KB toKD Enchancement




Rejoice my fellow mastermind lovers for there is.... FINALLY!!!!!... a proc that turn Knock Back to Knock down. It only applies to powers that deal damage though.

This is, mostly, amazing news for Storm Summoning. For Storm Summoning you can either put it into Gust to see it be useful for the first time in the game's history or Tornado. When tornado can't throw enemies around it will sit on them doing a lot of damage over time so it'll be like having an extra pet which is pretty dang sweet. But since it can only be placed in damage dealing powers you can't put it into Hurricane and you can only put it into one power. It's not global. Why not? Who the heck knows. Maybe in another 5 or 6 years they'll throw us a global one or one you can put into non-damaging powers. Can you imagine it? Hand Clap, Repulsion Field, Sonic Repulsion would all suddenly be useful. Worm Hole would be amazing.

Seriously. While I'm ecstatic that this is finally here, I'm also pretty pissed off that they had the capability to do this they just... didn't.... Can someone tell me why this wasn't done years ago? Tell me there's something I'm missing. Did they not have the capability to do it before now? Something weird in the coding? Jumpin zombie Jesus what the hell took them so long?

Edited because apparently Worm Hole doesn't do damage so you can't put this into Worm Hole.... Sad. But hey, Electric/Electric doms can now use their Thunderstrike without throwing enemies out of their draining aura.

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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Originally Posted by Mid_Boss View Post

Rejoice my fellow mastermind lovers for there is.... FINALLY!!!!!... a proc that turn Knock Back to Knock down. It only applies to powers that deal damage though.

This is, mostly, amazing news for Storm Summoning. For Storm Summoning you can either put it into Gust to see it be useful for the first time in the game's history or Tornado. When tornado can't throw enemies around it will sit on them doing a lot of damage over time so it'll be like having an extra pet which is pretty dang sweet. But since it can only be placed in damage dealing powers you can't put it into Hurricane and you can only put it into one power. It's not global. Why not? Who the heck knows. Maybe in another 5 or 6 years they'll throw us a global one or one you can put into non-damaging powers. Can you imagine it? Hand Clap, Repulsion Field, Sonic Repulsion would all suddenly be useful. Worm Hole would be amazing.

Seriously. While I'm ecstatic that this is finally here, I'm also pretty pissed off that they had the capability to do this they just... didn't.... Can someone tell me why this wasn't done years ago? Tell me there's something I'm missing. Did they not have the capability to do it before now? Something weird in the coding? Jumpin zombie Jesus what the hell took them so long?

Edited because apparently Worm Hole doesn't do damage so you can't put this into Worm Hole.... Sad. But hey, Electric/Electric doms can now use their Thunderstrike without throwing enemies out of their draining aura.
Part of me thinks they just had trouble with the coding so it took this long to make sure it worked right the other part of me hates them for not adding this functionality to null the gull



Part of me is wondering very strongly if this can go in pets... It's been awhile since I've played my Bots/TA much, but I think it's my Assault Bot that loves, LOVES tossing things around. Being as I'm playing TA I really really want them to stay IN the burning oil slick/glue-arrow/disruption arrow/whatever-other-debuff-hell-I've-made.

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I hope it works for the Thugs T3 Brute, He has to much KB(Hand Clap and Hurl) for me at least.

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Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
I hope it works for the Thugs T3 Brute, He has to much KB(Hand Clap and Hurl) for me at least.
Hand Clap for thug was changed to knockdown a while back. Don't know about Hurl.

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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Originally Posted by Mid_Boss View Post
Hand Clap for thug was changed to knockdown a while back. Don't know about Hurl.
Wait it was?!? Didn't know that i just brought back my old Thugs/Dark and sent it to the VIP sever for Solo'ing and Duo'ing with SG mate. Maybe that's why i didn't see things scatter like mad last night.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Yorukira View Post
My Storm Thug will get this ASAP. Tornado+Freezing rain= OWNEGA. The debuff and dmg will be off the roof.
Storm controllers can do this now, if your AoE immob does -KB like plant. It's great autohit damage.

The thing is, 'trollers don't have many damage powers, this would be deadly for a MM or Corr, I see a Tornado nerf coming up.



Hey, just realized, MMs can take Bon Fire. A 25 foot high damage aoe that will do constant knockdown to anything inside it rather than knocking enemies back out of it. Blasters can take it too.

Oh that's gonna get nerfed pretty fast....

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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Originally Posted by mistformsquirrel View Post
Part of me is wondering very strongly if this can go in pets...
Hmmm...Commando + KD? That could maybe, just maybe, make Mercs more effective. Still though, I'm thinking of snagging Bonfire and putting it there for my Necro. Even if it's changed to be a % chance in powers like Bonfire and Tornado it'd still be worth it IMO.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Doesn't that line read "Damage/Chance for Knockback/Knockdown to Knockdown" as well as being a unique set ???

Bummer, you almost had me excited.

