New player could use some advice




Hi all, I've been finding the scrapper forum very informative but as I've only just started and now have a lvl 17 DB/regen scrapper I still feel very lost!

Any guides/tips/builds on my chosen hero would be greatly appreciated



best tip for any Regen is build for RECHARGE, that means Hasten from the speed pool is a must



Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
best tip for any Regen is build for RECHARGE, that means Hasten from the speed pool is a must

Ok, how many enhancements etc would be a good plan? Is it still worth slotting a bit to boost the amount or just all out recharge?



Originally Posted by mustski View Post
Ok, how many enhancements etc would be a good plan? Is it still worth slotting a bit to boost the amount or just all out recharge?
Reconstruction you'll want 3 recharge and 3 healing (at SO level).

For Training Origin/Dual Origin enhancements you can go 6 recharge (or heal or whatever), but as a rule of thumb, once you hit Single Origin enhancements, you get almost no extra benefit for any enhancements beyond the third (4 recharge is maybe 2% better than 3 recharge)

Reconstruction will be your main damage mitigation power, so you want it up often (3 recharge, hasten) and healing for as much as possible (3 healing)

Instant healing is more of an emergency power and is pretty strong out of the box. More recharge on it is good (if it takes recharge; I don't remember), but extra healing on it is at your own discretion. Healing enhancements (due to a long history of changes on that power as they attempted to balance it) aren't as effective as they usually are.

Integration you'll want 3 healing for.

Fast healing may eventually warrant 3 slots, but that can wait till you're higher level



Not to be snarky, but Id read all the patch notes. From like Issue 6 on.

Ed (enhancement diversication(?)) was issue 6 for us. Basically it means more than 3 of any type of enhancement and they start to lose their value. So only 3 damage in an attack. Or 3 defense in an armor.

To answer you question specifically on Hasten. 3 recharge reductions and thats it.

Theres been sooo many changes to the game that asking for tips could have people writing PAGES of info for you.

Any specific questions you have can be answered. And the scrapper forum is a great place for info. Most of the people that post on this forum I believe are the most knowledgable in all the game. And the most level-headed.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
Not to be snarky, but Id read all the patch notes. From like Issue 6 on.

Ed (enhancement diversication(?)) was issue 6 for us. Basically it means more than 3 of any type of enhancement and they start to lose their value. So only 3 damage in an attack. Or 3 defense in an armor.

To answer you question specifically on Hasten. 3 recharge reductions and thats it.

Theres been sooo many changes to the game that asking for tips could have people writing PAGES of info for you.

Any specific questions you have can be answered. And the scrapper forum is a great place for info. Most of the people that post on this forum I believe are the most knowledgable in all the game. And the most level-headed.

Good to know that it's not worth using more than 3, although I haven't due to wanting to get better overall bonuses, in DB I've been going for accuracy/damage.

Guess I'll have a bit more of a read but it's rather mind-numbing to go back that far since so many things appear to change it's hard to keep track of what's relevant to now, which is why I'm here

Mostly I'm looking at making my build as solo effective as I can (given that it may not be the best combination of powers, I have no idea!) and learn from that



Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
Most of the people that post on this forum I believe are the most knowledgable in all the game. And the most level-headed.
Its true! Other boards do not have near as much to offer as this one.



DB/Regen is probablly one of the most active play-style builds there is,... not only do you have the click heals of Recon, DP and IH, plus MoG,... but you also have the combo system of DB to work with as well...

with regen you want your clicks rechargeing as fast as possible, which is why Hasten should be the first pool power choice... but with Regen you also have the smoothest start with QR and FH removeing most any downtime, stacking fitness for health and stam and you dont have to worry about much of any endurance issues

for your attacks the standard SO building is 2Acc and 3 Dam and 1 other built to flavor as needed... which will work fine for all attacks cept your build-up type which is Blinding Feign(sp?) this you want to more focus on Acc and Rech since you'll want this buff up as much as possible (preferablly stacked more then once upon itself)

for any attack set for scrappers, the most skipable power is the taunt (note: this is for Scrappers, Not Tankers, as with tankers , taunt is extremely useful)

for Regen, the most skipable power is revive, it's mostly as waste of a power choice as a simple wakie insp. will do the same thing

ED has pretty much been explained, and i'm not going to bother explaining Invention sets as there is way to much to explain in the broad sense of it, and would suggest to research it for yourself and then ask any questions about such in a more specific manner if it is of interest to you

a'bit of info about TO's, DO's, SO's, ect are that they will degrade as you level, they are only effective within a +3 to -3 level range to your current level,... IO's on the other hand are of a certain specific value reguardless of your level and will stay that same value and never degrade

theres alot more info i could throw at ya, but dont really want to overwealm ya, any questions feel free ta ask...

