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  1. This is our final big mission guys. Stay on target.
  2. Snugs

    In-game store

    This is actually 2 suggestions. 1- Because I have a lot of alts, it would be nice if there were some notice saying that whatever item has already been purchased for this character/acct. I almost bought a second rocket board tonight on a character that already had it.
    2- How about a 'buy back' feature from the NPC stores? If you accidently sell something you didn't mean to, you have the option of buying it back instantly for however much you accidently sold it for (instead of submitting a ticket)?
  3. Snugs

    Reward Tokens

    Is there a way to un-slot them and put them elsewhere? To be more specific, a friend of mine bought some points tonight. He bought the points in order to get the tier 9 VIP goodies. He thought he had to fill-out ALL of the tier 9 tray in order to get the tier 9 VIP (which he now knows is not the case). Is there anyway to un-slot them and place them wherever he wants?
  4. Snugs

    Facts on MARTy

    Originally Posted by The_Spad_EU View Post
    If I build a fence to stop you getting into my garden and then tell you that there's a secret door in it and what it looks like, it makes it rather easy for you to find said door and defeat the entire point of the fence.
    What if I'm PAYING to use your garden? Should there even BE a fence?
  5. Snugs

    New EULA?

    That thing you're worried about NCSoft finding on your computer? Don't worry dude. The FBI probably already knows about it, and NCSoft doesn't care. They're not the ones you need to be afraid of. Did I just hear a knock at your door?
  6. First and foremost, Larker? That was a myth. Lemmings DO NOT commit suicide. That was Disney (when they used to do the Animal Discover shows) trying to PROVE it was true, they'd herd them and scare them off the cliff.
    Secondly, I agree with the OP. On my parent server, evenings were the worst. 32 people on the entire server, and out of those, only 18 were lvls 45-50 (of those that were lvl 50, there weren't enough to form a trial). If I needed to get ixp, I couldn't form a trial for the life of me.
    I ended up getting frusterated at the fact that my 4 accounts logged in (I dual box a lot) ended up being 10% of the server population. I got fed-up and moved to a higher populated server.
    Once I moved, it blew my mind that people were actually hanging out under the Atlas statue, sewer teams were forming, costume contests happened, ship raids, hami raids, etc. That alone tells you how dead my parent server is/was.
    While I do support merging servers, I understand it'll probably never happen. I think that if each of us gives CoX some free advertising and spread the word about how much we love this game and have friends log in (especially now that it's soon-to-be-free), perhaps we can do something about how dead many of the servers are. In the end, I guess it's up to us.
  7. Thanks everyone It's working just fine now
  8. I use 1 computer to dual-box when I play. Lately, I've noticed when I shrink the active CoH window in order to pull up my 2nd account, the launcher pops up and it expands the still-active account. It seems like I can't log in to my 2nd account if my 1st account is currently active on this computer. In the past, whenever I've shrunk the active screen, clicked on the game launcher, it logs the game on where I enter my log-in and password. This is not how it's been lately however. Any ideas as to why it's doing this?
  9. In my opinion, I'd have to say 'it depends'. For example, if a team of mostly-ranged are with a tank, and an enemy ambush comes at them, KB is extremely useful. The tank hand-claps and the ranged go crazy attacking them at bay. If say, the team is mellee and need to be up-close, then perhaps foot stomp (KD) is better.
  10. Whenever you're having a bad day, imagine you are a conjoined twin. Your brother is gay, you are not. He has a big date tonight, and you share 1 a$$.
    (Hoping to at least bring a smile to your day Chad) Hang in there.
  11. Someone told me today they heard this announced somewhere, but I haven't been able to find the link for it. From what I've heard, in a few months, only the SG leader (of course) will be able to move their sg base to another server. Has anyone else heard of this??
  12. First team on Virtue to earn the Mo Keyes badge! (just asked the league leader, he says he believes so)
    Congratulations! You earned the Master of Keyes Island Reactor badge.

