Most Scrapper-ish Villain?!?
This one is easy Brutes!!! They are just like Scrapper good solid DPS and solid defense. Fury might take some time to get use to but with 90% Fury you are doing some great Damage With Fury you want to keep it high so you just run to group to group killing things as fast as you can what is not to love about that.
hey guys! my question is simple. I am in love with scrappers, i find it hard to play any other blue side. Problem is i am ready to try red side. So i want to know simple if i love scrappers so much (they have solid dps and solid defense, whats not to love?!) what Villian AT do you think i would enjoy playing?!
p.s i have never played red side, AT ALL. thx in advance |
hey guys! my question is simple. I am in love with scrappers, i find it hard to play any other blue side. Problem is i am ready to try red side. So i want to know simple if i love scrappers so much (they have solid dps and solid defense, whats not to love?!) what Villian AT do you think i would enjoy playing?!
p.s i have never played red side, AT ALL. thx in advance |
Other candidates:
Stalker - since they were buffed, perfectly playable scrapper style with the mother of all alpha strikes. Love my ElM/EA which I softcapped to most things in the mid 30s.
Once you get a vill to 50, night widow which is a claws/spines - SR type hybrid and plays very well.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
Like everyone else said. Brute is what you are looking for. Brutes have most of the same power sets that you are familiar with plus a few more. In addition, furry is a justifiable reason to stay in scrapperlock.
"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.
Stalker... Stalkers have more of the scrapper sets than brutes. THese guys have 0 clue what they are talking about.
I would also have to agree with brutes. They play pretty much exactly the same as scrapper. Run in, kill everything, laugh at their feeble attempts to kill you, and then charge head first into the next group.
Stalkers don't really have a comparable class outside of one of the VEATs. Sneaky is not the scrapper way.
I would also have to agree with brutes. They play pretty much exactly the same as scrapper. Run in, kill everything, laugh at their feeble attempts to kill you, and then charge head first into the next group.
Stalkers don't really have a comparable class outside of one of the VEATs. Sneaky is not the scrapper way. |
Brutes suck. Stalkers rule
What, you are just sneaky for the initial strike? You crit like scrappers do, but moar. WAYYYY more
Brutes suck. Stalkers rule |
Crits are not what make a scrapper a scrapper, its being nearly as safe as a tank while doing massive amounts of damage. Stalkers don't even come close to that playstyle, even if they have the opportunity to do more damage in the right situations. The catch is that EVERY situation is the right situation for a scrapper or brute.
Instead of saying they suck, how about some more examples than "they crit also?" The playstyle of a brute is a lot closer to a scrapper than a stalker is. Even with the buffs a stalker cannot just hang around in a mob the same way a brute or scrapper could.
Crits are not what make a scrapper a scrapper, its being nearly as safe as a tank while doing massive amounts of damage. Stalkers don't even come close to that playstyle, even if they have the opportunity to do more damage in the right situations. The catch is that EVERY situation is the right situation for a scrapper or brute. |
Stalker... Stalkers have more of the scrapper sets than brutes. THese guys have 0 clue what they are talking about.
An example would be a claw/dark stalker. Can you sit there and tell me a claw/dark stalker will play more like a claw/dark scrapper then a claw dark brute would? How about a DM/ela? In fact, even some sets that stalkers have that brutes don't have won't even play like scrappers. Spine/dark stalker vs spine/dark scrapper. Not even close to same play tactics. Just because stalkers have the same power sets in name and they fight in close range, don't make them play like scrappers.
I can take my DB/WP brute and DB/invul scrapper and use the excat same fighting style. I can't switch up and do the same thing with my DB/nin stalker.
"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.
I have 3 Stalkers and 3 Brutes and a lot of Scrappers. Stalker can play a little like Scrappers now but I would never play a Scrapper like a Stalker. Stalker can crit when you want them to which is a great tool if you know how to do it. Stalker do have a lot of the same powers as Scrappers but so do Brutes but the Stalkers powers are going to be different because they play different. Stalkers can be play just like a Scrapper but to get the most out of a Stalker you will want to hide and use AS when you can and Placate so you can hide and have a nice crit again something a Scrapper doesn't have and something a Scrapper would never do.
I don't see a stalker listed in your character list, so you can't talk. They definately play like scrappers. <_<
Brutes play exactly the same way: run in and flail away.
I have a 50 scrapper, brute and stalker.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Scrappers are only a SMIDGEON more survivable than a Stalker.
edited: let me rephrase that.. play your scrapper however you want... but a high number of people you will see here build thier scrappers in a way that they are WAY more survivable then a stalker.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
Scrappers are only a SMIDGEON more survivable than a Stalker. |
Seeing as the hit point gap by itself is a ~25% difference (~50% at cap), and that stalkers lack invul and shield, by my own definition of "smidgeon" the quoted statement would not be true.
There's a reason some scrapper combos can solo 7 different AVs at once without insps while we barely see AV soloing stalkers at all - though if you want to claim that reason is because scrapper players are a lot better rather than scrapper characters having more survivability, I don't think anyone here would mind.

My DM/Nin stalker is a helluva scrapper in a fight....but my scrappers are better.
My stalker can occasionally kill an EB in 6 hits (if I pop a butt-ton of reds first), my scrapper can't even dream of doing such a thing.
