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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
    Turns out that "B5" is a forbidden combination of characters. /headdesk
    Wait ... did they really filter that because it looks kinda like BS? It's the only reason I can think of.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bitt_Player View Post
    Is "the Lord" censored? Or "Heaven"? Those are a bit closer to the intent than "goodness", but I don't know what the filter thinks of them.
    You do realize that I was using goodness as an example since it was mentioned in the thread yes? I'm sure I've used it at some point before though too, but that's aside the point, since I've used 'heaven' before as well (and others ... not always because 'god' didn't work). "Thank the Lord," sounds odd to me though, "Praise the Lord," would work for certain character types (that I've not used). It's really an issue of voice when you get down to it.

    I'm still somewhat confused as to why some words are filtered out, god especially. If nothing else, its annoying to have to talk around the word when you have an arc where the main villain is stealing artifacts in order to become a god and it cuts down a bit on the insane monomaniacal comments available.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sorciere View Post
    Yeah, I never quite understood why the word "god" is filtered.

    Luckily, that's one of the easiest to work around. There are plenty of other phrases that express the same emotion (e.g., "thank goodness").
    Most of the filtered issues are easy enough to work around honestly. The problem with a lot of these problems is that the filtered word often conveys a stronger of sense the matter than most of the work-arounds. For instance, "Thank god," always sounds more grateful or emphatic than, "Thank goodness," to me (unless the person being saved is a virginal damsel in distress, or a southern belle I suppose).
  4. Ahoy! This here link be showing ya how to speak like a pirate matey.
  5. Also caught by the filter last time I tried it:

    "Oh thank god you saved me!"
  6. Perhaps it's just me staring too hard, but it actually kind of looks like there's a lot of gears and such in the torso and waist area of the picture. So gears and such with shiny-sleek armor layered over top.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
    Updates on EATs - hasnt' been updated since 12/08, since we haven't had any new info.
    Which makes me sad, because the Coralax are awesome.
  8. Oliin

    Solo guides?

    Originally Posted by Fo_Shizzle View Post
    I would look at /dev for a solo blaster, because of tripmines and cloaking device and to an extent web grenade. If you want to know more send me a PM or look through the above mentioned link.
    /dev makes for a very methodical and slow soloer. While it is quite safe, it's a very different feel than soloing a /em, /ice or really any other secondary. You can easily solo just as well by taking a primary that offers a lot of active mitigation (like ice or energy) and taking a solid damaging secondary to help with the more difficult enemies.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
    So lifetime means life time? One fee of 200.00 lets me play for life or is it just marketing gimmicks?!
    Well, the lifetime of the game. Could be years or it could be less.

    Personally I'd say CO will be around a while. Sure it has its problems, but it's certainly not a bad game.
  10. Honestly? Yes. I'd actually really like it for getting badges. Sure I can go around and beat up on grey-con Family or Skulls (or whomever), but it's so much more fun if I go around and actually have to fight them instead of just one or two shotting the guys.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
    It's always a toss up. Rise of the Phoenix is an awesome attack and bonfire is just good fun. But don't forget munitions; a sniper ranged nuke that doesn't drain your end.
    But isn't calling it a 'sniper ranged nuke' a bit disingenuous? The information I can find on the power has it doing every-so-slightly less damage than a normal snipe power, but doing it as a fairly nice AoE. Nukes do even more damage than a snipe (considerably more if they get off their extra procs of damage).

    Doesn't mean that LRM isn't a very nice power, just that you might be stretching a bit.

    Personally I've never been a huge fan of flame mastery. Not because bonfire, char or fire shield are lacking in any way, but because I have problems with RotP. Sure it's a nice handy power, but I'd rather have a power that will keep me alive instead of one that will bring me back after I'm dead.

    Both RotP and FoN can help prevent team wipes, it's pretty much just a matter of taste on your part.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post

    If you want to have more control where you knock the target back then I will agree that Power Push is better for that, but I personally don't worry about where they land because once they land they will be defeated by myself or team members too fast to even care about such a thing. If he solos (something I do not do) then that's another story all together.
    Yea. I tend to do small teams and solo myself, so Power Push is one of my single favorite powers in the set. Not only is it a great knockback power (which I love) I can easily keep almost any one enemy in a group out of the fight for however long I want. There's a couple notable exceptions but for the most part I knock down one enemy and while it's on its back I take out one of the minions then re-knockdown whomever I hit first as they're getting up and just rinse and repeat.