    We ran 2 successful badge runs back-to-back. 1st, Avoids the Green Stuff, and then 'Noone Dies' badge. No pets.

    It CAN be done!!!

    Grats to everyone on Draggynn's team for the 1st team to get it on Virtue (I may be mistaken, if so, please disregard lol).
  13. Very excellent point Elegost. While my experiences don't hold true for others, these are just some of the things that I have noticed:

    -I've stood around in PD for long periods of time waiting for the hopes of catching a BAF or Lambda starting. More times than not, PD is mostly empty due to either a BAF just left, or not enough interest in any trial.

    -Rarely can the server support more than 1 trial at a time, and only then at the peak hours there MIGHT be 2 or 3 trials at most running, and many times not at the same time. It seems like it's either a BAF, or a Lambda.

    -I've been on under-manned BAF's that have taken up at least 60% of the entire search-list of players logged on (obviously I can't see who is in hiding). I've done searches to try and form a trial, and end up with only 38 players on the entire search list to choose from, and out of those playing, only lvl 50's can join.

    -I understand that there are peak times on the server, yet over on Virtue and Freedom, on a monday or wednesday night at midnight there are still 3 rwz because of the population/trials forming.

    -Of course, I've only observed these things on my lvl 50 while trying to form or join trials because I need the merits. I'm not even considering what a lvl 45, lvl 25, or new lvl 5 player might be going through, with them trying to join/form teams or tf's.

    With my observations being said, I think you've hit a very valid point Elegost.
  14. Snugs

    Keyes strategy

    I don't know if this will work or not as I haven't yet tried it so I can't promise success. However, the idea sounds plausible. I know AM freezes time whenever he gets to 75%, 50%, and 25% health. The real frusterating part I've seen, is when he freezes time, and that green beam comes and happens to target someone while time is stopped. So, get him down to say (for example) 77% health. Have everyone wait until the green beam fires off (everyone gets out of the target area), then as soon as it has fired, everyone starts damaging AM to get him to the 75% health. He'll then freeze time, but because the green beam has just happened, it won't yet fire. The same plan is done when he's down to 50%, then 25%, which means the teams will have to listen, back off when told to, be patient to wait, and do their best to get thru it as it will be grueling. Of course there are other things to watch out for, such as the disintigration beam and whatnot. Lots to pay attention to.
    Does this sound plausible, or am I forgetting something??
  15. Why aren't there nice badges for defeating 1,000 warworks, breaking 100 caches, defeating Siege 50 times, collecting 500 threads, standing in front of Marauder during his cut scene, collecting 20 acids and grenades in a single Lambda, etc? I like those kind of badges [/QUOTE]

    Those actually sound like hilarious (not to mention FUN) badges to earn. Instead of getting frusterated at how seriously insane some of the Mo badges are (like having a lot of people held, not able to do anything, then getting hit with the beam that's unavoidable while you're held there), having badges as the ones you've mentioned bring fun back into the game. It's even trickier on some of the lower-populated servers due to less numbers (even then the trick is getting the few people interested in getting the badge), and probably on higher-populated servers where perhaps not everyone on the league is +3 uber-awesome.

    I really hope they change the req's for these badges. They've done it before, I just hope they do it again.
  16. Snugs

    Did it just die?

    *slowly raises hand, I think I might've accidently used Judgement for a small mob. The extra damage probably directed itself towards the server. Sorry all, my bad.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vermain View Post
    The ability to add certain mission objectives has only been a problem in two cases: adding a truckload of Kinetics allies that do nothing but buff you to high heaven to make you invincible as you powerfarm things, and adding in defend/destroy objects that let you summon enormous groups of things to mow through. All of the other major exploits have been the fault of certain NPCs giving higher-than-intended rewards for the risk involved (Comm Officers, Lord Recluse, Freakshow, this most recent one), something which is easy to glance over in playtesting when you've got a list of several hundred mobs you can spawn.
    Oh I'm sorry, maybe I misunderstood them when they say they're removing goodies for even rescuing someone in a mish. Won't this interfere with someone's mission story? Like I said, I wished they could've made this set from day 1 instead of nerfing and nerfing AE. *cricket *cricket.