the best advice of all that i can give ya is, above all else, HAVE FUN


Download Mids Hero Designer



Here's my standard boilerplate for Regen:

“There are definitely other approaches, but here's what I'd consider a basic plan for the Regeneration secondary using SOs or common IOs:

  • Fast Healing at 1, 3 heals
  • Reconstruction nice and early, 3 heals, 3 recharges
  • Quick Recovery nice and early, 1 endurance modifier at first, add 1 or 2 more as necessary
  • Dull Pain when or shortly after when available, as there is a lot to squeeze in at that level, 3 heals, 3 recharges
  • Integration at 16, 3 heals, possibly 1 endurance reducer
  • Resilience when and if you can work it in, 1 resist
  • Instant Healing when or shortly after when available, 1-3 recharges, no heals unless you're swimming in slots
  • Skip Revive
  • Moment of Glory when or shortly after when available, 1-3 recharges
  • Hasten when convenient, 3 recharges
  • Health when convenient, 3 heals
  • Tough when convenient, 3 resists, 1 endurance reducer
  • Stamina if and when you start having endurance trouble, which may not be until 30 or later, 1 endurance modifier at first, add 1 or 2 more as necessary
If it were me, I'd also try to get some basic defense, but it will use up even more power and pool choices. Combat Jumping or Hover, but don't worry about slotting for defense. Weave with 3 defense. Maneuvers with 3 defense. The Steadfast Protection unique in Resilience or Tough. With even-level SOs, that will give you 14.3% defense to all. Not great, but not bad.

The astute observer will notice that I've now recommended 5 power pools – Leaping or Flight, Fitness, Fighting, Leadership and Speed. You can't have everything, so you'll need to make some choices. I dropped Speed, using IO set bonuses and my primary (Katana) to drastically improve my defense. Most people should probably drop Leadership instead. You'll probably find Hasten more useful than Maneuvers.”

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks



Thanks for the advice on regen guys, that'll help a lot



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Here's my standard boilerplate for Regen:

“There are definitely other approaches, but here's what I'd consider a basic plan for the Regeneration secondary using SOs or common IOs:
  • Fast Healing at 1, 3 heals
  • Reconstruction nice and early, 3 heals, 3 recharges
  • Quick Recovery nice and early, 1 endurance modifier at first, add 1 or 2 more as necessary
  • Dull Pain when or shortly after when available, as there is a lot to squeeze in at that level, 3 heals, 3 recharges
  • Integration at 16, 3 heals, possibly 1 endurance reducer
  • Resilience when and if you can work it in, 1 resist
  • Instant Healing when or shortly after when available, 1-3 recharges, no heals unless you're swimming in slots
  • Skip Revive
  • Moment of Glory when or shortly after when available, 1-3 recharges
  • Hasten when convenient, 3 recharges
  • Health when convenient, 3 heals
  • Tough when convenient, 3 resists, 1 endurance reducer
  • Stamina if and when you start having endurance trouble, which may not be until 30 or later, 1 endurance modifier at first, add 1 or 2 more as necessary
If it were me, I'd also try to get some basic defense, but it will use up even more power and pool choices. Combat Jumping or Hover, but don't worry about slotting for defense. Weave with 3 defense. Maneuvers with 3 defense. The Steadfast Protection unique in Resilience or Tough. With even-level SOs, that will give you 14.3% defense to all. Not great, but not bad.

The astute observer will notice that I've now recommended 5 power pools – Leaping or Flight, Fitness, Fighting, Leadership and Speed. You can't have everything, so you'll need to make some choices. I dropped Speed, using IO set bonuses and my primary (Katana) to drastically improve my defense. Most people should probably drop Leadership instead. You'll probably find Hasten more useful than Maneuvers.”
Can't go wrong with this.

And I gotta say...
I pretty much have this memorized... ;-)



I... uh... post it a lot.

I do think I should change the wording to more strongly suggest Hasten. It's actually pretty silly to take Leadership over Speed. Even I will likely switch to speed if I ever bring my build up to date.

And lest anyone think otherwise, the power and slotting suggestions aren't some magical "ooh, never thought of that" thing. It's just the very basic stuff that new folks may not have heard yet, and what I think is the forum consensus viewpoint on how to slot.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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