Old Villain - Back to Life!!!




So, one of my first 50s, and my first successful SG leader (yes, Blue centurion himself!) was parked on Liberty Redside for almost 4 years. i never wanted to move him, and he just sat there, unplayed. I had moved to Freedom for more teaming possibilities, then Virtue (my current 'home' server). That old 50 just sat there, I would move him every couple months to a different log out location.

Then, issue 23 happened. I bought the Mecha skins immediately, and loved them. (Not a Manga fan, but the Armored Core video game series got endless hours of my time lol) So, I had the choice of leveling a new character, or.... grabbing an old robot and saving time. Blue Centurion was based on the old Battlestar Galactica (the really old one), was a tech origin robot. Yep, it was time. He had all redside accolades, but was not even alpha'd. He was parked before Going Rogue. I flipped him over to Virtue (Blue Centurion was unavailable, so "Snarky Robot" was born! - hey, you'd be snarky to if you were parked 4 years, thats like 200 years CoV time.) and he now has tier 4 Alpha, is 50+3, and has tier 3 to tier 4 all the way through Hybrid. I am going to keep badging with him, and really want to thank the Devs for the great Mecha skins that breathed new life into that old robot.



this thread is useless without pics



I know the feeling Blue. I Brought back two of my old 50s, One was a DB/WP that was made the Day the sets came out and a Spines/Dark i made a many a year ago that has 5-8 Anni Badges.

Both had gotten a Make over and update to there builds. My Spines was a Recent Bring back. My Willpower was brought back over a year ago.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).