More zones in hero ouroborus

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One of the reasons I like villain side is it's so easy to get from place to place because ouroborus takes you to almost every zone. This is not the case for hero side. Hero side has a lot more zones so in order for it to be as convenient as villain side you have to give the hero ouroborus more options. One of the reasons I don't like task forces is because of how much running there is from place to place because you can't ouroborus there.

In b4 use base portal. The point of ouroborus is convenience.



Originally Posted by kojirodensetsu View Post
The point of ouroborus is convenience.
No it isn't.



A: Villains has far fewer zones than Heroes.

B: Most of the Villain zones were already linked from a single ferry. Excusing Mercy Island, and Port Oakes, once you hit Cap Au Diable, all of the rest of the villain zones have a single ferry. Trying to use the Villain Side, which was already connected very differently from zone to zone than the Hero side, as a model for how the Hero side should be connected is just a bad idea all around

C: the point of Ourobous is not convenience.

really, what it sounds like you want is what AE gave people. The ability to make avatars with no travel powers, sit in a single room, go nowhere, see nothing, and still level. Sorry, I don't want that kind of game. I'd rather be a SuperHero and actually have to GO TO THE FIGHT, not have the fight come to me. Add more teleport locations to Ourobous? No thank you. That's not why Ourobous is there.



While Ouroboros is more than a travel power, it would certainly be nice to access zones like Steel Canyon quickly via ourobors.



Originally Posted by Tonality View Post
While Ouroboros is more than a travel power, it would certainly be nice to access zones like Steel Canyon quickly via ourobors.
Buy a WW TP, it´s only 10k. Really, that solves it pretty well.

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Originally Posted by kojirodensetsu View Post
One of the reasons I like villain side is it's so easy to get from place to place because ouroborus takes you to almost every zone. This is not the case for hero side. Hero side has a lot more zones so in order for it to be as convenient as villain side you have to give the hero ouroborus more options. One of the reasons I don't like task forces is because of how much running there is from place to place because you can't ouroborus there.

In b4 use base portal. The point of ouroborus is convenience.
Use the Green Line
Use the Yellow Line
Use your Base teleporter
Use a WW teleporter insp/temp power
Use the mission teleporter
Use travel powers that you can pick up during the game!

I think that sums up the ways to travel through the zones.



As if travel wasn't already non existent in CoX...

The point of ouroboros is to go back and do content you missed via the flashback system. It never was meant for players to use it as quick method of travel just like AE was never meant to design "the best farm"

If anything the portal in ouroboros should only take you to ouroboros missions. Go join/ coalition a SG or make one yourself and you've got supergroup transporters to nearly every zone.

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Originally Posted by Mylia View Post
Use the Green Line
Use the Yellow Line
Use your Base teleporter
Use a WW teleporter insp/temp power
Use the mission teleporter
Use travel powers that you can pick up during the game!

I think that sums up the ways to travel through the zones.
You forgot the shortcut thru the Pocket D lobby that links Kings Row, Faultline, Talos Island & Founders Falls.

And I've done more than half of the heroside TFs (possibly as much as 3/4ths of them) and to me the travel between zones isn't the annoyance (in fact it isn't at all an annoyance) - it's the long haul to the bottom end of Indy Port or across the Shadow Shard.

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Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I agree, OP.


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I use my SG base as my transportation hub but I see no reason for an organization who can travel to any place or time having exists in all the zones flashbacks may send you to (since being dropped off at the contact is pointless if the mission isn't in their area).



For better or worse, the primary purpose for supergroup bases is storage and transportation.

Certainly Ouroborus has supplanted the latter red side, but this is simply a symptom of the lower zone count. The accessibility of Ouroborus is to get to flashback missions. It's a time-travel zone, not a travel zone. (I mean by design intent, not usage.)

I do not think they would purposefully add so many zones blue side as to counter the usage of SG bases. Red side I don't use my base enough as-is, but it does have the bonus of a strike force available, as well as linking all zones, including Mercy and Oakes. If they made all zones accessible by the O-zone, the point of bases hero side would go back to simply storage. (Plus a rez here and there) And let's be honest, it's only good there if you have a personal base. For larger groups, the storage is not nearly large or secure enough to suit the needs of many members.

Now what I would like to see would be 'advanced' teleporters craftable for heroes so that the teleporters could handle more than 2 beacons. I'd love for my SG base to be able to have all portals to all zones in a room like my VG base can.



What would be the point of having the "No Travel Powers" challenge if Ouroboros went to more hero zones?

Also, welcome to last month with this topic.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
What would be the point of having the "No Travel Powers" challenge if Ouroboros went to more hero zones?

Also, welcome to last month with this topic.
Why do you have access to teleporting to Oro if you aren't using travel powers?



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Why do you have access to teleporting to Oro if you aren't using travel powers?
Hell if I know. Sounds like a bug to me

(I suspect it's a consolation since you may not be able to call the contact like one could if they ran the non-flashback version of the arc)



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Why do you have access to teleporting to Oro if you aren't using travel powers?
Probably because they're pretending you are going back in time to do the contact. As such, the O-zone is the origin of your time escapades, and is 'outside' the timestream you are manipulating. It's not 'traveling' in the world, as it's not even 'in the world.'

(This ignoring how silly it is that your character goes back in time to do the same missions your new alt is presently engaged in.)