MA Server down?
Yep, every single time, on two accounts, multiple characters, three computers.
It happened in a regular mission in PI last night, too, as I was heading in the door, but after a reboot I was able to enter. No such luck this time.
Maybe I'll just catch up on my reading instead.
Every time today that I try and head on into an MA mission, I get the Mapserver Disconnected message.
Anyone else experiencing this?
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Nope, I'm running MA missions as we speak.
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It's not just the MA server, as I'm getting the same results on regular missions.
The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.
Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?
A: You crash into another one.
Is it maybe a Protector issue?
I can't get in to any missions. Sent in a petition and a GM contacted me, and after I told him I wasn't the only one experiencing it, he said he'd escalate it. *fingers crossed*
Edit: This is on Protector.
Protector, right - I didn't think to try another server, but I swear I saw people coming in and out normally.
On edit, the MA is in fact working for me on Virtue. A backup server is a good thing to have!
ITF, Mish #3 mapserved on entry
GM fixed it,,,,,Mish #4 same thing....GM has yet to respond
Still no update from the GMs for me. I sent a PM to Niviene, hoping they haven't left for the day there, but I suspect they might have.
Just chiming in with a hearty "me, too!" Happens on both AE maps and regular mission maps for my toons on Protector. I have about a 25% chance of map loading, 75% chance of "No mapserver connection, try again." But I can't try again, or do anything really except quit to desktop. (Quit to Login screen causes hang/crash.)
Ya, the Quit to Login, for me anyways, goes to a black screen for a bit then to a blue sky/cloudy-type background. No option to enter login/password or even any graphics beyond the blue sky.
Same here. . .Have experienced about 4 or 5 mapserver dc on Protector tonight Friday, 5/08/2009. I know they took steps to stop farming, but this is a bit crazy.
Well, if you can't get into the mission, then you can't farm.
About as effective as a brick to the temple to stop a headache.
Gah, now regular missions are [censored]'d as well.
What do you want to bet this goes unlooked at until Monday?
Gah, now regular missions are [censored]'d as well.
What do you want to bet this goes unlooked at until Monday?
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I hope not as I am seeing the same thing on protector - the problem occurs when entering missions and sometimes when logging into my SG base.
I guess I will have to go play my villains on justice until they figure out what is goign on.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Yes, I was checking here to see if it was on my end.
I see now it is not.
Be glad when Champions comes on line.....then...BUH BYE!
I am also experiencing this issue on Protector.
It was happening last night and it's continuing to occur this morning.
Luckily I have plenty of guys on other servers to play.
Next day, no GMs have updated my ticket and my PM to Niviene hasn't been read yet, so... I don't have characters on any other server...
that's odd. i filed a ticket for it this morning and got a default copy/paste response 4 minutes later about the protector mapserv.
Thank you for contacting the City of Heroes/City of Villains Support Team. This is a known issue we are currently working on; we hope to have it resolved soon. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience.
[/ QUOTE ]
that's odd. i filed a ticket for it this morning and got a default copy/paste response 4 minutes later about the protector mapserv.
Thank you for contacting the City of Heroes/City of Villains Support Team. This is a known issue we are currently working on; we hope to have it resolved soon. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience.
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Well, I know it's a stock response, but it gives me a smidgen of hope that they're actually working on it.
Seems to be working for me today...
Still borked for me, on both Hero's and Villains side
Every time today that I try and head on into an MA mission, I get the Mapserver Disconnected message.
Anyone else experiencing this?