A Humble Suggestion




I'd like to think I'm a humble man. I work in a grocery store with a man whose official title is 'Melon Psychic', I can juggle knives, and I'm currently in the process of writing binary programs that will likely develop malevolent sentience. I'm a humble man.

I'd like to request that NPCs.... Citizens, enemies, whatever you call them, have SOME interaction with the environment beyond standing around the stores and venues.

For example: Have NPCs exit and enter the tram as the train departs and arrives at the station. Have NPCs walk into shops to look around, and occasionally walk over to the counter to 'buy' things. Have NPCs limp or slump into a hospital and have several walking out.

These little bits of interaction would, in my ever-so-humble opinion, make me feel like there's some connection between NPCs and their environment, rather than feeling like they were just dropped from orbit and told to meander around until the Rikti came.

Expanding on the idea:

If you had enemies walking into shops, they could perhaps rob/hijack the public venues and make them unusable to the playerbase while under their control. A small group of Minions, a few Lieutenants, and a single Boss, nothing a single player couldn't handle with a bit of difficulty. Stores cannot be used to make purchases, this includes Tailors, Hospitals cannot used for respawning (alternate spawn points would be included), and trams cannot be used for departure.
These takeovers wouldn't happen often, and after say, an hour, the PPD would settle the disputes by force, ensuring that the entire city isn't taken over.



I'd be happy if they just went to bed at nighttime. They're creepy nightwalkers.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I'd just like to know what drugs those old ladies are taking to be able to hold on to their purse, not to mention what kind of Wunda-Fabric its made of...

I tell ya, these 'citizens' seem to put up a better fight than some of my 'heroes'!

As an aside, will Paragon city ever be safe enough to allow all the children outta hiding? Penny must be really lonely.

OP, I wouldn't mind having the NPC's interact with the enviroment more, though I don't really think it'd be a good idea to make shops unavailable due to enemy incursion. What would happen if you were standing in one of those shops staring at the enhancement screen? Not to mention the ones that go /AFK in stores.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I'd be happy if they just went to bed at nighttime. They're creepy nightwalkers.
Hey now, they're not that creepy. Not as creepy as the customers I had working the late shift at McDonald's, in any case.

It's all because all the stores are open 24/7. Paragon City's full of shopaholics.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I'd be happy if they just went to bed at nighttime. They're creepy nightwalkers.
They're out looking for thier kids.

Okay, sarcastic comments aside, I think that seeing a few citizens using the tram and perhaps even a little shopping would be a good thing. I'd just hate to see the areas get choked up.



As long as they dont try waiting for the bus...

But sure, NPCs being more than just walking would always be cool.
I'd also be very happy if crime wasnt created when you get in range and last forever, but happened dynamically, a suspicious not-attackable (unless you talk to them and find them out?) group of guys suddenly starting to mug a passerby, or walking up to someone and start trouble, and only THEN they become attackable criminals.

As for shop raids, those should better be like the fires in Steel Canyon, events that happen throughout the city and you either witness it or can see it on the map a bit later. Might have a timer and if noone reacts they are over, or robbers flee, or police storms in.

The way I thought City of Heroes would be like before I played it...

But I digress. Yes, sure. Would be nice.



First remove their [Insane Push] power. Y'know, the one where they can push titans of a steel and spike clad villains out of the way without even trying? -unamused face-

More realism would be cool. Also;

Where are the schools and shopping malls? People in the parks? It looks like a city...but doesn't feel like one.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Having citizens do more would be nice. And it would also be nice to see them fix the bug that has all of founders falls citizens trapped in the middle of "The Gaspee". There are 100's of 1000's of them all walking in a huge packed together line.

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