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  1. It wasn't any visual power like aim or buildup but I was tanking for a team tonight and noticed I was getting hit way more so than normal. My current defense was 60% negative, smashing, lethal, energy. Now as I always understood it 45% makes most enemies without to hit buffs only have a 5% chance to hit you. (or does that only apply to Melee, Aoe and Range dodge defense rather than smashing, lethal, etc block defense?) When I checked the combat log it was reading that they were having anywhere from 8 - 10% chance to hit me for each attack that did hit me.

    These aren't the first enemies I've noticed this on though. Did they make some changes to things during all the AE farm nerfs? Because paragonwiki doesn't list these mobs as having any kinda of to hit buffs or team buffs of the sort.
  2. They already said that switching sides would convert badges notably the accolades. Someone find the post, it may have only said accolades but I want to say that it was all badges. Or it may have been in that hero con video and not a post on the forums.
  3. Noyjitat

    new content??

    I see you said toon implying that you only play one character. If this is true roll some alts, this isn't world of warcraft and its not about "end game" which is what your post translated as for me. If I'm wrong there I apologize. We'll get "end game" when going rogue comes out however.

    I guess its really how you enjoy your game but coh to me always seemed like a game of rolling tons of alts, leveling them to 50, getting them whatever badges you wanted them to have while having a main badge character on heroes and villains and then picking out your favorite character of each archetype.

    So far my favorites have been:
    MA/SR scrapper
    En/Em Blaster
    Traps/Ar defender
    plant/storm controller
    shield/elec tanker
    PB (although I dont care much for khelds in there current state)
    paindom/soldiers mastermind
    ninja/ninja stalker
    Banespider Melee

    Havent played enough brutes, corruptors or dominators to comment on them. Of my list though, I find myself going back to my energy blaster, ma/sr scrapper and banespider the most.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
    This seems pretty incorrect to me because I was unable to get 50 seconds and under until I was at run speed cap. I could only get 53 - 56.
  5. Whats funny is people are willing to pay just to farm or sit at a door to a mission.

    Why do you sub a game if you don't want to play it?
  6. EVGA does make some very awesome nvidia cards.
  7. Noyjitat

    Worst Mobs Ever.

    The only thing annoying to me at low level is anything with Dark melee. Just seems like it hits way too hard.

    As for high level not really anything but Mask of Vitation is the most overpowered debuff in existance. Always thought it could be toned down.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JLove View Post
    I have fixed this. Look for it to make a sweeping comeback soon my children.
    Man has anyone ever told you you're sexy?

    Originally Posted by Zekiran_Immortal View Post
    If it's a known bug, then yes, they're working on it. Do you expect these things to be fixed with a snap of a finger or wave of the magic Programming wand?
    No but I had bug reported it and after petitioning it and getting that silly reply from the GM, I was a bit worried that people like that may also be reading the bug reports. Gotta make sure it is known by the right people
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Not all temps are re-earnable through Ouro, as Aggie said.

    And the duration isn't cut in half on re-earned powers, necessarily. Some powers have "echos" that awarded after the first time you earn the power instead.

    list of temp powers, including which ones are Ouro-obtainable and which of those give "echos"

    The Nemesis Staff is not listed as a re-obtainable.
    Thats pretty depressing. So if you missed them due to outleveling the content you can't earn them at all unless you have a 3 year vet badge or whichever one it is. Being one of the cool temp powers they need to fix that.

    edit: Man thats sad... Looking at that list I see alot of neat temp powers which aren't obtainable from ouroboros and some that disappear when you go back to the contact. I hope they change that someday.
  10. The way that I understood is that you can earn powers like this multiple times using ouroboros and the powers duration is cut in half each time you earn it, so how do you earn it again in the first place if its not there at all? I'm lost. Guess I'll try looking for it again at 41.
  11. Its already bad enough that you have to wait years to get veteran reward costume pieces. Still say they should atleast make the costume pieces earnable through ingame work.
  12. Yes but how do I get that mission? I did 2 arcs for him and I don't see anything else in ouroboros to do for him. Do I have to do both arcs again?
  13. paragon wiki states:

    How to Get

    To obtain this temporary power, heroes have to complete the Find out who's supplying the Freakshow with the new weapons mission assigned by Tina Chung or Neal Kendrick for levels 30-34.