Great game while it lasts.



Originally Posted by __Tru__ View Post
Doesn't that line read "Damage/Chance for Knockback/Knockdown to Knockdown" as well as being a unique set ???

Bummer, you almost had me excited.
The dev said that the % is for when a power isn't a knockdown that it'll become knockdown.

For turning KB to KD, that's every time. No percentages.

And, yes, sadly it's a unique set and can only go into damage dealing powers. Why it's not global and why there isn't a non-damage version.... Who knows?

Hey... yeah... Putting this on an aoe intensive pet to turn his attacks to kd would be really awesome...

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

Check out my Deviant Art: http://darkauthor81.deviantart.com/



Make this global? Put it in Hurricane or Gale?

I find your lack of imagination....disturbing

Seriously, KB in pets or in radial KB powers is bad. KB in linear powers or in powers that you can control the location of, like Hurricane, is wonderful!!

You can control where the mobs are with the skillful use of KB, why in the world would you want to turn that off?

And people wonder why I refuse to PUG any more.

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And people wonder why I refuse to PUG any more.
That's strange. It seems obvious your control issues, making you angry at the mere idea of someone else not playing exactly the same way as you think they should, are the likely culprit.



Originally Posted by Mid_Boss View Post
Hey, just realized, MMs can take Bon Fire. A 25 foot high damage aoe that will do constant knockdown to anything inside it rather than knocking enemies back out of it. Blasters can take it too.

Oh that's gonna get nerfed pretty fast....
yeah but it's from the one app that doesn't give you an armor so without this proc that app is horibly under powered imo



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
That's strange. It seems obvious your control issues, making you angry at the mere idea of someone else not playing exactly the same way as you think they should, are the likely culprit.
Me angry because others don't play my way?

Have you ever got the cart before the horse!

First off, I'm not angry.

Secondly the people whining about this proc not being global are upset that I don't play the way they want me to play.

I'm all for a KD > KB proc in certain powers. I wouldn't mind if I could slot it in 2 powers, but I'm happy for one. I'm just glad it's not global, that would be worse than useless.

And if you don't like knockback, don't play sets with a lot of it. Duh!

Check out the Repeat Offenders network of SGs! You'll be glad you did.



Would love to catalyze it into a global version

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
Would love to catalyze it into a global version
Won't ever happen. If they wanted it to be global, they could have just made a Null the Gull setting. Or allowed us to slot this in multiple powers. It's obvious that the dev team wants us to only be able to put it in a single power. My guess is they don't want to have to rebalance every set with KB to account for everyone putting this enhancement in it. Can't blame them for that.

Personally, I don't think they should have caved to the requests for this ability. It sets a dangerous precedent. People aren't fond of terrorize either, and some people don't like stuns. Are we going to see them whining for uniques to change those effects now?

I'm not saying I won't be using this enhancement. All I'm saying is that I'm glad it's unique and that it's not global. I don't understand the complaints about knockback in most cases. There are a select few places (AoE/Cone focused pets like Commando, PBAoEs like Solar Flare) where I will slot this because I feel that the KB is actually harmful to the utility of the power. In cones and single target attacks, however, KB is usually better than KD. Especially since most of those powers are intended to give you breathing room and keep enemies at range. In no circumstance is KB harmful in those powers. Inconvenient, perhaps, when used without thought or practice. Not harmful though. Accusing someone of wanting people to play "their way" in this case is fairly illogical. Wanting someone to be skilled in the use of their powers is hardly unfair. If I were using AoE attacks only on single targets and single target attacks only on groups, you would surely laugh if I blamed the powers. This situation is fairly similar.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Between all the pet unique enhancements and a recharge set, I'd be hard pressed to find a slot for this in tornado. Plus, i like ---- as in REALLY like --- the tornado chaos

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
...[I]t would be more proper to say this game is slooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowly dying.



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Won't ever happen. If they wanted it to be global, they could have just made a Null the Gull setting. Or allowed us to slot this in multiple powers. It's obvious that the dev team wants us to only be able to put it in a single power. My guess is they don't want to have to rebalance every set with KB to account for everyone putting this enhancement in it. Can't blame them for that.

Personally, I don't think they should have caved to the requests for this ability. It sets a dangerous precedent. People aren't fond of terrorize either, and some people don't like stuns. Are we going to see them whining for uniques to change those effects now? I remember someone was complaining about being able to change the color of powers too back when they implemented that.

