357 -
yes, it's been done many times before... though i have yet to hear of a successful all-scrapper MoSTF being done
what about "Days of Future Past" ? ... hmmmm "X-tinction Agenda" some really good important storylines, and there are more i'm forgeting
my prefered sloting for damage auras is ...
3 Scirroco's Dervish: Acc/Dam, Dam/End, Acc/Dam/End
2 Cleaving Blow: Acc/Dam, Dam/End
1 Multi Strike: Acc/End
this gives the values of...
Accuracy: 95.11%
Damage: 99.08%
EndDiscount: 95.11%
and set bonus's of...
Recovery: 1%
Regeneration: 10%
Resistence (NegativeEnergy): 3.13% -
well as far as concept, you say /SR is a must, though i wouldn't discount ElA either, they both have quickness... could say something like their bio-chemical electrical impulses when into overdrive bring them to super-human levels, and with that ElM fits into the concept to the same degree, especially with powers like LR could be like a light-speed charge
Quote:Is anything going to be done to rectify this mistake? ...The ability to have your difficulty slider affect your Task Forces and Strike Forces has been temporarily disabled. This was done to prevent people from running through a TF/SF with the difficulty set at -1 level in order to more easily get the Master Of... Badge. We know that many of you enjoy the challenge of running the higher-end TFs/SFs at increased levels of difficulty and we are looking at solutions that will allow you to do that once again. .
We apologize for the inconvenience.
It use to be that haveing the Master's badge was a symbol of a difficult hard earned accomplishment. But since this bug, there are thousands of toons that have it (earned the bug'd way). And really lessens the status and cheapens the accomplishment altogether.
Also on a side note, is anything going to be done to make the rewards match the difficulty of the TF/SF ect when this problem is fixed? ... As it is now, you get the same amount of reward merits reguardless of any limitations you choose. -
as far as concepts for Spines... look at certain ones like Spike or Marrow or (lol) Porcupine Pete, even ones like Spawn and the liquid metal Terminator (T1000) ... but really it's all in your immagination and figureing out what you want to excell in,
if you want massive AoE you can look into DA(massive heal, stealth, and mitigateing auras), FA(end recovery, another damage booster, flameing blockades, the pheonix force), or ElA(speed, massive end tools, energy god mode) all have damage auras, ...
inactive survival is WP specialty but it offers very little to fall back on(no self heal, and only a mediocore tier9 boost), ...
Regen excells at active survival and has the easyest start and argueably the best for PvP, ...
Inv is one of the hardest to take down (covering everything cept psi) and can hit the hp cap just as easy as regen can, ...
and SR will be able to avoid most attacks outright (but is fairly tight and late blooming and lacks a self heal)
and SD isn't an option yet -
at current, the only use for Barb Swipe is that it is insane in PvP ... remember in PvP the longer the attack animation is, the more damage it does
o'kay, first off, GET Indomitable Will ... it's your mez protection
with that said...
DM is a Single Target beast...
the best DPS attack chain you could want in it is
Smite>Siphon Life>Smite>Midnight Grasp>repeat...,
... i like to leap into the middle of the MOBs as i'm aiming down on the bigest and get surrounded for Soul Drain and then just tear everything apart...
i never really liked the shadow maul or sands of mu or flurry too much as it just seemed to lock you into animation for too long, some people luv 'em, and take time to position themselves for best effect from them... to each their own,
i've found that SD followed by DC can be fairly decent for AoE purposes with adding in an anchilery aoe power to can work nicely, but aoe is not its strong-suit, it is capable of most anything with health recovery, endurance recovery, soft control, debuffs, ect...
being a WP is a'bit odd in that with RttC, the more enemies you have on you / the safer you are ... play to this and take out the enemies in a group from toughest to weakest, all the more fuel for RttC, SD, and DC ...
most scrappers view the taunt and self rez powers as the most skipable, ... self rez's are fairly pointless as a wakie will do the same thing (some exceptions will be DA and FA tier 9's as they provide other potent effects) and taunting is mostly a waste for a scrapper as it takes time away from doing what scrappers do best which is eliminateing the threat outright,...
