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  1. Thought this was going to be a complaint about the damn level 40 paragon protector elites spawning in level 30ish missions. Seen them be as high as 6 levels above the mission owner / team level and they're pretty much impossible to kill on most teams.
  2. Not having the issue here with comcast that I was having with all east coast servers. But when we were having that issue it was the PCCW connection hop that was causing all the problems.
  3. Sexy one Jay, please fix female wolfspider collars as they have disappeared...
  4. Edit: Jay continues to be sexy and fixed this bug. Hopefully, we'll see it ingame shortly.
  5. Having citizens do more would be nice. And it would also be nice to see them fix the bug that has all of founders falls citizens trapped in the middle of "The Gaspee". There are 100's of 1000's of them all walking in a huge packed together line.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sigium View Post
    No, I don't. Not in the slightest. If I could, I wouldn't take any of the Leaping pool powers, I'm just using it for the Hold/KB protection.
    Just because you don't want it doesn't mean others don't. That is what we call optional. But really this should be a alternate animation for super speed whenever travel power customization comes out. (thinks about requesting rikti style teleport for teleport customization)
  7. Taunt customization mmm. /em getsome and /em bringit I'd also hope the taunt sounds could be customized.
  8. If not a free slot I would like to have more than a maximum of 36 total character slots per server. I'd like to see that increased to 48.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Too powerful and game breaking.

    Did he say that they have to be as powerful as the originals? While this would be a cool addition I think you should instead get a generic assistant instead of everyone on the team suddenly summoning sister psyche. You might get a summon long bow balista or summon ppd bot.

    But this idea again makes me someday want hero patron pools much like villain patron pools. But only if villains also get standard epic pools like heroes have had for quite sometime.
  10. Noyjitat

    Fix Burn

    I'm kinda neutral on this. I did use weapon mastery on my scrapper and caltrops as a way to keep things from running out of burn. But since we now have blaze mastery and fireball. I only use burn when I knock things down with ripper or when im teamed with a controller. The aoe tentacles from dark mastery can be nice to hold things in place for burn as well.

    Now I said I'm neutral but I wouldn't be against removing fear from this.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Miss_Freeze_NA View Post
    Not going to happen. This has been suggested since before time began in this game and the answer has always been a resounding "no".

    Pistols are a ranged set, therefore going to Blasters and Corruptors in GR.
    Really? Well Gee guys, what are all those other ranged and targeted aoe powers a scrapper can get now from epics?
  12. ..... Martial arts does have less damage than the other sets. I have several 50 scrappers that I have played and played again. Scrappers that I leveled to 50 without farming and scrappers that have tons of set bonuses. Martial arts should be doing more damage than it does because of its slow animation times. My martial arts / super reflexes scrapper remains to be my favorite scrapper despite its flaws.

    The buff to cobra strike damage however would not fix the real problem with the set.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brophog02 View Post
    Could you elaborate on why?
    Because martial arts need a damage buff. Martial arts and Spines are 2 of the slowest animation powersets for scrappers to use but martial arts suffers more because of its lack of aoe damage. A simple buff to cobra strikes damage would it no way make martials overpowered. It also wouldn't fix the real problem which is slow animations.
  14. *Cloak of fear - Disabling the skulls on this would be nice.
    *Death shroud - Alternate animation: Chill of the night's animation would look nice for this power.

    Really the only changes I'd like myself and I know that it was mentioned that a 2nd powerset customization would occur sometime after Going Rogue. So I'll request this early
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    Our reasons:[*]Form Shifting - We don't yet have the ability to do customization of costume swaps, used by Kheldian Dwarf and Nova forms. We'd rather wait to do customization for Kheldians when and if that becomes something we can do. (Requires tech, so not up to me)
    This got me excited. Are you planning to allow us to hide that big hulking dwarf or silly looking nova form? (in pve only atleast) The animations for dwarf are basically all super strength moves Jab, haymaker and footsomp. So I'd assume that the animations are really already there to allow us to remain in human form when we activate dwarf and all of the nova form powers are already human form ranged blasts but with more damage.