I'm not saying I won't be using this enhancement. All I'm saying is that I'm glad it's unique and that it's not global. I don't understand the complaints about knockback in most cases. There are a select few places (AoE/Cone focused pets like Commando, PBAoEs like Solar Flare) where I will slot this because I feel that the KB is actually harmful to the utility of the power. In cones and single target attacks, however, KB is usually better than KD. Especially since most of those powers are intended to give you breathing room and keep enemies at range. In no circumstance is KB harmful in those powers. Inconvenient, perhaps, when used without thought or practice. Not harmful though. Accusing someone of wanting people to play "their way" in this case is fairly illogical. Wanting someone to be skilled in the use of their powers is hardly unfair. If I were using AoE attacks only on single targets and single target attacks only on groups, you would surely laugh if I blamed the powers. This situation is fairly similar.
Just goes to show, no matter what you do, someone will find something wrong with it. In a game that's claim to fame is personalization somehow it's a bad thing that we can personalize power effects. I remember someone found a reason to complain about power recoloring back when they implemented that too.

I think it's a great precedent that they'll let us choose how powers works. I just respeced out of Umbral Torrent on my Dark blaster because I was sick of people complaining about the knockback. I could have kept it and played with it "skillfully", which means rarely in very specific circumstances... or I could take another power that is usefull ALL the time. Not a hard choice to make. I'll be taking it back as soon as the Kb to kd enhancement is out making it a power I'll use constantly instead of, if I'm lucky, once a mission where the spawns happen to be against a wall. You can go on and on about how I'm not playing right etc etc but I like powers that are usefull in all situations, not just one or two rare ones. And in this case "skillfully" MEANS in ways that limit the knockback because in no situation is it a great idea to send the spawn scattering to the wind.

Giving enhancements that change the effects of powers is a fantastic idea. Because no matter how ludicrously bad a power is designed, somewhere, someone loves it and will raise all holy hell if it's changed. Force Bubble comes to mind. I've been playing this game five years and I think I've only seen someone use that power two or three times and only one of those times in an effective way. I don't remember the last time I've even seen someone TAKE this power. But if you come on the forums there's a select group of people who love it, for extremely contrived reasons, and are vocal about opposing any changes to it because "people aren't using it right".

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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The problem with customizing power effects is that it makes game balance extremely difficult. Don't get me wrong, it's great that people get to use powers they didn't want to before etc. It's just a good thing it isn't a global enhancement. I predict we might see some nerfs to powers (or powers that stop accepting this new set) as a result of the conversion. The fact is, KB is an important part of the design in some older powers. Tornado and Bonfire will almost certainly need looked it. Otherwise they turn into massive AoE damage patches.

As far as the use of KB is concerned, I use it regularly without causing any complaints. It's about the angle of your attack. If you push enemies down an open hallway that's more of an issue than strafing to the side a little and pushing them diagonally into the wall. I guess I can understand why people complain about KB. But it never bothers me, even when I'm on my melee characters. Something that's flying through the air isn't attacking me or my team. That's what counts. Good players tend to share that view in my experience. Complaints I've seen recently have been from "DFB Noobs".

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
Personally, I don't think they should have caved to the requests for this ability. It sets a dangerous precedent. People aren't fond of terrorize either, and some people don't like stuns. Are we going to see them whining for uniques to change those effects now?

I can't say I have ever seen serious complaints about anything other than KB, which I hate with a passion.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
The problem with customizing power effects is that it makes game balance extremely difficult. Don't get me wrong, it's great that people get to use powers they didn't want to before etc. It's just a good thing it isn't a global enhancement. I predict we might see some nerfs to powers (or powers that stop accepting this new set) as a result of the conversion. The fact is, KB is an important part of the design in some older powers. Tornado and Bonfire will almost certainly need looked it. Otherwise they turn into massive AoE damage patches.

As far as the use of KB is concerned, I use it regularly without causing any complaints. It's about the angle of your attack. If you push enemies down an open hallway that's more of an issue than strafing to the side a little and pushing them diagonally into the wall. I guess I can understand why people complain about KB. But it never bothers me, even when I'm on my melee characters. Something that's flying through the air isn't attacking me or my team. That's what counts. Good players tend to share that view in my experience. Complaints I've seen recently have been from "DFB Noobs".
Bonfire may get looked at. Maybe. Because Fire Control dominators and controllers can negate the knockback of Bonfire and Tornado already turning them into damage powers. Tornado isn't going to be much of a problem since, yes it does have high damage but that damage is spread slowly over it's 30 second duration and can only be inflicted on one or two targets at a time. Besides, Tornado spends half it's duration between targets as it lurches around like a drunk. It can't decide who it wants to attack. Storm set could use the boost in my opinion.

But Bonfire. The problem with Bonfire isn't the damage, it's that it's going to be a massive 25 foot aoe that constantly knock enemies down like a crazier version of Earthquake AND do significant damage at the same time. Controllers and Doms may even opt out of their immobilization power to let Bonfire do the constant knockdown. That's what I plan to do at least.

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

Check out my Deviant Art: http://darkauthor81.deviantart.com/



I wouldn't put it in Gale. The -point- of Gale is to knock things away from you to give you room to breathe. Now, Tornado? MUCH better idea.



I have it in Tornado on my Mercs/Storm. Definitely an improvement. I still have and use Gale and Hurricane as positioning tools, but good ol' Tommy Twister was a maniac with his knockback.