Numbers in chat box
It's a new chat bug that came with I14. For some reason, the game is cacheing keystrokes, from using WASD to move or 12345 to attack or bid. When you go into a text entry area, like the chat box or even the Name or Password field on the Log In Screen, it vomits the cached keystrokes as soon as you press a key.
It's very annoying, and I hope that A) It's a Known Issue, and 2) A fix is coming (quicker than) Soon™!

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

cant use the help chat anymore all i get is some obscure number thingy saying something wierd.
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Help channel changed it's slash command. /help now pulls up a menu of the ingame Help.
Then Help Channel is now /hc ... which I still haven't gotten used to. >_<
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i click on the help chat tab thingy, i type in the chat box. numbers
Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.
Yes. Because it's broken. Use /hc message instead of just clicking on the tab.
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Is this happening to anyone else?
When people reply to me and it happens about 2/10 times, there will be random#s then the actual message from the player. I have seen this all day even after logging.
[/ QUOTE ]
I had to sift through several pages of this forum to find any mention of this bug. I think everyone is getting this, and we seem to know what it is: chat system caching in game key strokes.
I, too, would like to know if it's in the pipe for a fix.
"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler
I get it alot lately. I have to wonder when they started caching keystrokes, and why. Any red name care to comment on that?
Explains why I don't get it. I move with arrow keys and click powers.
I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.
Yes comes up with Keybonds when trying to use Global channels
Any fix inbound for this?

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Thread necro time.....I just came back to CoX after 14 months and I get this all the time now. I end up having to backspace 100+ characters of 123132323132313231 just to type any message. Is there a thread with this as a known issue? It really needs to be fixed ASAP
Its alot better now then it was when I14 hit trust me.
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I have even had it happen on the login screen when I have switched characters.
I have even had it happen on the login screen when I have switched characters.
[/ QUOTE ]
Me, too. Their fix of one bug was only partial or introduced another.
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Is this happening to anyone else?
When people reply to me and it happens about 2/10 times, there will be random#s then the actual message from the player. I have seen this all day even after logging.