more than one Hybrid as well. So you tell me what you want .. Tank, Scrapper, Brute, Stalker, Blaster, MasterMind, Defender, Controller, Corruptor, Warshade, or SoA and I will log it on. There is no one AT or power set best suited to the trials.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Nothing is 'best' like everyone has already pointed out, but my least favorite things to team with on trials are Masterminds because they get in my way, and support AT's that don't play debuff sets. Every time I see an empath I shake my fist and try to will it into being anything else.