491 -
I've been where you are, and just about as frustrated. While something like this would come in definite handy, a workable solution at this point is to form a channel with people who are reliably team players with a decent head on their shoulders. I've taken to inviting people who shine in trials to a channel I made for that purpose - with 4 to 5 competent players, you can handle a league full of people who do nothing but wait for you to carry them to victory.
In addition, I've taken to using the player note system and removing anyone from the league with 1 star - given for rudeness, refusing to follow repeated instructions, or otherwise making the experience unproductive and unpleasant for their presence.
If you play on Virtue, look me up some time. I've got some Popmenu binds I use for Keyes that helps make it a breeze, and I'm working on a set for the Underground that should help herd those cats a bit quicker. -
Quote:This makes it sound like you're trying to derail this suggestion from ever actually happening in order to preserve the uniqueness of villain patrons. If that's the case then you should say so instead of trying to be sneaky or snarky about it. This whole exchange is oozing insincerity.What? I don't want the golden title. I wouldn't use these sets because of the golden title. I just think that's what should go along with making Hero Patron Pools, as I don't see the reason to make them outside of people saying...
"I want Shadow Meld, without having to go Red Side, so let's make a Hero Patron that gives me the equivalent of that."
Before we had the ability to take Ancillary Pools AND Patron pools, no one wanted Patron Pools, because they felt like the Patron pools made you a lackey. Now its more about trying to get ahold of blueside equivalent of redside patron powers, but not having to go through the process of alignment change.
I want the gold title attached to it for a few reasons...
I want to see the Hero Patrons have an AWESOME AWESOME OMG IS THIS POSSIBLY GAME BREAKING final teir power. For it to be a set that people look at and go "OMG! I CAN'T NOT HAVE THIS POWERSET IF I WANT TO STAY MIN/MAXED!"
Seeing as how Hero Patron's would mean storyline involved, and storyline wise the character wouldn't be an incarnate yet (as they'd unlock at lvl 34, so you can select the first power at level 35), they are in fact, not all powerful (which I find funny to hear people say...well see people write...as when I say, how does one feel so powerful when they need a group of 7 other people to help beat on an AV...so why is it bad that I want to make my character beable to solo AVs) as they're not lvl 50 yet, and they're not incarnates yet, and the fact that Hero Patron sounds like "I'm the sidekick" Pool...well then....
That leads to the gold title! Let's make the sets so enticing to grab, we see who's willing to grab that set and be stuck with the title of sidekick! Seeing as how many players don't seem to even care about the storylines and such things, I imagine many won't even care. For the few that do, they can really look at it and weigh the options.
And then after all that...for all that OMG AWESOME POWER...I can avoid using it! \o/ As really, my character is no one's sidekick.
Sounds like a great idea to me. And why I want it to be this way. And why I don't want it to just be "Here, have Villain Patrons without having to change alignment to get those powers."
This idea's great, and I'm hoping the Devs will take a look. They've got a lot on their plate, but the concepts and power opportunities are worthwhile; the game's always been about customization, and hero patron pools from Longbow, Legacy Chain, Phalanx, etc., would make a wonderful addition to that. -
Quote:I'd be surprised if we get the option and don't expect it. But then, respeccing itself wasn't on the table for a little while back when the game was new. Who knows with this crazy bunch of rebel rednames?There are going to be a whole bunch of people re-raising the issue of being able to "respec" or "reassign" currently crafted Incarnate powers. I'll bet there are a lot of people in your relative position who won't want to have to build up to get the other new options. It'll be interesting to see how whiny people get about it this time.
I'm glad to have something more to build my main character towards. Like a few others I know, if there's a goal to work towards, even if it's just more options, the game's fun to me. I blame reverse-altitis.
Still holding out hope for a Primal Clockwork Lore pet, though.. -
New Alpha, Destiny, Interface, and Judgement slots? ARGH! And I'm so close to having every available Tier 4 power! I'm starting to feel like Steelclaw with his tournament.
Joking aside, this sounds wonderful. I'm really looking forward to seeing this all play out, and having even more trials to run through and play. Thanks for the investment in the end-game, development team. -
I haven't read the thread, so I apologize if this had been said before. I've had two failed runs today and quite a few total. most of the people who get hit do so because they're there casually - the badge and the team isn't quite as important to them as it is to the leader and those who are there to accomplish the task. This lack in priority manifests as people going AFK briefly, talking in SG, tells, /Help, etc., or simply not reading League chat.
The best way to combat this is to find like minded individuals using the forums. Get a group of people as on the ball as you are going and you'll get the badges within a few runs. Try for pickup groups and you're rolling the dice.
