new content??

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A few friends of mine who are CoH vets have recently decided to put their accounts on 'hold' to play another MMO game. Their reason? There's no more content in CoH. With the exception of the up-and-coming Going Rogue, I'm seriously hoping they add more content to the game. I have 640+ badges so far (including all the Mo badges), and I hate to say this, but I have to agree with what they're saying. Each time I log in, I ask myself, "What do I want to do?" Yes, I could do radio mishs an infinite amount of times. I've done all the tf's, my toon is purpled-out, and the only way I can get more badges is by staying logged-off. I've done hami-raids, and ship raids (I even clicked the bombs 25 times before that badge was nerfed).
I really love this game, however I just wish there were more things to do than what's currently available. Surely AE can't be the only thing left as the final frontier. Ever since they deleted the 89 badges I had and took a wrecking ball to it, I've avoided AE since.



This is not Player Rhetorical Questions. Are you asking for advice on what you can do?

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



No. I'm asking if perhaps the devs can create more in-game content rather than having players just repeat the same things everyday for 5yrs.



Well, as Lemur was implying - there's not anything that a Player can really answer for you.

Of course, the Devs "can" make new content - and they have been making new content throughout the past 5 years, contrary to what you seem to be stating. Over the past 5 years, they have added the entire City of Villains content, several new TFs, Croatoa, Cimerora, revamped Faultline & Hollows, etc.

I'm sorry your friends got bored. I hope they come back.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Wrong section for that. You want Suggestions and Ideas. However I warn you ahead of time that "make more stuff" is not a helpful suggestion. Be specific about what you like and what you want to see more of.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Thank you for your help. As I said, we LOVE this game so much, we have 4 accounts. I've had a TON of fun, and I sincerely hope they come back (probably when GR comes out). I'll have to perhaps think of something more specifically and send my input to the devs. Tyvm everyone



Originally Posted by Snugs View Post
No. I'm asking if perhaps the devs can create more in-game content rather than having players just repeat the same things everyday for 5yrs.
Considering they just added a new version of the heroside Cape mission, I'd say the answer to the only question you've actually asked is, "yes, they can"

Of course, most of the current dev time is being locked up by Going Rogue, and actual content is usually released with Issues rather than mid-Issue patches, anyway.



The AE got off to a rocky start in some ways, but maybe you should poke your head back in. I haven't gotten around to running the Guest Author missions yet, but I'm really looking forward to them. I also have a bookmarked list of the winners of that last AE contest that I'll run as soon as I get around to it.

Right now I'm focusing on the Kheldian story arcs, which I've never run before.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Or... run the Oro arcs you missed. There's always "something" to run. A TF you have never been on?

I'm in the same way of thinking OP, but I always just end up on a team from my "channels" or a pug.

"every defender needs to fight. I don't care if you have to use BRAWL!"



From what I'm understanding from the "complain", you've been playing the same character the entire time. You might try a few alts. Completely different ATs. Switch sides. That will make for a completely different play experience. Yes, you'll be doing the same missions. However, you'll have to use a different strategy. especially if you're soloing.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Snugs View Post
Surely AE can't be the only thing left as the final frontier. Ever since they deleted the 89 badges I had and took a wrecking ball to it, I've avoided AE since.
The removal of badges does not impact the overwhelming presence of creative content in Architect Entertainment. Get over your kneejerk reaction to it and give it a try. There are hundreds of good stories out there, and best of all, it was done by people who coulda been your teammates.

I'll leave the argument of "the Devs have been adding content for the last 16 issues" to people who are more interested.



It's not possible for the devs to make enough content to keep up with the most dedicated players. If you are feeling burnt out, don't blame the devs. It's inevitable that you will get tired of things eventually. There's nothing wrong with it and its no one's fault. Just take a break and come back when you are ready.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
Yes? You called?

Seriously, heck I never run out of things to do. Everything from trying new archtype ideas to trying to beat my records on TFs and SFs.

Go to the Shadow Shard no one goes there and kick ***.

Hell as many said AE has some great story arcs and special professional writers adding new story content as well. The Rooster Teeth one with Captain Dynamic and the Great Face is great and you will be laughing your *** off. Meredes Lackey is suppose to have an AE mission soon and I hear Jim Butcher might be working on one as well.

Of course Moonbase 101 is the greatest one out there AE or regular missions.

Yes, Going Rogue slowed down some things. I am hoping one day I will have my most needed SFs in the proper level ranges that are missing on red side, but Going Rogue is suppose to change a lot of the game and add in new content.

We also have a few more Issues coming out soon so who knows what will be there?

I always find something to do and discover things I have never done. I have lots of fun still 3 years later



Check out the Nominees and Award Winners for the recent Architect Awards.

I especially recommend "Redoubt Operations #1 and #2." Also, "Astoria in D Minor".

Also, the Saul Rubenstein Discount Task Force. Funny stuff! is a great source of information for this game.

New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.



