Pets, just Pets.
This actually sounds like a cool idea. Have a bot/thermal collecting dust... maybe I'll try this out and see if there's any life left in him. I'd be curious to hear if anyone else has tried this approach.

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." ~Dr. Seuss.
"Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. "
Actually, my Ninja/FF is pretty much this very concept, as far as playstyle.
I have repulsion bomb, but I never use it. I've got the AoE and cones from force mastery, and never use those either. The only things I use are ally buffs such as force field and grant invisy, and aid-other.
I never get directly involved in fighting enemies.
I am the Sense, the Master, the Word.
SevTheMind: Ninja/Force Field Mastermind (main), SevTheSav: Stone/Regen Brute SevTheShocker: Claws/Electric Brute,SevTheComet: Fire/Pain Corruptor,SevTheSaint: Illusion/Radiation Controller,SevTheShaft: Dual Pistols/Devices Blaster,SevTheSuave: Mind/Dark Dominator,SevTheDevv: Demon/Dark Mastermind (redside),SevTheCinder: Fire/Fire Blaster (Praetoria)
Im a bots/ff, and I chose not to take any attacks for myself as I think they only gimp you as a mastermind. Judgement and veteran attacks like black wand is all I need, and I stack the hell out of defense and other set bonus' that will affect my pets and personal defense. My bots survive most debuffs and do pretty well in incarnate content.
Without destiny I'm running at 51% to all and my bots are 60% minimun to all cept psonic of course.
I'm looking at a Merc/Pain for pure theme reasons. No attacks from the primary and only Soothe and maybe share pain if it works on pets. The bulk of powers will come from the pool powers; leadership, a travel (teleport maybe), hasten, heal other(maybe), stealth. Then if it goes well, incarnate powers... Perhaps no judgement though.
Was thinking of making a Psychic Blast/Pain corruptor to play as the MM when not using her minions... Get a character in two story lines at once
"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."
*yeah, I quoted myself.
Quite honestly.. you could roll an anything/trick Arrow or anything/Traps and pretty much have this concept.
Traps is all pets.. and full of powers you could easily skip. While Trick arrow is mostly just debuffs and also you could skip most of the powers in the set with no one blinking an eye. I actually like both Traps and TA because I hate buffing people. So were I do work this concept I'd go with one those sets..
Primary wise Demons and Robotics are the most self-sufficient sets.. that don't really require much outside buffing. Thugs/Traps could work if you took the leadership pool and Force Field Generator.
Crap I forgot Storm which is also full of additional pets and powers you could skip.. or just not slot and use much.
My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi
I'm looking at a Merc/Pain for pure theme reasons. No attacks from the primary and only Soothe and maybe share pain if it works on pets. The bulk of powers will come from the pool powers; leadership, a travel (teleport maybe), hasten, heal other(maybe), stealth. Then if it goes well, incarnate powers... Perhaps no judgement though.
Only down to Mercs is low Dmg compared to the rest of the pet types so killing takes awhile.
Are you hoping for Share pain to Heal the pets or give them +Dmg? I don't think SP ever gave +Dmg to a Target of the heal.
For Pool Powers. Take what you want.
1)Leadership: All if Teaming, Assault and Tactics if solo.
2)Teleportation: Recall Friend, Teleport, Team Teleport and Long Range Teleport.
3)Concealment: Stealth, Grant Invisibility, Phase Shift.
4)Speed: Hasten. Hasten/Super Speed/Burnout.
I could try to make a build for you if need be but i'm not use to making a Mastermind without some sorta debuffs/attacks since i'm a type to hate to wait around and do nothing

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
Are you hoping for Share pain to Heal the pets or give them +Dmg? I don't think SP ever gave +Dmg to a Target of the heal.
Share Pain gives the CASTER +dmg
RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.
Ok, took this theoretical character to beta and realized I have zero interest in playing this. After all the lvling to 23 I sat there thinking, "why the heck am I doing this? This is no fun..." Toon deleted.
Thanks for the replies... You all could've just said "Shut up BC!" And I'd have been equally wiser for it. ;P
"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."
*yeah, I quoted myself.
Ok, took this theoretical character to beta and realized I have zero interest in playing this. After all the lvling to 23 I sat there thinking, "why the heck am I doing this? This is no fun..." Toon deleted.
Thanks for the replies... You all could've just said "Shut up BC!" And I'd have been equally wiser for it. ;P |
Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
Nah, feel free... I am disappointed enough in myself to allow others to share in the free kicks while I'm down.
![]() |
Trying to change to a Passive Support is far harder for us then going Offence Support(Debuffing/Attacking the died cant fight back can they.).
In short: Shut up BC!

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).
Not quite sure if this matches the OP's definition, but my Thugs/Traps MM has no primary attack powers.
In fights, aside from very rare fights when soloing and I'm pulling with Blackwand, I never, ever do a personal attack.
In my mind, the minions *are* me, attacking automatically while I manage them as a group.
One could argue I could up my damage output "productivity" by beginning pew pews when I'm not throwing down traps or otherwise tending to the minions, but quite frankly why should I take a primary attack when it's mediocre at best and it's better spent on another power in support of the minions-qua-my-freakin'-fist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
/traps has a number of things (poison trap, caltrops, acid mortar) that directly damage monsters, but they're not really pew-pew and are more on the debuff side as to why they're valuable.
"Hey! You knocked generic cola all over your precious D20 books!"
ED: Now I know how Nancy Kerrigan felt: "Why...?!? Why...?!?"
/traps has a number of things (poison trap, caltrops, acid mortar) that directly damage monsters, but they're not really pew-pew and are more on the debuff side as to why they're valuable.
Actually, in game terms, every power in /traps spawns a pet. It's cheating, but a 'Pets Only' mastermind is very effective...if they're a /traps.
Ok, I've heard of "petless" MMs, but has anyone done the opposite? Using just the primary summon and buff powers (and power pool choices) constructed a workable MM?
I have a concept for a character that is a complete shut in. Interacting with the world through his minions. I would play off his "presence" as a subtle holographic projection or mental projection (making use of the stealth/invisibility pool powers). Using Hasten, Leadership, and a few secondary like the single target heals from Pain Dom or even O2 boost... But nothing to directly affect the enemy. No debuffs, direct damage from my character. Just powers to passively effect my minions (single target heals and leadership for concept, mental linking or cybernetic bound and all).
Is this something that is workable, or am I stacking the deck against myself a little too much?
"You sir, have never been in a hammer fight, that much is clear."
*yeah, I quoted myself.