On the other side of the fence,my scrapper can consistently survive amidst overwhelming odds, which my stalker fails at more often than not.
My Claws/WP brute plays almost exactly like a scrapper with the same powersets, a Claws/WP stalker plays entirely differently, by design.
The only stalkers that can even come close to scrapper survivability are the defense based ones (Ninjitsu, SR, EA), once they're softcapped, survival is very close. Resistance or regen based is better off playing in the traditional hit and fade stalker style, because their lower hit points mean they can't take as much punishment before they drop.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Ignoring the flame war for a moment...
Scrappers are basically the "generic" meleer for the hero side. They are the category that most meleers fall into, with Tankers being the more specialized. You can have anyone be a Scrapper, from a tough, almost Tanker-like brawler to a feral, animalistic anti-hero to a stealthy, ruthless and precise tactician. You can go from total offense to total defense and anything in between, whereas with a Tanker you have a more concrete role as a protector of your team, and a target for enemies.
With the villain side it's the other way around. The Brute is the generic, while the Stalker takes on the specific role of the stealthy assassin. This doesn't make one better than the other, but it does mean that more often, your concept will fit as a Brute, if it fit as a Scrapper. Not that Brutes aren't Tank-y, but they tank for a different reason; not to protect their team, but to draw foes to them so they can get SMASHED!
This is one reason why Brutes tend to have the Power Sets of both Tankers and Scrappers, while Stalkers pretty much only have Scrapper sets. And with Proliferation that's really becoming less of a different with each Issue. Eventually Brutes, Stalkers and Tankers will have all the same sets, and Stalkers will probably have most of them.
Put it this way:
Of the two Villainside ATs being discussed, one has most of it's offensive potential tied to being able to achieve and maintain scrapperlock. The other one stops fighting at regular intervals to get the most out of it's offensive power set. Which is more Scrapper-like?
Seriously, Brutes are way more scrappier than Stalkers.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
I find it sad when my then level 34 (Pre Shield charge) Elec/SD was more survival and could dish out more damage with one small purple insp than my 47 Elec/EA/Mu stalker was while under the effects of overload. (Who is also HP capped during this time).
If you want something that really can hang with a Scrapper, go brute.
I don't see a stalker listed in your character list, so you can't talk. They definately play like scrappers. <_<
Um, dude, I've made many stalkers, and generally when you make a stalker its for PvP, i find this much more fun then PvE for a stalker, because they generally have low AoE damage, as there AoEs are replaced with placate. So in my opinion after the many stalkers I've created and deleted, they do not play like a scrapper at all. Most of the time you will be in PvP zone, and all the time you will be using the same attack chain (AS+placate+Most powerful form of primary damage). The fact stalkers are usually built for PvP is highly arguable but if we were to take a tally to 80-90% would say its true. I know i have gone slightly off the topic of stalkers=scrappers but this is the major factor in their difference. The most scrapper like build is Brutes, this is not an opion it is fact. They get the same Melee powers and armors as tankers, but the melees are primaries and the shields(not the literal meaning) are secondaries. Tankers defensive powers generally have a 10% higher base resistance than brutes, but brutes have a higher damage output with or without fury, even though fury is juicy and multiplies that greatly. I know reading this may have been boring and you probably already made your desicion, but STALKS ARE NOT AT ALL LIKE SCRAPS... except the power set similarities, its a whole different game play. Now dont get me wrong, I love the whole PvP thing and the stalker gametype, you should definitly try it, but its not nearly as "scrapperish" as a brute.
Scrappers are only a SMIDGEON more survivable than a Stalker.
I know there are scrappers that can routinely solo +4/x8 missions -- I SUSPECT that a stalker in a room full of +4/x8's would probably, after Assassin Strike and the loss of "Hide", faceplant fairly quickly. I'm not going to claim to be certain, since I haven't got a high level stalker myself, and even if I did who's to say I built it "right?" If I'm wrong about that, though, I really WOULD love to tag along to see that, and it might rekindle my interest in stalkers! And I also suspect that a stalker versus a pylon would be pretty one-sided for the pylon...and HAVE any stalkers pulled off the "find a spawn with 3 Rikti bosses, no kiting, no inspies or temp powers" challenge? I'd imagine (again) that that many Rikti would be hard to placate and impossible to Hide from again without kiting away.
I didn't find my (admittedly low-level) stalker very "scrappery"; I much prefer the crazed scrapperlock sort of play that I get with my two brutes, one of which shares the same primary/secondary powersets as my main scrapper. I run around like a maniac and stab things, and stealth and tactics go pretty much out the window so I don't lose Rage. Even though I DO sometimes think before I leap with MY scrappers, a lot of people play theirs just like I play my brutes, so I'll agree with the statement that "brutes FEEL MORE LIKE scrappers" from a gameplay perspective.
"But it wasn't anything some purples and oranges and lots of screaming in fear couldn't handle." -- Werner
30 level 50's: 12 scrappers, 7 other random melee types, 11 blaster/blapper/support squishies, two accounts, and a TON of altitis since 4/28/04
hey guys! my question is simple. I am in love with scrappers, i find it hard to play any other blue side. Problem is i am ready to try red side. So i want to know simple if i love scrappers so much (they have solid dps and solid defense, whats not to love?!) what Villian AT do you think i would enjoy playing?!
p.s i have never played red side, AT ALL.
thx in advance