Neo Shadowdream

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  1. Ok 1.) You are posting into the future man! Its 2009 not 2000!

    2.) Your video card is: Nvidea GeForce FX 5200

    Yeah Ouch, that's about 4 generations old, may work for low settings but not for anything more.

    3.) 1gb of RAM -64 mb for Video RAM.
  2. Click Start, then Run type "dxdiag" (without the quotes) let it do its scans. At the bottom of the window hit "Save all information" save to the desktop, open text file, Copy/Paste the contents here.
  3. No.

    Just download the Mac Version from the NC Account page. The clients are interchangeable, you can use either, or both. You don't need to remove anything, just download the client, and login with your account info.
  4. What FatherXmas said. Though you can join a team that is running MA missions.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but arn't imac's made from Foxconn parts...?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I know the Macbooks, G4/G3's all use Foxconn, I know I've seen some Foxconn parts on the iMacs, and a Macmini is ALL Foxconn minus the RAM, and the CPU/Chipset.
  6. Intel® Core™ 2 Duo T9500 (2.6GHz/800Mhz FSB/6MB cache)
    NVIDIA® SLI™ Dual GeForce® 9800M GT 1GB GDDR3

    Yes. If he doesn't want it I'll take it!

    (The laptop I used to play on is about 1/4 that... I quit playing CoH on it a while back.)
  7. Yes, because Macs have no crappy parts issues (I repaired Mac Laptops/Desktop systems.) Seriously, Dells aren't the top of the PC chain, but they aren't the bottom either. I have a friend that games on an older Dell system, and its had no Major issues. (HDD Crashed once but turned out it was his fault). Don't believe all the hyperbole you hear Roxona.
  8. [ QUOTE ]

    Also, there's a wiki timeline listing for someone named Maelstrom being born, but not sure who that is.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't use the Wikia Wiki

    On topic. I cant wait.
  9. If setting the Affinity to one CPU Core works, then you might try appending -renderthread 0 to the CoH Shortcut. 0 *should* Switch the game to using only one core by default.
  10. You might want to try PlayNC's actual help system. Go submit a ticket, they don't really provide support here.
  11. Step 1.) Become a programmer.
    Step 2.) Join a development team of 30+
    Step 3.) Release your program to thousands.
    Step 4.) Add new systems to your existing framework.
    Step 5.) Count the number of bugs that have NOTHING to do with the systems you just added.
    Step 6.) Try to figure out how adding commas to a text display causes an issue with the Mob AI.
    Step 7.) Quit your programming job and check yourself into a Mental Health hospital.
  12. Nah, I'm sure I can afford it. Though please, I would at least like to compensate the people of your home server for having to deal with this for so long.
  13. So when exactly does your account expire? I'd like to throw a party on... every server to celebrate your departure.
  14. Well, I hate to point out the obvious, but sadly, they are right. Were your issue a server side problem it would be more wide spread. Out of the 120k + users, only a *SMALL* handful are having an issue. Lets say 1000 out of 120k that's less then 10%, but I haven't seen 1000 people complain about crashing, lagging, etc etc. So yes, I would have to say, its an issue on your end, and if you don't want to try to resolve it with trouble shooting, then by all means: I can has ur stuffz?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I noticed earlier that my hard drive was formatted in FAT32 despite running XP. I'm not sure how it even ran at all.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Windows XP Will run on FAT32, and NTFS just fine.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Here is what happens when you continuously make changes to the game that render it unplayable and fail to offer any support beyond blaming the problem on the end user who made no changes to their systems. hopefully a redname will see this and somehow pull their heads out of their rectums. YOUR LOYAL CUSTOMERS ARE PULLING THE PLUG ON YOU OUT OF FRUSTRATION.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, how dare they improve the game. Please don't go to any other games that add features, you will be disappointed when they upgrade to a point past your hardware capabilities.
  17. Its alot better now then it was when I14 hit trust me.

    You can subscribe to that, it will update every 10 minutes.

    The difference is:
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
    &lt;?xml version="1.0" ?&gt;
    &lt;rss version="2.0"&gt;
    &lt;title&gt;CoH Server status&lt;/title&gt;

    &lt;description&gt;RSS Feed of the City of Heroes server status page.&lt;/description&gt;


    &lt;title&gt;Freedom - Up&lt;/title&gt;
    &lt;description&gt;Freedom server is Up&lt;/description&gt;

    &lt;title&gt;Justice - Up&lt;/title&gt;
    &lt;description&gt;Justice server is Up&lt;/description&gt;


    &lt;title&gt;Training Room - Unknown&lt;/title&gt;
    &lt;description&gt;Training Room server is Unknown&lt;/description&gt;

    </pre><hr />

    Each server gets an &lt;item&gt; Entry with details.
    where as the XML Output from the main site is raw XML not RSS Formatted.
    <font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>
    &lt;servers timestamp="2009-05-11 17:55:01" timezone="UTC"&gt;
    &lt;server name="Freedom" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Justice" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Pinnacle" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Virtue" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Liberty" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Guardian" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Infinity" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Protector" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Victory" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Champion" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Triumph" status="Up"/&gt;
    &lt;server name="Training Room" status="Unknown"/&gt;
    </pre><hr />
  19. Well my bad then..

    I thought it might have been 2 questions in one. lol

    It is possible the ISP is blocking the URL, though that is just an off the wall guess. I'm not really sure what the problem could be.
  20. 40 Minimum for FBZ Hero side.
    1 Red side.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    The glowies don't so much spawn inside the wall as they do the raised flooring. It's really "just" a matter of raising a few of them up about a foot and removing one (that spawns the glowie inside/around one of the examination tables).

    Not to mention that it only drastically affects smaller glowies...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I had a safe spawn inside the wall in the last room, the curved wall to the right of the room. Not once, but 6 out of 7 times.
  22. Neo Shadowdream

    MA Server down?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Every time today that I try and head on into an MA mission, I get the Mapserver Disconnected message.

    Anyone else experiencing this?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, I'm running MA missions as we speak.
  23. Neo Shadowdream

    Team Teleport

    Like NRGON said, Team Teleport (the pool power), functions by moving you, and all the teammates around you to your selected destination. It does not TP your team to you from across the map.