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  1. CoH was working perfectly fine a week ago, tried running it yesterday and followed the usual advice by deleting the checksum file and the file it reported (ironically the file wasn't even there on about my 3rd attempt to download and install the client from scratch).

    So, wasted about 4 hours so far on downloading a client that just throws up an error.

    I did have some antivirus issues yesterday with the AVG updater saying the binary file updater was invalid (seems to be fine today after a reinstall) but tbh I've found aion to be touchy as hell as well, over the past 10 years I can't recall a problem with any MMO client that required the actions of Houston Nasa in an appolo 13 style emergency to fix!

    I use vista 64 and currently I'm finding it near impossible to figure out what the actual issue is :/
  2. Thanks for the advice on regen guys, that'll help a lot
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
    Not to be snarky, but Id read all the patch notes. From like Issue 6 on.

    Ed (enhancement diversication(?)) was issue 6 for us. Basically it means more than 3 of any type of enhancement and they start to lose their value. So only 3 damage in an attack. Or 3 defense in an armor.

    To answer you question specifically on Hasten. 3 recharge reductions and thats it.

    Theres been sooo many changes to the game that asking for tips could have people writing PAGES of info for you.

    Any specific questions you have can be answered. And the scrapper forum is a great place for info. Most of the people that post on this forum I believe are the most knowledgable in all the game. And the most level-headed.

    Good to know that it's not worth using more than 3, although I haven't due to wanting to get better overall bonuses, in DB I've been going for accuracy/damage.

    Guess I'll have a bit more of a read but it's rather mind-numbing to go back that far since so many things appear to change it's hard to keep track of what's relevant to now, which is why I'm here

    Mostly I'm looking at making my build as solo effective as I can (given that it may not be the best combination of powers, I have no idea!) and learn from that
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
    best tip for any Regen is build for RECHARGE, that means Hasten from the speed pool is a must

    Ok, how many enhancements etc would be a good plan? Is it still worth slotting a bit to boost the amount or just all out recharge?
  5. Hi all, I've been finding the scrapper forum very informative but as I've only just started and now have a lvl 17 DB/regen scrapper I still feel very lost!

    Any guides/tips/builds on my chosen hero would be greatly appreciated