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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    enhancements* Sleepy, now i'm off to bed before i do even worse miss spells.
  2. Not sure it changed much this year besides going more solo/duo based characters.

    But looking back to when i joined and how i play now it's a BIG gap. I could derail the thread and go on how the old days of i9 lol. How i did't even know how to use enchantments for 3 months.
  3. I know water is on beta. I'll do a fast check for the other two before bed.

    Edit: No go for ether for Beta or test.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Depends wildly on your primary/secondary combination.

    Just like every other archetype in the game.
    This. As a Mastermind player i can say some pets are great other not so much. All boils down to how you build and what you build rather it be a Mastermind or Stalker or Troller.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Hit Streak View Post
    This trailer made the rounds here at the office. Universal praise was the reaction.

    Did you see the game?
    Just played it to about 5-7 minutes and decide to go play Ape Escape.(Just bought for myself form town in a a used store for my Self B-Day Gift.)
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    I was surprised when a certain meme wasn't taken as a name on Virtue...
    Ok i got to know what did you pick, feel free to PM me and i'll PM the one i did. Name wise, i'll wait to see it in about a week.
  7. OmniNogard


    Feel free to put it on auto, it like a hasten crash barely a drain on end if nothing else crashes like Hasten+Lightform Crash = Low End.
  8. Can we get more "Breath Auras"? Like Fire aura get puff of fire randomly, etc.

    Originally Posted by Honey Badger View Post
    Vyver- I heard somewhere that hair over one eye is becoming a leading cause of eye stigmatisms, you really want your hero to be flawed? *wink* In all seriousness though, hair options would be a great request for Dink in the "All Things Character Art" thread.

    Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
    separate eye auras, for characters with eye patches, or hair that covers one eye.
    I think Vyver was talking about having the Eye Auras have a option for Left or right eye, say only the right eye has Fire Aura while the other has nothing but a eye patch.
  9. OmniNogard


    It Stacks. Still have Crash. Yet to finish leveling my old PB that's been in the 40s few years now.
  10. Here's a list of Voice actors and Characters.


    John C. Reilly as Wreck-It Ralph
    Jack McBrayer as Fix-It Felix Jr.
    Jane Lynch as Sergeant Calhoun
    Sarah Silverman as Vanellope von Schweetz
    Jamie Elman as Turtle
    Gerald C. Rivers as M. Bison from Street Fighter II
    Stefanie Scott as TBA
    TBA as Clyde from Pac-Man
    TBA as Zangief from Street Fighter II
    TBA as Zombie (based on Cyril from The House of the Dead)

    The first trailer of Wreck-It Ralph revealed cameo appearances from a number of video game characters. The characters exhibited thus far include:
    Bowser from Super Mario Bros.
    Dr. Eggman (aka Dr. Ivo Robotnik) from Sonic the Hedgehog
    Q*Bert, Coily the Snake, Slick and Ugg from Q*bert
    Kano and Smoke from Mortal Kombat
    Chun-Li and Cammy from Street Fighter II
    Neff from Altered Beast
    Paperboy from Paperboy
  11. OmniNogard

    Pets, just Pets.

    Originally Posted by Blast_Chamber View Post
    I'm looking at a Merc/Pain for pure theme reasons. No attacks from the primary and only Soothe and maybe share pain if it works on pets. The bulk of powers will come from the pool powers; leadership, a travel (teleport maybe), hasten, heal other(maybe), stealth. Then if it goes well, incarnate powers... Perhaps no judgement though.
    I have a Merc/Pain MM and it's very hard to kill. +Res +Regen +ToHit +Dmg +Reco. Give the T3 Pet both Serum+PainBringer = Nearly Unkillable pet.
    Only down to Mercs is low Dmg compared to the rest of the pet types so killing takes awhile.

    Are you hoping for Share pain to Heal the pets or give them +Dmg? I don't think SP ever gave +Dmg to a Target of the heal.

    For Pool Powers. Take what you want.

    1)Leadership: All if Teaming, Assault and Tactics if solo.
    2)Teleportation: Recall Friend, Teleport, Team Teleport and Long Range Teleport.
    3)Concealment: Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Phase Shift.
    4)Speed: Hasten. Hasten/Super Speed/Burnout.

    I could try to make a build for you if need be but i'm not use to making a Mastermind without some sorta debuffs/attacks since i'm a type to hate to wait around and do nothing . Hopefully you can enjoy it.
  12. After watching the Trailer i showed to my mother since i planed to see it and she's my ride, She wanted to see it too and it's on her B-Day so i'll treat her to the movies for that one.

    I like the looks of it. Here's hoping that got a good movie.

    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    sorta agree, as a voice actor and what was shown of her character, I find her when she had her own show and did stand up comedy? pass....
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by T_Immortalus View Post
    Low single target, but high AoE for bots.
    That's why i went back to edit to be "Medium" for Avg Dmg.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post

    Emphasis added.

    I'm no number cruncher, but the wisdom I always overhear is that Bots are just about the best MM primary for damage. I have a Bots/Dark as well and never found her to be "low damage"... you make yours sound like a defender or something! I was about to chime in here with "Bots/Dark MM" when I saw your post.

    Care to elaborate on that? Oddball build or something maybe?
    Go Bots/FF and you'll notice how "low" there Dmg can be. It just takes a while longer then my Thugs/Dark to kill but It's my go to Mastermind that Bots/Dark.

