Is this a bug?




I play a Huntsman build and I just got build up. I have no other Bane Soldier powers. I have cloaking device and bayonet, and I try to hit BU while cloak to get extra damage. However, when I hit build up the mace comes out and then I hit bayonet and the rifle comes out.

Is it a bug that a mace is coming out?



Been that way since day one of soldiers/widows I think. But that doesn't mean its not a bug. But since build up does come from the banespider pool and not the soldier it could be intended.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Working as intended. When you use build up on any of the weapons set you draw the weapon if it is not out already. Build up comes from the Bane pool and since Huntsman isn't a designed path there is no reason it wouldn't draw it.

Level 50s: to many to remember at this point