I like to joke with my friend that successfully running the trials don't require 16-24 people, but instead require varying numbers of basically competent players. Lambda requires 1 competent person, Keyes requires 1-2, the Underground requires 3-5, and the BAF doesn't require any. For the Masters of Keyes badge, it requires everyone to be competent, or lucky enough not to be anywhere near the Green Circle. -
Quote:Sounds like fun!OK I can't really fly, but over the past 20 years I have had a recurring dream that I can. It is always extremely vivid and realistic. I stand with my arms stretched out to either side, and begin to sway back and forth a bit in a field of trees. I eventually begin to float, and then fly, in a standing position with my arms stretched out to the sides.
Then one of two things happen. I either end up in my old high school and float above everyone through the hallways, and up/over stairs, or I end up staying outside, flying over lots of beautiful settings and realizing that I have absolutely no idea how to get back down.
The second scenario usually ends with me waking me up a little bit frightened.
Anywho, do any of you have recurring dreams about superhuman abilities?
I'll usually lucid dream, so my dreams often involve superheroic feats and adventures, or some kind of fantastical element. Just last night I had a dream that I was working with a few other scientists on a formula to exponentially increase plant growth - needless to say, the trope played out exactly like you think, and it was up to a few specially equipped people to shut down the project before plants expanded and made the world like like Hamidon's Praetoria.
I've experimented with a few super abilities - flight came the easiest, but teleportation and size changing are difficult. The best way I can describe using those powers is that you have to "draw" your surroundings as they would be if you had succeeded, in order to be Godzilla sized or Bamf to a completely different location. -
Quote:Not to mention telling those who offered valuable advice, "Die in a Car Fire" (DIACF). That's uncalled for.Wow. I've never seen someone ragequit the forums. (Check Witch's sig.)
Edit: But being willing to form teams is the best advice you can receive. It's not something that comes naturally to anyone; I had a hard time getting myself to lead trials in case something went wrong. But if you want the rewards enough you can push yourself until it's casual and even fun to form and manage teams. It's worth trying and pushing through the initial anxiety. -
I'm PST centered and work until 6 pm; if there's enough interest and the old schedule isn't being followed, I'm willing to run Hamidon Raids on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm PST.
Don't forget the PBAoE Life Drain in Devour that stacks with the stacking -res debuff. Unless you've got a team that's heavily favoring buffing/debuffing, the melee on the team might do more harm than good.
Edit: His Confuse is easily beaten with about 4 people with Clarion. Just take turns using it. On the runs I've seen successful we number people with Clarion (1, 2, 3, etc.) and call them out in Request when it's their turn to fire it off. Everyone fights behind the Avatar except for the taunter(s), who either have Clarion themselves or a fair amount of Emerges. It works well. -
The confuse is an obvious gimmick that is thankfully resolved by planning ahead; you can cycle through Clarions or bring medium/large Break Frees you purchases on the auctionhouse.
What's much more difficult to overcome is the bias against melee ATs in the fight - the stacking PBAoE -defense/-resistance the Avatar fires off with regularity is ridiculous, along with the damage output. In addition to coordinated Clarion use you'll need to be firing off Barriers on at least 4 people, cycling through, or else bring in the usual crowd of buffers/debuffers. Pickup teams of mostly damage dealers/aggro control are going to have a very hard time of things. -
Paladin's themesong is usually this, which brings to my mind a lot of fierce group combat, trials, and other endgame content:
Hearing this song always gets me pumped up, and even RPing from time to time.
But after leading some attempts at the Underground trial lately and discovering the game's returning to "requiring" Buff/Debuff ATs/Powersets, it's become this:
Level up those Destinies! -
This is worth a serious response. Wish I had something to contribute, besides a request that this topic not be trolled.
Quote:If it's any consolation, one of the friendly rednames mentioned how they get hit with the logout bug as much as we do on the Freedom Launch UStream. As aggravating as it is for us, imagine if our jobs relied on using these forums and dealing with it.*Waves at the web devs*
Hey, just us, your friendly users, noting how you never seem to have anything to say about the issue.
The logout problem is the same for me as always, though; logs out every 10 minutes or thereabouts. I'm using Firefox if that factors into anything. -
I wasn't able to reserve my global before it was taken.
On the other hand, I DID get a name I've been trying for on Virtue for a long time:
Not to mention a few other names I'll enjoy playing some:
Hellspawn (Probably won't play this one..)
Authority -
September 13th, huh? How'd you guys know exactly what to get me for my Birthday?
I'm looking forward to it! -
((I'll be using the brackets to preserve the integrity of one of the few Virtue RP threads to cross the boards this past year. It's an encouraging sight to see, Xanatos, and I'm enjoying reading it! I've added this thread to my favorites so I'll catch it as it grows.))
Welcome back, Alevan! It was always both fun and encouraging to run into Luficia over the years. Glad to run into you again these past few days as well.
I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next in the adventures of Luficia and Seiken. -
Quote:Give me a second to adjust me Nerd Hat, here...
Ahh, there we go. Captain Proton's actually an honoring of the old black and white Flash Gordon from back in the day (Picked a DVD with them on it for around $2 at a miscellaneous store recently). Here's a picture of the robot a search pulled up:
Going to dig out the DVD now.