    Plus it's "Low Dmg" is is Higher then Tank Dmg but not as High as my Brutes/Scrappers is what i meant. Would go back and edit but i'll wait till im more wake.
  15. OmniNogard

    Bio Armor!

    I hope Sym Armor is next for beta after water.

    No i won't call it "Bio Armor". Sym Armor sounds better (to ME).

    I'm REALLY hoping for spines on Brutes by the time we get Sym Armor, I got a Char i really want to make as a Spines/Sym Brute but will have to settle with Scrapper i guess till Brutes get Spines.

    Here's hoping Sym Armor will be great!
  16. As Justaris said it's most what you think is fun.

    Since I'm here. Here what i find fun. Most of the following will be able to solo at least 0/2

    1) Slayan: Demon/Poison Mastermind. My Favorite Concept Char. +2/3
    Pros: Av Killer, Most if not all type of Debuffs.
    Cons: Can't handle more then +2/3(4). Small AoE to Debuffs.

    2) AnnihilationProtocol: Bots/Dark MasterMind. My go to Mastermind. +2/8
    Pros: Mob Killer, Av Killer, GM Killer(Most), Def and Res, Debuffs(Mostly -Regen).
    Cons: Medium Dmg, DoT Dmg, No Burst Dmg.

    3) Omni-Nogard: Ice/Fire Tank. One of my older favorites. +1/8
    Pro: Hard to kill
    Con: Slow to kill (Tank Dmg )

    4) OmniNogard: DB/WP Scrapper. Had this one since the day the sets came out. +1/8
    Pros: Regen, Reco, Decent Dmg.
    Cons: Combo System(at least to me).

    5) Terrorize: Spines/Dark Scrapper. Love what i can do but was a pain to get to the point of fun. +2/8

    Pro: AoE Madness and not needing to move. Proc the Auras and Bam. I only have 3 attacks in my Build. Spine Burst, Impale, Ripper.
    Cons: High End Drain.

    6) Skywave: TW/Ele Brute. My Anti Rikti Power Armor. +3/8 Rikti, +1/6 anything else.
    Pros: Lots of AoEs, Able to fight mobs of +1(2 or 3)Rikti with barely any inps.
    Cons: Spiders and Longbow.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post


    (Bonus points if anyone can identify the inspiration of Black Pebble's screenshot above)
    Pebble is going to shoot those two for showing of the Retro Pack?
  18. I know the feeling Blue. I Brought back two of my old 50s, One was a DB/WP that was made the Day the sets came out and a Spines/Dark i made a many a year ago that has 5-8 Anni Badges.

    Both had gotten a Make over and update to there builds. My Spines was a Recent Bring back. My Willpower was brought back over a year ago.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    One of the episodes I liked the most was: Code of was a very well done episode.
    That was a Favorite Ep of mine. It showed just how awesome Dinobot was.

    "The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined."-Dinobot

    I miss Dinobot. He and Rattrap made the show great for me.
  20. Can't log in ether.

    Btw is Beta also down? can't seem to log in on there. (Says check the sever status.)
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sevenpenny View Post
    finally up on Netflix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    o.0 Oh come on, i just finished watching the series after finding it on Youtube and days later Netflix gets it.

    Dinobot was my Fav, Rattrap was funny. The show was just Prime.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rylas View Post
    No Ice damage to be had from Ice Armor. Icicles does lethal damage, unfortunately.
    Kinda meant as a Dmg Aura, not the type of Dmg it did. Sorry for any confusing ways of typing.

    Maybe how i should have put it. "Spines = Dmg and Slow, Embrace = Slow, (Ice)Icicles = Dmg, For a Grand total of 2 Dmg Auras and 2 Slow Auras in 3 Toggles."
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
    FMA and FMA: Brotherhood in the lineup seems kinda... redundant. I know that the two series diverge after a while, but that's still a lot of FMA.
    I know, seems odd to have both types playing the same day.

    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    While I'm glad to see Toonami back on principle, I have to admit that I'm not particularly interested in watching any of that. I just finished FMA on Netflix (after my friends claimed it was depressing and all about child endangerment, neither of which I found to be the case) and am currently well on my way through FMA:B on Netflix. I don't like Bleach, GITS, or Durarara. And I've seen FLCL and Cowboy Bebop soooo many times already.

    However, if I'm not watching anything else I won't mind too terribly having that on in the background. Which is more than I can say for a lot of the late night programming they've had lately - particularly the horrible live action stuff.
    Myself was was kinda hoping for Yu Yu Hakusho and Gundam Wing/G Gundam to return. Here's hoping they wise up soon.

    "Update: TV Guide lists Adult Swim's anime programming on May 27 as follows:

    12:00 a.m. - Bleach
    12:30 a.m. - Fullmetal Alchemist
    1:00 a.m. - Durarara!!
    1:30 a.m. - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
    2:00 a.m. - FLCL
    2:30 a.m. - Cowboy Bebop
    3:00 a.m. - Bleach
    3:30 a.m. - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG
    4:00 a.m. - Bleach
    4:30 a.m. - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
    5:00 a.m. - Durarara!!
    5:30 a.m. - Cowboy Bebop"
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mid_Boss View Post
    Hand Clap for thug was changed to knockdown a while back. Don't know about Hurl.
    Wait it was?!? Didn't know that i just brought back my old Thugs/Dark and sent it to the VIP sever for Solo'ing and Duo'ing with SG mate. Maybe that's why i didn't see things scatter like mad last night.