    Now I just did 2 different arcs for Neal. The freakshow war and stopping the pact But never gave this mission and I don't see it anywhere on the ouroboros list. Tina Chung doesn't appear to be available as a contact to me since I'm Natural origin and it lists her as a technology origin contact. Is this correct?

    So how exactly do I get this temporary power without the vet badge? I recall doing the mission to get this temp power before.
  14. Noyjitat


    What pisses me off the most is I was at 9000+ items crafted and then they suddenly nerfed the requirements lol. I pretty much just started crafting IOs on every character by 20 and I crafted them for friends too.
  15. 106 views. I hope one of you was a developer or a moderator. Please point sexy Jay or whomever needs to see this, to this thread.
  16. Because the GM that responded to my petition seemed to be pretty clueless and only granted me a costume change token.

    This bug is on live and test server currently and showed up sometime during issue 16:

    The female wolfspider is missing the following costume pieces:
    Arachnos breastplate
    Arachnos collar
    Arachnos spider back piece
    Arachnos spiderlegs (should be included with the collar)

    Missing the breastplate too in both wolf 1 and 2


    Oh but he still has it...

    With the reply I got from the GM it makes me think some of the QA people may not even understand the bug reports. I hope a Moderator or Admin makes sure the right person is pointed to this thread. I love my arachnos soldiers and this minor bug just irritates the piss out of me.
  17. As if travel wasn't already non existent in CoX...

    The point of ouroboros is to go back and do content you missed via the flashback system. It never was meant for players to use it as quick method of travel just like AE was never meant to design "the best farm"

    If anything the portal in ouroboros should only take you to ouroboros missions. Go join/ coalition a SG or make one yourself and you've got supergroup transporters to nearly every zone.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Niviene View Post

    Manticore Task Force - Fixed a bug in the first mission that was causing Paragon Protector Elites to spawn at too high a level.
    I hope this fixed in other areas besides that tf because it happens in normal content as well.

    edit: Where is the fix for my missing female wolfspider collar, breastplate and spider? Quite depressing that a red name hasn't atleast acknowledged if its a known issue or not
  19. Longbow / PPD is something I've wanted for heroes for quite awhile now. They learned from their mistakes with khelds when they made soas and widows so I'd expect this new hero type to be powerful, fun to play, and to bring something nice to the team. I'd rather see them fix khelds first though.

    I'd kinda like to see PPD be a hero version of the mastermind. Since the PPD have an assault bot and protector bots and such. You would choose different bots or police officers, etc to command.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
    I so wish they would, the only one i can find on the interwebs is on amazon for like $80.....$80!!!!!!!!!
    Got lucky on Ebay recently and bought one for 20$. You can try looking at Biglots and Rite Aid if you have them in your area. Some Biglots apparently had too many and are now selling them for as low as 10$.

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I'd really like to see those sold, myself, especially as codes. I'm pretty sure it's outright impossible for me to even FIND a US collector's edition DVD here in Eastern Europe.
    The 1st collectors edition I bought ended up being for the UK coh servers and its collecting dust right now. In fact there for awhile it ended up being the only version of the collectors I could find on Ebay. Really pissed me off that they wouldnt convert the code over to Us servers. They should really merge all of those codes so they can be used on either account.
  21. I've been wanting a drive by shooting event for quite awhile now. It needs to be random like the fire in steel canyon. But put it in a zone that currently doesn't have events.

    Id like to see it in brickstown as family don't really spawn high enough on heroes anyway. Have a waypoint indicator on the map for when this event is running and the waypoint needs to update over time as the cars drive. The cars need to move faster than normal citizen cars. So you can't catch up with them by just sprinting.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
    Dr. Aeon has yet to pick one I didn't like.

    Gratz FemFury.
    Because nobody has better taste than Dr. Aeon. (taps Dr. Aeon; "Ok now where is that shrink ray gun I was promised?")
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    Why would you think you could take crab powers without being a crab? Crabs have a crab backpack.
    Your logic confuses me.
    He wants the spiderlings. I too wanted to just take the spiderlings and none of the crab powers for my wolfspider and avoid the backpack but it doesn't work like that....
  24. Noyjitat

    Is this a bug?

    Been that way since day one of soldiers/widows I think. But that doesn't mean its not a bug. But since build up does come from the banespider pool and not the soldier it could be intended.
  25. Id just like to turn off the constant skulls that appear on my character so my costume is more visible hehe.