Frostwork - Cold Domination
Just as a general note, anything that's a targeted buff is ally-only, since you can't target yourself.
Great question -- I agree, you want to be able to build your toon in such a way that it matches your particular playstyle as best you can.
I recommend getting in the habit of checking a resource (I use if you have questions like this about specific powers, powersets, ATs, etc.
You can find some great information on the Frostwork power here at the wiki:
Good luck with your build, Cold Domination is a great and fun set!
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StainedGlassScarlet - L50 Spines/Inv Scrapper | Badges: 1,396
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Thanks all! Thanks for the wiki link especially, most helpful.
Also, you'll almost certainly want to skip that power unless it's an RP thing.
Check out for the detailed explaination, but basically it's a pain to maintain and doesn't provide nearly as much of a benefit as the numbers say it does.
Does anyone know if this power is ally-only or if it can be used on yourself? The description doesn't mention. I only ask because I don't team-up often and wouldn't want to waste a slot on a power I'd barely use. Thank you.