How Can You Profit from the closing of COH?




Echoing what the president has said in the past about not letting a crisis go to waste, how can one make real money from the death of this game?

We have already seen on the forums people selling t-shirts with DC superheroes on them but with the words "Save City of Heroes" written on them, we have had people selling their commissioned artwork with your characters here, and numerous people are directing players to their websites where there are banner ads for other products there (thus the more traffic that site gets the more revenue they get). Lastly, there are people still selling the game on different auction sites.

One possibility is to sell your account password to people to give them an opportunity to play high end stuff before the plug is pulled.

Is this still against the user argreement? Is that still being enforced? How is that different than what other people are doing to make real money from this game?



I believe that if you sign into the game right now, you will have to agree to the EULA.

Therefore it's still in place and enforceable and were any NCSoft employees to learn of any activities contravening the EULA they are required to take action

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I think this should just get automatically tagged to any of A_K's posts:

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
Echoing what the president has said in the past about not letting a crisis go to waste, how can one make real money from the death of this game?

We have already seen on the forums people selling t-shirts with DC superheroes on them but with the words "Save City of Heroes" written on them, we have had people selling their commissioned artwork with your characters here, and numerous people are directing players to their websites where there are banner ads for other products there (thus the more traffic that site gets the more revenue they get). Lastly, there are people still selling the game on different auction sites.

One possibility is to sell your account password to people to give them an opportunity to play high end stuff before the plug is pulled.

Is this still against the user argreement? Is that still being enforced? How is that different than what other people are doing to make real money from this game?
Is this sarcasm?



Oh... thought this thread was about me. Nevermind, carry on.



You're always profiting, Profit.



I'd say short NCsoft but you may be too late. 52 week high 380,000 won/share currently 250,000 won/share.



Sell all your purples!



Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
Echoing what the president has said in the past about not letting a crisis go to waste, how can one make real money from the death of this game?
Get other MMO players to pay us to steer you away from their game and/or forums?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by American_Knight View Post
Echoing what the president has said in the past about not letting a crisis go to waste, how can one make real money from the death of this game?
Bet someone a lot of money they can't tell you how many superhero-based MMOs there are, and tell them you'll settle up with them on December 1.

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Even on EBAY, this COH auctions are slowing down considerably (although it may be understandble given one "buy it now" listing was for $24.