all in all, the best advice i can give is just HAVE FUN -
Quote:my quick recreation of it had positional def percentages at 39.5 with SO's, and 39.8 with IO's ... simpley switching one of the resists in tough for the steadfast unique, and takeing the extra slots from SJ and PB and puting them into FA to six-slot a full set of Gaussian's will put them past soft-cap, then simply five out of six slots (skiping the dam/endred for a pure recharge in FU atleast) worth of Crushing Impacts in two attacks (i'd suggest FU and Slash)will have your PB on perma
b) I can't export your build, but a quick re-creation says you have 36.6 def to all positionals. -
lol, nice to see this thread still alive and kick'in
aye, like i said, looks pretty solid, nothing outright wrong with it, and i'm not gonna make yer head spin by number-crunching unless you specifically ask for it, as it can be quite daunting and overwealming to have tons of equations thrown at someone, especially if they are new to the game or the AT , ... and as i see it, most people would just like to play the game simply for the fact of playing to HAVE FUN
looks like you posted it fine, looks like ya got everything fairly well covered, ... a few odds and ends, dont really need two slots in SJ especially with hurdle (unless your makeing room for a BotZ set), you'll probablly want 2 endred's in FA (it really eats the blue bar), ... not sure if your planning for any set's or just straight SO's or basic IO's, your going to want to check your postional defenses for the magic # 45% or higher... but all in all, it looks pretty solid
The Villain counter-part of the Scrapper is the Brute.
`nuff said ! -
DB/Regen is probablly one of the most active play-style builds there is,... not only do you have the click heals of Recon, DP and IH, plus MoG,... but you also have the combo system of DB to work with as well...
with regen you want your clicks rechargeing as fast as possible, which is why Hasten should be the first pool power choice... but with Regen you also have the smoothest start with QR and FH removeing most any downtime, stacking fitness for health and stam and you dont have to worry about much of any endurance issues
for your attacks the standard SO building is 2Acc and 3 Dam and 1 other built to flavor as needed... which will work fine for all attacks cept your build-up type which is Blinding Feign(sp?) this you want to more focus on Acc and Rech since you'll want this buff up as much as possible (preferablly stacked more then once upon itself)
for any attack set for scrappers, the most skipable power is the taunt (note: this is for Scrappers, Not Tankers, as with tankers , taunt is extremely useful)
for Regen, the most skipable power is revive, it's mostly as waste of a power choice as a simple wakie insp. will do the same thing
ED has pretty much been explained, and i'm not going to bother explaining Invention sets as there is way to much to explain in the broad sense of it, and would suggest to research it for yourself and then ask any questions about such in a more specific manner if it is of interest to you
a'bit of info about TO's, DO's, SO's, ect are that they will degrade as you level, they are only effective within a +3 to -3 level range to your current level,... IO's on the other hand are of a certain specific value reguardless of your level and will stay that same value and never degrade
theres alot more info i could throw at ya, but dont really want to overwealm ya, any questions feel free ta ask...
the best advice of all that i can give ya is, above all else, HAVE FUN
Download Mids Hero Designer -
best tip for any Regen is build for RECHARGE, that means Hasten from the speed pool is a must
well from the sounds of it, you want a PvP centric melee based toon with alot of AoE capeability ... your current DM/DA is nice and is a soft control beast and a Single Target monster, not what your looking for in your description
as such i'll delve a'bit into the PvP spectrum,
on the Protection side (scrappers secondary), even though Def tends to dominate in the PvE area, it really seems to faulter in PvP, and Res tends to not sustain too well in the long run and often has a weak point built in, in general it's a common point of view that Regen tends to be the strongest in PvP due to its constant high rate of incomeing health reguardless of what the source of damage was.
on the Offensive side (scrappers primary), quite simply put, as it's the best AoE intensive as'well as haveing ranged attacks that can take down flyers and slow movement, a standard Build-Up, and long animations on attacks (the longer the attack animation is, the more damage it does in PvP), Spines would be ideal for you
to sum up, your best option (as far as scrappers go) to fit your design criteria is ...
Spines/Regen -
The Server Status page has been showing all servers as being Down for the past couple days... Any idea as to when this will be fixed ?
with 3 VEAT's and the corr Traps FFG, you'll be at soft cap most of the time, i'd go with a resist based, best i'd say is /EleA it has the quickness, the damage aura, the self heal, the endred powers, ect... as for primary, you got alot of control in that team too so i'd go with somthing more exotic type damage, dont need much of any side effects in your attacks, i'd go with FireM, gives you a good variety in all pure damage both direct and dot, ST and AoE, and with all the lock-down you'll havein that team, you wont have ta worry 'bout runners
In what way does that have anything to do with anyones purple little WarShade ?
Quote:What ? ... I think some of that was English. Something about going to bed with people that are not farmers, and someone else or not someone else. And everyone being happy. Something about nerfing a farm bin being done ? Apathy about CO keeping their three boxes open on I 16 with fifty jets solo ? Something about issue of only harch and deprive the casuals ? It appears to be a usual occurrence. And they enjoy both worlds.I bed most of you are anti-farmers, besides Nether, and a few more, so, all fine, everyone should be happy, call this a nerf, farmers to the bin, done, and over.
I dont really care, since i play CO now, but i still keep my triple box open since I 16.(just so i solo my 50's 50, and jet.)
Basically, this issue only harch and deprive the casuals.
As usual.
Best of both worlds^^.
Yeah ... I'm sure this makes perfect sense in some way, shape, or form.