New forum logout bug.




Ok, I logged in last night checked the remember me box read and posted etc. then came back this morning and had to login again. Alright whatever sometimes that happens. So I go off to have lunch and close my browser and come back and have to login yet again.

This wouldn't be so bad except that the boards memory of last read posts is still stuck on this mornings settings. So I have to hunt through active threads to figure out where I left off reading them.

Please someone fix it?

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Happening to me too. Problem with the cookies? Not sure, just wish it would get fixed so I can stay logged in for at least a week before I have to re-authenticate :/ Right now I have to log in every few hours or so.



+1. Oh so annoying.



I got logged out of the boards on Tuesday. They wouldn't let me back on until earlier today - Thursday. And even then, it's probably because I "jiggled" my game account password. The logout bug has somehow gotten worse. I didn't think that was possible.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I got logged out of the boards on Tuesday. They wouldn't let me back on until earlier today - Thursday. And even then, it's probably because I "jiggled" my game account password. The logout bug has somehow gotten worse. I didn't think that was possible.
Hmm, you know it might be that they still haven't fixed the bug that required jiggling your account password to work around. Because of whatever that bug is this might be happening.

Still someone please fix it.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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I think it's the same old forum logout bug we've been dealing with for years, but like cranked up to 11. SUPER annoying.



*Waves at the web devs*

Hey, just us, your friendly users, noting how you never seem to have anything to say about the issue.



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
*Waves at the web devs*

Hey, just us, your friendly users, noting how you never seem to have anything to say about the issue.
If it's any consolation, one of the friendly rednames mentioned how they get hit with the logout bug as much as we do on the Freedom Launch UStream. As aggravating as it is for us, imagine if our jobs relied on using these forums and dealing with it.

The logout problem is the same for me as always, though; logs out every 10 minutes or thereabouts. I'm using Firefox if that factors into anything.

The Paladin
Steel Canyon, Virtue




It frequently logs me out while I'm typing a post.

It is aggravating as all hell to spend 10 minutes typing a long post and have it pop up that you cannot do that because the forums logged you out spontaneously while you were typing away.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
I think it's the same old forum logout bug we've been dealing with for years, but like cranked up to 11. SUPER annoying.
That's my experience. I was having this problem before, but now I have it every single time I check the forums, even if it's only an hour or two later, and sometimes even just a couple of minutes after the last time I logged in.

And, yes, it's super-annoying.



Originally Posted by TerraDraconis View Post
Ok, I logged in last night checked the remember me box read and posted etc. then came back this morning and had to login again. Alright whatever sometimes that happens. So I go off to have lunch and close my browser and come back and have to login yet again.

This wouldn't be so bad except that the boards memory of last read posts is still stuck on this mornings settings. So I have to hunt through active threads to figure out where I left off reading them.

Please someone fix it?
I was having the same issue and tried logging out last night. When I logged back in today, it had updated my last time on the forums to when I logged out. If I just leave, it doesn't change my last time, even though I have to log in again when I come back.

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