Originally Posted by Snugs View Post
A few friends of mine who are CoH vets have recently decided to put their accounts on 'hold' to play another MMO game. Their reason? There's no more content in CoH. With the exception of the up-and-coming Going Rogue, I'm seriously hoping they add more content to the game. I have 640+ badges so far (including all the Mo badges), and I hate to say this, but I have to agree with what they're saying. Each time I log in, I ask myself, "What do I want to do?" Yes, I could do radio mishs an infinite amount of times. I've done all the tf's, my toon is purpled-out, and the only way I can get more badges is by staying logged-off. I've done hami-raids, and ship raids (I even clicked the bombs 25 times before that badge was nerfed).
I really love this game, however I just wish there were more things to do than what's currently available. Surely AE can't be the only thing left as the final frontier. Ever since they deleted the 89 badges I had and took a wrecking ball to it, I've avoided AE since.
Tell those CoH vets it's time to go redside. Recently went through everything redside, now i'm trying out blueside.



Originally Posted by Snugs View Post
No. I'm asking if perhaps the devs can create more in-game content rather than having players just repeat the same things everyday for 5yrs.
If you're looking for "New mission arcs every single week from the devs," the answer is no, there's no way in hell they can do that. I'd hate to think of the utter mess COH/COVs storylines and such would be.

However, given they HAVE been adding content for the last five (nearly six) years, both new and revamping old, I'd say your question didn't even need to be asked.

Play the other side, as it sounds like you haven't, having only concentrated on one character (purpled out, bunch of badges, etc.) Play through with a different AT - I can guarantee you it'll be a different experience. Enemy groups you hated with one character, you'll triple-check your difficulty because they're so easy. And enemies that were a cakewalk will give you much more trouble.



I just found a really cool addition to CoH that I have never done in my 30 months of playing.

Its almost like a whole 'nother game... CoV :0

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.



One Brazilian Inf. says the OP's friends still really haven't done all the content, even on blue-side alone. There is a marked difference between disinterest and legitimately "completing" all the content. Further, level 50 can mean "done," but it doesn't have to. Often, for me, it feels like, "Okay...ready to start now."

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Okay, now forgive me if I seem out of line (ooh, there's a song in there someplace..), but you've been on since August '09 and have aggressively badged? Likely on a single toon?

Correct me if I'm mistaken please. I can only really go by your Join Date, so if you're an X-month vet and/or playing on another account who's JUST discovered the forums, forgive me.

"New Content" IS being produced. However, players will ALWAYS tear through new content faster than the devs can put it out. Plus they have to spend time on bug fixes, costumes, powers and all the other subsystems that constitute the whole game. Not saying that to excuse the devs from creating it, just stating a bald fact.

If, in fact, you HAVE been somewhat monomaniacally running a single toon, try creating an alt or two (or ten) and run some of the content again utilizing different powersets.

The game isn't about "I've beat everything in the game on my [INSERT PRIMARY]/[INSERT SECONDARY] and now it's over." It's about, trying it with lots and lots of different power combinations. You became a world beater as an Inv/SS tank? Try it again using a Rad/Elec blaster. Or a Kin/Fire Corrupter. Try an Epic AT. Going through the game once, on a single character, and knocking out "EVERYTHING" is admirable. But, you did NOT hit "everything".

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



I see you said toon implying that you only play one character. If this is true roll some alts, this isn't world of warcraft and its not about "end game" which is what your post translated as for me. If I'm wrong there I apologize. We'll get "end game" when going rogue comes out however.

I guess its really how you enjoy your game but coh to me always seemed like a game of rolling tons of alts, leveling them to 50, getting them whatever badges you wanted them to have while having a main badge character on heroes and villains and then picking out your favorite character of each archetype.

So far my favorites have been:
MA/SR scrapper
En/Em Blaster
Traps/Ar defender
plant/storm controller
shield/elec tanker
PB (although I dont care much for khelds in there current state)
paindom/soldiers mastermind
ninja/ninja stalker
Banespider Melee

Havent played enough brutes, corruptors or dominators to comment on them. Of my list though, I find myself going back to my energy blaster, ma/sr scrapper and banespider the most.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Some people like playing only one character. Some people only like badging, or farming, or running TFs or base creation or building AE arcs or... whatever.

I'm not going to say this game is _about_ alts... but for me, that's one of the major things. Also, to be honest, the friends; if you aren't meeting new people to hang out with, and your old ones are leaving, it might suck. This game isn't really strong, solo.

You may not want anything but badges, and you may have no interest in running a badge character villainside (come on, you can walk around wearing Global Threat proudly), in which case... there's no reason to play a game you don't enjoy.

I hope you find something cool to do,and I hope you continue to hang out here. But mostly, have fun.

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Some players claim there's no new content.

Devs make new content.

Some players nit pic it.

Some players play it within an hour or two.

Two weeks later (or sooner), some players claim there's no new content.

This is the grand, eternal circle of life.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Some players claim there's no new content.

Devs make new content.

Some players nit pic it.

Some players play it within an hour or two.

Two weeks later (or sooner), some players claim there's no new content.

This is the grand, eternal circle of life.
Cue syrupy Elton John song about cute lil lion cub....

(ya, I *could* search for it on YouTube, but y'all know the one I mean & I'm feeling a bit lazy tonight).

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."