    So you'd have to implement tech to make activating dwarf just allow us access to those 3 abilities and a taunt as well as replacing the taunt sound and with nova it would just enable energy flight, etc. For those of us wanting to be seen in our costumes more this would be a welcomed changed if its something planned after GR release.
  16. No matter what I try I can't get my high collar, chestplate, or spider back. I think I still had all of this stuff during issue 16 release but I'm not sure. One of the many halloween updates may have broken it.
  17. That spider you have attached to your back on your widow character. Well I seem to remember having this on my female wolfspider as well but now its gone. I keep wanting to think that I ran into this bug before but I may not have. If I attempt to create another female wolfspider its not there during character creation either.

    Anyone else having this issue or is it not supposed to be there at all? Because I thought I remembered having it. I notice that male wolfspiders, arbiters and quartermasters still have theirs.

    edit: I have also noticed that arachnos style high collar is no longer available to females and the armored chest plating is missing with this as well.
  18. Will be greatly upset if my GTX280 and my 3.0 ghz dualcore isn't enough to play on the highest settings in going rogues ultra mode. I would assume that it would still be overkill but thats only if ultra mode is also ultra optimized and not a bunch of crap piled up.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
    What, what? There's something wrong with Kheldians? After the latest patch to them? Now that's just crazy talk. They're more easy to play now than they've ever been.

    Khelds still represent the bottom two ATs on the list of what people play. Then add in that there is really only one primary and one secondary for each, and you can see why the priority to work on their power customizing is set to low, compared to everything else. Looking at what Freedom is doing isn't really like taking an accurate sample of what the entire game is doing. Freedom is Freedom. See BaB's list for reasons why VEATs are thrown in there under "we'll get to it if and when we can." It's not about popularity with them, it's about needing more tech to make it work right, because the way their power trees work is different than everything else.
    Its never been about being easy to play its about maximizing the ATS performance. It does not perform well enough and its stupid to leave it the way it is just to satisfy the small proportion of the playerbase that "enjoys them the way they are"

    Freedom is one of the most active servers so yeah its pretty easy to determine things by player populations.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
    Our reasons:
    1. Popularity - At the time, Kheldian and Arachnos characters represented a very small section of the playerbase, which means it get's prioritized lower than things like Pool Powers, or Anciallary/Patron powers. (logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few)
    Not to be a negative jerk or anything but if the developers ever REALLY take another look at khelds and all the things wrong with them they would probably be popular again. My pb has been collecting dust since the last "improvement" was made to them.

    I am unsure what you mean about arachnos characters not being as popular though because atleast on freedom I see a ton of them.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    My spines/dark has 8 points of knock back protection and in my 2 years of playing him I have yet to encounter anything outside of Fake Nemesis/AVs/Pylons that knock me back. So yes 12 points of knock back is over kill for 99% of the game.
    Cabal witches, Tuantha trees, siege/nightstar's minions, werewolf boulders... There is a number of things I could list that will easily breach a mag 8 knockback protection when you fight multiple of them at once as I've seen it happen.

    But if you're just playing on low difficulty settings you wont run into this. You also wont run into this if you skip alot of content.
  22. 40GB heh time to upgrade mate. Thats the common size of the hard drive people were using about 10 years ago.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
    12 points of knock back protection is over kill for 99% of the game. The only time you'll need that is when you're fighting Fake Nemesis.
    Completely untrue...
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by shodden View Post
    How good are the ninja powers? The other booster packs had powers that were pretty useless, they were just fluff. But, if the ninja powers are almost as good as travel powers I think I'll cancel my subscription. Players who pay extra get bonus powers? That's ******** when I am already paying a monthly fee.

    If the ninja pack just changed the animation of superspeed and superjump, I would be fine with that
    10$ per booster pack is hardly anything to complain about. Go look at starwars galaxies and its TCG game and see how many players are outraged by that. (myself included) Sure its great that swg finally started getting more items that we had asked for but you gotta not only pay extra for them but its a lottery and you only have a small chance to get the loot cards and even then the lootcards that you want.

    Be thankful that isn't the case with coh.
  25. I was hoping to see a new super booster before going rogue or issue 17. Whichever is coming first
