Solo guides?
Personally, I'd just point you towards this thread and I'd further
recommend you read the 3B Bible by BMF in the Blaster Guides
section as well.
Soloing Blasters (or most other AT's, in fact) isn't particularly difficult.
Hope that helps.
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Ice has several control powers inherent, which is pretty nice.
For a more straight-forward approach, Energy has good damage, and the knockback will keep you safe. A Solo Blaster will probably take Hover, as to rain plasmic death upon their foes from a distance that is safe from even Elite Bosses.
A solo blaster will want to approach a mage-tank roll, opting for powers like Tough and Weave, Health and Stamina to increase survivability for the big baddies.
I would look at /dev for a solo blaster, because of tripmines and cloaking device and to an extent web grenade. If you want to know more send me a PM or look through the above mentioned link.
MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812

Does anyone have any good guides on how to set up your blaster to be efficient as soloing?
I have only really taken 4 blasters to 50 2 different primaries though.
I will say this Fire/Fire without some form of defense/IOing is going to be rough, but that was with the old defience and just old haven't really touched him since he hit 50 in like i5 or i6
My next project was Fire/Dev, this was much better I don't feel /Dev slowed me down, it actually felt pretty fast and safe. Targeting Drone makes for a great passive to hit buff, you won't miss much. Cloaking Device helped get to the Range/AoE soft cap slightly easier. Caltrops + RoF combo is sweet. With softcapped range and AoE this guy was pretty deadly from range on test he can solo up to + 5 people without much trouble. I also have some good recharge on him too and he kinda spam Breath and Fire Ball after dropping the Caltrop combo.
Rad/Fire this is not a live combo yet but I had to try it out and I will say this at level 39 if you are slotted correctly you will be AoE death. With Fire Aura and Hot Feet running, do irradiate, Neutron Bomb, Combution and FSC this can effectively take out up to LTs and put a dent in bosses.
Rad/Energy/Elec this also is not a live combo but this is a deadly combo as well good job at range, Boost Range helps this combo out a lot as does Powerboost. With Powerboost near perma I usually hit that before I go into a fight and start of with Stun and Cosmic Burst on two targets or the Boss. Boost Range helps get more effectiveness out of Static Charge and Electron Haze. Power Boost also boost the defense of Maneuvers and Weave.
Those are just some tips with those sets, but honestly as a blaster there are three ways of survival on soloing with a blaster.
1.) Kill before being killed, you can use IOs to build up damage and recharge so that you can pretty much kill a target before they get a chance to do some good damage on you. Me personally this has not been an effective method, as Blasters already have low hp and close to no defenses is doesn't take much to get down to low health.
2.) Use mitigation and other active defenses, this way you are pretty much playing like a Dominator if you are familiar with CoV, you pretty much use mezzes and mitigation so that the enemy does not get that much of a chance to hurt you. This is an effective method, very effective with Ice and Elec, Ice you can slow them so that by the time they get another chance to attack they are dead. Elec = Sappers I have seen some good elec blaster and defenders keep mobs drained.
3.) Last but not least, my favorite, using IOs to build for defense it is easy to get softcap S/L with Ice mastery and Kinetic Crashes, but you can get positionals softcapped with IOs easily.
"Yes, winning all the time can be boring."
"It's amazing how well you can put up with endurance issues if you hide them under a large enough pile of bodies."
-Spiritchaser speaking on Dom Revamp
Does anyone have any good guides on how to set up your blaster to be efficient as soloing?