Getting kicked off an ITF
I want that guy's global name. Im sure you have a note about him. What a**** *** hole. That guys blacklisted. I hope you sent him a tell saying "ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"
"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."
@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.
I've been griped at for doing my own thing. I don't recall ever being kicked. There are a lot of idiots with self-esteem issues on this planet. You ran into one. Had it been me, I would have gotten his global name, put him on gignore, and shrugged, knowing how pathetic some people can be.
Be well, people of CoH.

Edited to Protect Peoples

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.
Might want to edit that and not post his global name here. There's rules against that. But feel free to PM his global to myself and Rieze so that we won't ever have to feel the joy of his presence.
Be well, people of CoH.

Scrappers are pew pew
Me too. I have to say OP, while I wouldn't have kicked you, why didn't you just let the guy tank Romi. That's all he asked.
Had the OP ignored the leader's wishes after a reminder, then I wouldn't be defending the scrapper. As it is, I can't blame a scrapper that's been leading the team for diving in when he's been doing so for the last four missions.
Be well, people of CoH.

Me too. I have to say OP, while I wouldn't have kicked you, why didn't you just let the guy tank Romi. That's all he asked.
Second: I was not aware that tanking was all about taking alpha, but taking the aggro from the other team mates.
I really did think that 4 AVs would kill me in a couple of seconds.
Edit: And yes, I had forgotten that he had said he wanted to tank Romie. (to be honest, I didn't see his chat, and had to scroll back through an hour of chat before I found a spot where he said that.) He didn't talk, he didn't remind anyone.

Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.
No never from a TF....But No one in my SG or opposing VG will fight my MA/Regen I feel your pain in a way...
Co-Founder of the Legacy of Paragon(Blue) and the Ravagers of Paragon(Red)
AE Arcs: Enter the DemonWeb (3499), Battle Simulation (449117), School of Hard Knocks (466617)
Very poor taste, and to wait till the ITF is almost over? dude is a moron, I add notes on the people I teamm and with most end up with AWESOME, few have been hell no :P but that was uncalled for, should have asked you to back off. ect same ole story just new a'hole
Lady Bellicose Task Force Junkie
He did tell you in the beginning that all he wanted to do was tank Rom, so I'm not shocked you got booted. BUT the guy still has issues and could have reminded you that he wanted to try his luck first. The thing is he didn't just ruin the evening for you but the other team members that then couldn't complete the TF.
My experience with pick up groups:
My main is a tank and my #1 alt is a scrapper. I've let people tank for groups when i'm on my tank, if they want to but I usually have to step in and prevent a team wipe when things get crazy. On my scrapper i usually let the tanks lead into the fray but more times than I like to remember I see the tank go down and have to take over tanking/holding aggro for the team.
I've also seen good tanks and scrapper know their roles and compliment team instead of having to do things their way. The thing to remember is Tankers are built to draw and maintain aggro while scrapper are built to kill and not be killed. Sure you can IO a scrapper out and get all the spiffy taunts and tank a bit but gauntlet really makes things easy when trying to hold the attention on yourself and not that blaster that does ungodly amounts of damage. I alway end up going back to my tank if i'm teaming because things always seem to go smoother with a competent tank than one that can't take more than 3 enemies hitting them at the same time and face plants.
Ok i got on a rant there. Morale of the story, if you are a scrapper and can tank better than most tanks go roll a tank and help the community out and show the nooblet tanks how it is done
Am I the only one who finds this funny a Stone tank doesn't know if he can tank Rom?
We are talking about Stone here not Ice. With bad slotting he should be ok.
Bad tank is just bad
A stone tank, not sure whether he can tank Romulus? A tank who couldn't just peel the aggro away from a scrapper? Or a guy who kicks because it's the only way for him to feel like the leader?
I'm going with that last one.
"I sort of took the lead"
Nothing wrong with what you did, except the team leader specified it was all he was really interested in doing on that TF.
As they say:
"Let's get one thing straight. This is not a cheerocracy. I am the cheertator here. I make the cheercisions, and I will deal with the cheeronsequences"
This story had a predictable ending from the beginning of the third paragraph:
"I sort of took the lead" Nothing wrong with what you did, except the team leader specified it was all he was really interested in doing on that TF. |
Honestly, the OP did a little wrong, starting the fight with Rommy knowing that the Tank specifically wanted to jump in and take it, but the Tanker could just as easily have used Taunt/an attack to get in and start taking it to the face as he wanted to without much effort rather than kicking out of impotent rage, so it wouldn't really be a kicking offense. Honestly, I'm surprised no one simply told the Tank to hurry up since he was obviously not being much use in fights when everyone else gets involved before he did.
Sorry to hear that Pine, all the decent players on our server know your worth.
That tank obviously PLed his ego as well as his toon. Even if he didn't know your scrapper, anyone worth their salt knows that a scrapper that can solo the crystals is a better player than most. It took me a long time to get to the point where I could survive, shadow, and support toons taking on crystals alone. In fact, there's plenty of times I've been faceplanted during a tf we've teamed on when I wondered why you were nice enough NOT to kick me!
I really hope it wasn't on our server that happened.
Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.
Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.