    "the AE change made it so any critter considered an ally (ie blue box) will decrease rewards

    this includes:
    • allies
    • escorts
    • captives
    • ally bosses
    • allies in a battle
    • basically anything that has a blue box that does not attack you"
    Oh look! A fruitbasket!
  18. I just think this whole thing with AE would've been MUCH better-off if there were clear objectives you could/couldn't do from the very start (not talking about rules, I mean mission objectives, or things your mission couldn't do if they were concerned about farming). That way, there wouldn't be all these nerfs, changes, bans, etc. from the very start. It's like they rushed AE out on a blank piece of paper. People created their own missions on that blank piece of paper, got punished for it, and then guidelines were set up after the fact. It keeps happening. It's causing players to have the discussion about 'exploit' vs. 'you should've known better' when in reality, AE was practicly a 'free-for-all' when it came out. If there had been as many restrictions on missions from the beginning (as there are now), AE wouldn't have been abused, anti-farmers would be happy, AE would be just as they intended it, and there would be no arguments over who defines what 'exploit' is.

    Oh look! A fruit basket!
  19. In my opinion, if you download a virus into the game that allows you to get a certain amount of xp/tickets/infl., etc., THAT is an exploit. You're breaking the rules, and your account should be banned. However, if you create a MA mission based upon whatever tools are there (that you did NOT create), HOW is that an exploit? It's like going to a buffet, and you're told you're not allowed to eat certain foods they put out because they tasted too good and people kept eating them. I just wish we could play without having these threats made-- because everything in the game is what was put there by them and not the players.

    I understand the prices in WW's are insane nowadays, and many people who want to get the best recipes are either having to farm, or contact I don't blame them. How else are they supposed to get $300+ million for 1 recipe?

    It just seems to me that AE is getting nerfed and nerfed and nerfed, to the point they might have to call a pesticide company to get the crickets out of it soon

    Oh look! A fruit basket!!
  20. Snugs

    Base Storage

    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    Then you weren't paying attention. It was discussed *A LOT* with a great deal of explanation why it was never going to happen.
    Yeah, having our characters being able to get where they're going twice as slow now is MUCH more convienant than being able to have our bases store more salvage than a lvl 50 toon. Furthermore, I'm wondering why it's taking so long for a red name to post, even to give us a "We're working on it." reply.

    I'm not asking to have the new awesome power of 'skip' or 'glide' when flying. Just to increase the salvage racks, so they can hold more salvage than a lvl 30 toon, and perhaps more base editing tools.
  21. Snugs

    Base Storage

    Of all the times I've come to this forum, I've NEVER seen a single person post an inquiry as to when/if our characters can have the awesome new power of walk. Then, when the new walking power made it's debut, there was such a fanfare about it like it made a huge difference to the gameplay. How many issues have gone by now, and we can't get dual-origin endurance modification enhancements from AE, and then there's the issue of new base editing tools, as well as base salvage racks.
    I have seen more posts of people asking about base-items or new base editing tools than I have about 'walk', and yet, we can now walk anywhere we want in the game. Woo hoo.
  22. Is there any word on getting new base-editing tools? The only thing I happened to see that 'maybe' answered this question was "And more."
  23. Can anyone tell me if i17 will be bringing more base features, or tools regarding base editing??
  24. Snugs

    400 pvp rep

    Just got it today. Took me 2 days of mind-numbing frusteration to get it. I just hope they don't nerf it so you only need 200 rep now, or I might need serious counseling.
  25. Snugs

    new content??

    Thank you for your help. As I said, we LOVE this game so much, we have 4 accounts. I've had a TON of fun, and I sincerely hope they come back (probably when GR comes out). I'll have to perhaps think of something more specifically and send my input to the devs. Tyvm everyone