    Sure, it's no hold, but it works surprisingly well on a lot of bosses out there.

    I don't use it much at all when I'm on larger teams though.
  13. Repulsion bomb for a blaster actually does a considerable amount of damage. It's actually a little better than most primary's ranged AoE damage wise, and on top of that there's the knockback and mag2 stun. It just has a considerable windup
  14. Sadly yea, it's ally only just like the shields.
  15. Quote:
    I'm among those who would really prefer to keep the individual shards individual, but incorporate some way to temporarily transfer to a new server. While there, your name would be temporarily appended with your home server,
    That's pretty much how they worked it over in DAoC with the clustered servers. Seemed to work fairly well, all things considered.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Radman_EU View Post
    I'm Sorry! I only wanted it cleared up to me...
    I think the problem is that your initial post doesn't look like you want anything cleared up.

    When I read it the key points that stand out to me are your acknowledging that it's been planned here for a while, but the timing is suspicious and that it was a CO idea first.

    No request for clarification, just an expression of suspicion and disappointment.
  17. Well, there's this:
    CoHBABs "Lava" and "Crystal" themes for Stone Melee and Stone Armor.
    Though I'm not sure if that would mean that they're cool ideas, that they're working on them, or that we're actually going to get them.
  18. Quote:
    The Hollows and Faultline are mine and everyone I know in games favourite areas.
    I've never been too terribly fond of The Hollows personally, but I love Faultline.
  19. Oliin


    Originally Posted by LiquidX View Post
    Finally, a new villain group will come into play, the Liefeldians. A splinter group of the Vahzilok, the Liefeldians are kidnapping people in order to improve them. However, their idea of improving them is to add hundreds of unnecessary muscles to their body, turning them into grotesque freaks.
    Don't forget. They also specialize in removing people's ankles and deforming their feet, making them unable to move any faster than a lumbering shuffle.
  20. Oliin


    Originally Posted by Psyonico View Post
    Whenever there's a massive update, the next issue tends to be smaller.
    It really all depends on what you consider a 'massive update'. Are you talking systems or content. I think most people tend to talk content (I know I tend to think of it that way). For instance, I would have classified I9 as a 'smaller' update than I10. I know it was smaller system wise, but there was much more to do.

    I've had a vague sense of dissatisfaction with this year's updates so far mostly due to the fact that while they used to (generally) alternate content heavy and system heavy issues this year's releases have all been pretty content light.

    So as for me, I'm sincerely hoping that I17 is content heavy, no matter how light it may be as far as new systems go.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Mayhem View Post
    I also hope that new players buying GR will be able to play it without needing CoH & CoV (maybe they'll even get access to CoH/CoV zones with it) and then it will also function as a way to get more new players into the game with a single new box purchase, like other MMOs do with their "Gold"/"Complete" versions.
    According to the GR FAQ you will need to have access to a current CoH account in order to use the expansion, though I would hardly be surprised if there wasn't a separate boxed set that included the main game also available.

    Q: Do I have to own City of Heroes or City of Villains to be able to play the Going Rogue expansion?

    A: Yes.
  22. Honestly, I thought it pretty obviously was a reply to the, "I think we might actually get ahead this issue." comment myself.

    That said, I'm not really the biggest fan of twitter myself, but I've seen it used fairly effectively as another sort of update service for some websites.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
    I think that most of the Praetorians would have their lairs in the capital, to make it easier to keep an eye on each other, and to be close to Tyrant.
    Well, Anti-Matter at least has an orbital lab that I think it his 'lair'.

    Anyhoo, if the expansion doesn't have multiple zones it'll pretty much be a waste in my opinion. One zone and a new system is an issue really. Of course, if it's just one (or even only a couple) new zones I'll be highly surprised.

    A new boxed expansion indicates the intent to provide a significant amount of new content in both systems and new areas/missions. They've said the thing's going to be set in Praetoria, sure, but it's a whole world, I figure they're likely to at least give us one Paragon zone and one Rogue Isle zone to show us how 'different' the world is, and that's at the very least.

    I don't know, I guess it's just when I think boxed expansion I think multiple areas and things to do, it's generally the norm for games from what I've seen.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
    Wow, it reads a lot like the thread in question here, except there are a few more racist comments there than I think our mods would have let past the radar... blech.
    There's actually an interesting, and rather longish post towards the (current) end of the thread discussing the evolution of British English in rebuttal of some of the comments there. It's a little snarky, but fairly civil overall, and most importantly interesting (to me anyway, but I find languages interesting so ....).