Reminds me of that time I got kicked from an AE mish. I hadn't played my role a a defender really well and the guy blocked me and broadcast to everyone I was crap, which is insane cause i hadn't been playing as a defender ever before that. After that, i logged as my tank and started my own team taking his team members (my tank is the awesome).
On topic, what moron kicks people from a TF? Once you do, your not going to finish the TF anytime soon.
Been kicked a few times on regular teams. I got kicked one time on an AE team just for asking something about AE stuff... geezzz I really need to start messin with AE
Don't think I ever got kicked on any TF before though
And this is one of the reasons I mostly solo...
Scrapper envy. I think the Tank was just pissed because you were making him look useless. That whole TF you were taking leadership of the team, not that I blame you. I'm guessing he wanted to Tank Rommy to try to prove he wasn't dead weight.
Also on Steam
I don't blame the OP for taking the lead at all though. If the Tanker had a problem with someone else taking the alpha, then he should have made sure to either be built to move (with +movement set bonuses) or brought a kin along. The OP did make a faux pas though when he initiated the fight with Rommy, knowing that the Tanker wanted to tank it, though it's not as if taking the alpha is the sole functionality of Tanker.
Honestly, the OP did a little wrong, starting the fight with Rommy knowing that the Tank specifically wanted to jump in and take it, but the Tanker could just as easily have used Taunt/an attack to get in and start taking it to the face as he wanted to without much effort rather than kicking out of impotent rage, so it wouldn't really be a kicking offense. Honestly, I'm surprised no one simply told the Tank to hurry up since he was obviously not being much use in fights when everyone else gets involved before he did. |
The sad truth is that for 75% or more of game content, a good scrapper can do the same job as a tank, but with a lot more whoopass. Sorry tanks, but it's true. You got a tank with an easily bruised ego, and inadequate maturity to handle it correctly. It sounds like he was PL'd to whatever level he was and hadn't actually learned his tank's limits. NOt that that's a huge crime - I attempted (and failed) to PL a stone tank to 32 over double xp weekend. That being said, you probably should have let him tank Rom, since that was all he wanted, and he said as much (though missing his message certainly makes that trickier...). Then, when he managed to get faceplanted despite being in granite, you could've stepped in and saved the team.
So, this evening I got a random tell from some one asking me if I wanted to do an ITF. I was bored, so I said "What the hay, sure"
When we began, we had 2 trollers, a dom, 2 defs, a stone tank, a stalker, and me, a scrapper. The Stone tank was the leader, however, the only thing he said was this is his first time doing an ITF on the toon, and was wondering how he would do on Rom. We told him he would be fine.
During the first mission I sort of lead the team, taking the alpha because there was no kin on the team so the stone tank was slow >.>... very slow. I told the team that I enjoy challenging myself and so I might run ahead of the team, but no one should feel obligated to 'save' me. The leader (stone tank) said it was fine, all he wanted to do was tank Rom. We did fine, with an occasional Def dieing, finished the mish with no problem. I herded the mobs, grabbed the Minotaur, and in general lead the team.
Second mish, I asked if any one minded if I just ran through and got all the cysts. They were all cool with it and the tank didn't say anything. So, I ran through, and got all the cysts. Yay mission done, again no one died but a Defender cause the EB spawned on his head.
Third mish, I herded the bridge, pulled the EBs and AVs. I had to tank Requiem and Rom for a few minutes because the tank thought those pesky minions were more important than 2 AVs.
Last mish, we all run to the platform, I started to herd the platform, grabbed the 3 EBs, and we were having a grand old time. When the last Cyclops had just a little bit of health left, I decided to see if I could take on Rom and the 3 other AVs. I jump into Rom and started wailing on him, and I suddenly saw the loading screen. I figured some odd bug had rezoned me.
As it turns out, the tank kicked me because he wanted to tank Rom. He didn't say anything like, "Hey I wanted to tank him" or, what I would have done if I was him, sit back and see if I die. Or even just hit taunt and bam, aggro is on tank and every one is happy.
I got to talking with some of the other team mates and they said they all were shocked. After a few minuted one team member told me they had wiped.
I then decided to send a tell to the tank leader and ask why he kicked me. He said "If you want to lead a team, start one". I HAD been leading the team for the whole TF. He didn't say anything during the TF, he didn't lead at all. The team was following me. After a few more minutes, I got another tell from the team saying they wiped again and that they didn't have the damage with only a stalker for damage.
Now some of this story was just to set the scene, and some was to show you the shock I had when I got kicked from the team, and some of it was to show you how funny I thought this was after he kicked me. Yet some of the other details was just because I wanted to vent a bit =)
So, any of you scrappers ever get kicked from your TF because you tanked an AV?
Your character does not have capped defense. Depending on your AT the cap is between 175% - 225%. Your defense is not teal in the combat window, it can go higher. STOP SAYING IT IS CAPPED! The correct term is Soft Cap.
I enjoy playing in Mids. I specialize in Melee Characters, other AT's usually bore me.