357 -
well it really depends on acc sloting and global acc bonus i guess, if you can still hit +4's at a 95% rate then your good with what'ever franken'sloting you want, if not then that acc bonus in LotG really adds up ... i prefer LotG +globalrecharge/def, def/endred, def , def/endred/rech
what part of DM/REGEN do you people not understand ???
the OP asked how to design a DM/Regen PvP build ... not what power set should they change to for PvP, ... maybe this is their first scrapper, maybe this is their only scrapper, maybe this is the only scrapper they have on the server that they want to PvP on ... but reguardless of your opinion of what power set to play where, the OP asked specifically about how to build a DM/Regen PvP build.
i'd ask, where do you plan to PvP the most ?... as builds can variablly differ if you plan on zone PvP in one of the four possible zones, as IO set bonuses will only be effective if the IO is with'in 3 lvl's of the of the exempt lvl the zone puts you at (except for purple (ultra rares) IO's) -
actually if your looking for AoE dominance in a APP ... Dark appears to be the clear winner with 3 damageing ranged cones (1kb 1immob 1dot)
Quote:actually, recently announced by Steiner...I have not seen SuckerPunch post on the forums or in game in quite sometime. I suspect he is not actively playing the game ATM. Unless someone took over the project in his absense, I wouldn't expect any updates any time soon.
Mid's Hero Planner project was taken up by someone else, the name escapes me ATM. I know they are working to update that project.
Quote:St0n3y is now a full-fledged Titan! He will be lead on the Mids' project and I will be his code-monkey backup that does all the shifty work with the code. Energy Aura will be his right-hand man relating to the numbers and such. Got ourselves a well rounded team here with st0n3y at the head of it. -
Quote:do i think BS/Regen can do it?: i know it can
but I want to get a build that can solo AV's. if you think a BS/Regen can do it maybe you can help me out with my build. If there is a better build to do this I'm all ears.
is it the best build?: not if you judge by popular opinion, the current "Best" atm is DM/SD
but that doesn't mean you can't preform the same tasks on bs/regen, as Umbral will tell you, with Regen, your primary focus is recharge, your secondary focus is more recharge, your thirtiary focus is even more recharge, and your quadtiary focus is if you cant fit in any more recharge without sacrificeing your build (in other major areas such as damage output, sustainability, accuracy) then go for defense, defense, defense -
just standard endred sloting is fine, with DC and the standard Stam, you wont have much of any problem with End
Quote:no, that is incorrect
I've been really interested in DM/SD but it looks like that is about as far away from end efficient as you can get...is that correct? -
well, it seems that scrappers APP's seem to be the most diverse between eachother,
Body = 1 auto buff, 1 toggle buff, 1 click buff, 1 ST range, 1 cone kd
Weapon = 1 trap, 1 toggle buff, 1 immob range, 1 ST range, 1 aoe range
Dark = 1 range hold, 1 ST range, and 3 cones 1dam,1immob,1kb
Blaze = 1 range immob, 1 range hold, 1 ST range, 1 range/aoe debuff, 1 aoe range -
Quote:does that mean no more have to be a dustball of death with Cloak of Shadows and such ?
Being able to turn off power effects for various toggles is very nice -
Quote:well, it's more to the point that controller'ish powers lacking a damage component are of minimal to counter-productive use to scrappers, a scrappers damage output is its primary focus, when you throw in non-damageing attacks, your prolonging the fight more so than is needed, where you could be eliminateing the target, this can get a little hazey when it involves the aspects of survival vs. "DPS" ... but in general the best mitigation for a scrapper is the speed at which they eliminate the target ... a dead enemy can't hurt you
Plus, what aspect about stacking fears on a boss or having an AoE fear is bad? No offense, but just saying "it's bad don't use it" isn't really enough evidence for me to not to want to pick it. So basically I'd like to know WHY it's bad, because to me it sounds interesting. -
As to what pool to replace Fitness with, I wouldn't bother finding one. Quote:Just go with Speed, Leaping/Flight, and Fighting.
actually, to clairify Umbral ... your answer is the Fighting pool -
oh yeah, i realize that soft-cap'ing isn't essencial per-say, that's why i used the qualifier "fairly" ... but also, as to /FA, FA also has alot of Res going for it, and as such is alot easyer with set bonus's of Res set's offering alot better options in the def area that Regen doesn't have nearly as much access to ... odds are unless you sacrifice way too much to get the def your not going to hit soft cap, but reguardless, you still want some measure of Def in your build, or the AV attacks will just simplly spike damage way too high for your regen rate too help at all
well if you cant afford the recharge sloting for MG>Smite>SL>Smite, throwing in SP as a filler attack is your best option and still a decent compromise
not to rain on yer parade or any'thin, but that is probablly the worst power set combo for AV solo'in, though in its defense it's one of thee best PvP power set combos,...
Spines has the worst ST DPS, and Regen has the most difficult time soft-cap'ing def, both of which are fairly essencial for the AV solo'ist ... this to me seems like an exercise in futility, but if it can be done, i'd like to see it, and this is the place to find out -
well, it really depends on how it's built and how many toggles your going to be running, but it's also a great recovery tool against drainers like sappers and carnies and such, i like to take it anyways, as it makes a great AoE when used after SD as'well... but also with all of them you can pretty much forego endred sloting if you so choose and still run with sprint always on ect...
well resilience is probablly the second weakest in the set next to the self-rez power... it makes a nice mule and becomes a'bit helpful when stacked with Tough from the fighting pool, but the disorient protection in it is overkill since you get it in your lvl 16 toggle +regen/status pro power aswell, this is the one power in the regen set that needs a rework over by the dev's, considering how meanial it actually is, still any mitigation is better than none at all, but it can be put off till whenever theres no better power choice -
the OP is focusing their question on attaining DDR (Defense Debuff Resistence) ... and like it or not, Grant Cover offers a large portion of enhanceable DDR
well, as it stands, any of your primary, secondary, and pool powers are exceptable,... the main purpose of the challenge is to be able to survive the full brunt of the full spawn, useing only your own build... ducking arround corners, kiteing, or any runing Away is frowned upon, ... as far as tier nines, they are perfectly exceptable, though some are more effective than others,.. unstopable is probablly the most powerful, elude is pretty redundant, OwtS SoW and MoG are fairly useful, but RotP and ST are counter-productive and really hurt your times as do Regen and WP 's tier 8 powers, but if it is within your pri/sec/pool of your build it is considered fine,... no insp's, no outside help (includeing buffs), no temp's, no click accolades as they are considered in the same catagory as temp's and are not to be used, but auto accolades are completely exceptable, and no runing away and comeing back or spliting up of the full spawn
just go to RWZ, and find a FULL spawn of lvl 54's with at'least 3 bosses (EB's are optional) and defeat them without any assistance, geometry tricks, insp's, or temp's
also, while divine avalanche will become redundant for an SR in the later levels, it is still extremely useful durring the leveling up process, your better off geting it as soon as you can and then respecing out of it when you reach a constant 45%+ def in melee without divine avalanche
technically, i think my first one was Dr. Vahzilok
why are you sloting def/endred IO's into the passives ? the pure def IO's will grant twice the value of the split ones, and passives dont require any endurance at all
hmmm, after reading Pine own soloist-mentality accounts of the topic, i was really wanting to agree with the tanker, but after reading Rraven childish name calling, i'm more inclined to agree with Setheral.
o'kay, ummm, another question,
why is the Dev Digest broken, and when will it be fix'd? ... it's really difficult to find "red name" posts now