Mr. NoPants

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
    Will Desperate Guy EVER win the affection of Turndown Girl?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    So it went from standing in the hole under an outhouse while getting crapped on to standing in the hole under an outhouse, and getting crapped on while your naughty bits are repeatedly smashed between two bricks.

    I'm so glad I stopped spending money in that game.
    It's not that bad at all...the only real difference is now you are required to keep your mouth open.
  3. I wish I had rolled a clone of Fetal Alchohero.
  4. I wonder how much CoH will go for if they have to liquidate.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
    The salt was bio armor, this is the lemon juice ><
    You guys suck at making margarita.
  6. Oh man it's so amazing how the display switches with the viewing angel so it's always at the right perspective for the elevator shaft.
  7. Now that the smoke's gone
    And the air is all clear
    Those who were right there
    Got a new kind of fear
    You'd fight and you were right
    But they were just to strong
    They'd stick it in your face
    And let you smell what they consider wrong
    That's why I say hey man nice, nice shot
    What a good shot man
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    Because discussing politics is against the rules? So is talking about other games. Go post some cakes in all those threads.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    I don't remember any announcements about trolling and behaving in an intentionally disruptive fashion over and over like a nagging fly being equivalent to respecting the decisions of moderators.
    But violating the forum rules (number 7) is somehow respectful of the moderators?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    It wasn't even a debate? I obviously misunderstood Bill's views and asked him to clarify. And how long have you been on these forums...? Do you really think that even before the announcement, all conversations remained relevant to the OP? Because to me it sounds like you're new here.
    Private messaging has been activated on all forum accounts.
  11. Who's moderating The Moderators?
  12. Ugh why would you share Jim videos. That's like getting herpes and then rubbing your blisters on people you pass on the street.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post

    There's still hope for private servers though, right?
    It's kinda laggy...
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mazey View Post
    Because all people who might want to harm children appear inherently creepy?
    I'm sorry you are expressing a logical fallacy.
    Just because you wouldn't leave your kids with someone who seemed skeevy when you first meet them doesn't not mean the inverse is true and you would leave them with a random stranger who didn't until you knew them better.
  15. This rates about 2.3 Westley Crushers.

    Maybe it was worse for me because I was using headphones and had to turn the volume down so low I was guessing at what she was saying becasue her voice was causing a sharp pain behind my eyes.
  16. If you can't tell a deposit from a charge that's a bit more then "limited".
  17. If CoH dies I am more then happy to spend a bit of my free time letting people know what to expect with each new NCsoft release and if NCSoft rebrands itself following that entity as well.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    I'm not sure you are doing that right.
  19. Training Origin Enhancements.
  20. The way briefs looks a little bit like diapers.
  21. Mr. NoPants

    Good news all..

    Originally Posted by Stormee View Post
    Wow can we all remember please that we are supposedly all wanting the same thing?
    That has never happened here. We have never all wanted the same thing. Sometimes we want similar things and call them the same thing but then we argue about why the other person is wrong because the way they want it isn't "the right way".

    Some people say being able to play the game in any form is Saving CoX.

    Some people consider being able to play with their friends Saving CoX.

    Some people consider same game same exact development team same community shaving *****.

    Some people feel staving rocks is being able to play any superhero game with the same aprox development team in a similar environment.

    And some people think there is no pox left to pave and all thats left is to bring everyone listed above to their point of mind by cereal urination.
  22. Mr. NoPants


    I took the cookie from the cookie jar.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Riley_Delacroix View Post
    That depends. What's the going rate on business cards made of C4?
    Well a pound right now costs about $20. I'm not sure how you would make a believable business card out of it though.