RWZ challenge?
just go to RWZ, and find a FULL spawn of lvl 54's with at'least 3 bosses (EB's are optional) and defeat them without any assistance, geometry tricks, insp's, or temp's
The standard RWZ challenge involves a single character taking on a RWZ spawn that has at least 3 bosses and is +4 (so that usually means level 54 baddies). These are the basic RWZ challenge rules (sorry if I missed some):
-No inspirations allowed
-No temp. powers allowed
-No click accolades (auto accolades are fine)
-All aggro must be on the player at all times.
-Spawn must contain three (3) boss level critters
-Spawn must be +4 (so that means level 54)
There is some debate about corner pulls, but I think they're fine. Also, I described the RWZ challenge most people brag about. However, you can make it harder or easier on yourself at will. For example, you could fight a +3 spawn, you could pull or you could even do it next to a Pylon (for a crazy challenge).
Someone please correct me if I missed anything.
The standard RWZ challenge involves a single character taking on a RWZ spawn that has at least 3 bosses and is +4 (so that usually means level 54 baddies). These are the basic RWZ challenge rules (sorry if I missed some):
-No inspirations allowed -No temp. powers allowed -No click accolades (auto accolades are fine) -All aggro must be on the player at all times. -Spawn must contain three (3) boss level critters -Spawn must be +4 (so that means level 54) There is some debate about corner pulls, but I think they're fine. Also, I described the RWZ challenge most people brag about. However, you can make it harder or easier on yourself at will. For example, you could fight a +3 spawn, you could pull or you could even do it next to a Pylon (for a crazy challenge). Someone please correct me if I missed anything. |
Also on Steam
The standard RWZ challenge involves a single character taking on a RWZ spawn that has at least 3 bosses and is +4 (so that usually means level 54 baddies). These are the basic RWZ challenge rules (sorry if I missed some):
-No inspirations allowed -No temp. powers allowed -No click accolades (auto accolades are fine) -All aggro must be on the player at all times. -Spawn must contain three (3) boss level critters -Spawn must be +4 (so that means level 54) There is some debate about corner pulls, but I think they're fine. Also, I described the RWZ challenge most people brag about. However, you can make it harder or easier on yourself at will. For example, you could fight a +3 spawn, you could pull or you could even do it next to a Pylon (for a crazy challenge). Someone please correct me if I missed anything. |
It sounds like this challenge shouldnt be a problem for high-defense scrappers.
You can use anything but inspirations, temp powers(including vet), or teammates.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
well, as it stands, any of your primary, secondary, and pool powers are exceptable,... the main purpose of the challenge is to be able to survive the full brunt of the full spawn, useing only your own build... ducking arround corners, kiteing, or any runing Away is frowned upon, ... as far as tier nines, they are perfectly exceptable, though some are more effective than others,.. unstopable is probablly the most powerful, elude is pretty redundant, OwtS SoW and MoG are fairly useful, but RotP and ST are counter-productive and really hurt your times as do Regen and WP 's tier 8 powers, but if it is within your pri/sec/pool of your build it is considered fine,... no insp's, no outside help (includeing buffs), no temp's, no click accolades as they are considered in the same catagory as temp's and are not to be used, but auto accolades are completely exceptable, and no runing away and comeing back or spliting up of the full spawn
Yep. Tier 9s are allowed, and not generally frowned on. The time it takes to down the spawn usually means you'll be dealing with your tier 9 crash, so you get to choose your approach. And if you can down the spawn before you crash, well, you've devoted a whole lot of your build to hard core damage output, and that's a clean win as well.
Corner pulls are allowed because that's simply how some secondaries are set up. But continually diving around new corners to avoid damage wouldn't be following the rules. The idea is to take the full brunt of their attacks at all times. One corner pull isn't going to invalidate that idea.
Also, even if we can say here are the standard rules, the rules are loose. This is about testing your build and getting better, not about passing a yes/no test. If it's too hard, violate some rules. If it's too easy, make it even harder. Just be clear what you did and what rules YOU followed if you say I beat the RWZ challenge!
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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So who was it that grabbed an RWZ challenge worthy spawn and dragged it to a pylon that he promptly took out while the spawn was wailing on him?
Be well, people of CoH.

I beleive it was Nihilli.
I gotta have to try that out
I've tried it about ten times on Sergei. No successes, but I've had the pylon down to about a quarter health if I remember correctly, so I know it's possible. But a LOT of things are possible with enough attempts. Hats off to anyone who's done it.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
So who was it that grabbed an RWZ challenge worthy spawn and dragged it to a pylon that he promptly took out while the spawn was wailing on him?
EDIT: Only tried a couple times though. Off to try a couple more.
EDIT 2: 3 more tries on the BS/SD, no dice. There are some things that I'm willing to fail and fail and fail until I finally get them right. This isn't one of those things. I'm happy having done it on my brute.
How big does the spawn have to be for it to count? Just three bosses? Or does it have to be one of those huge spawns that I can never find when I attempt this?
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
I've never heard of a minimum spawn size requirement, as long as you don't whittle it down intentionally. I've also never seen a small spawn with three bosses. Some are smaller than others, but all have seemed large enough.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
So who was it that grabbed an RWZ challenge worthy spawn and dragged it to a pylon that he promptly took out while the spawn was wailing on him?

Hm, wonder if Actin can manage that in her badass build... brb!
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I've never heard of a minimum spawn size requirement, as long as you don't whittle it down intentionally. I've also never seen a small spawn with three bosses. Some are smaller than others, but all have seemed large enough.
Of course, whatever minions and lieutenants there are don't really last long anyway.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Another good idea if you find the RWZ challenge too easy is Arcana's challenge. That one gives me a run for my money.
I gave Arcana's challenge a couple shots on both my mains and wasn't able to beat it. I could see how maybe with tactics and practice I could figure it out, since the enemies were kind of like a puzzle, but that offended my need to just flip out and kill things.
The main lesson it hammered home was that if I want to be an AE badass, I need better than soft capped defense. Pets and enemies with to-hit buffs just hit too hard. So I planned out a build for my Broad Sword/Shield Defense with 81.5% melee defense that I think could handle it and leveled to 50. But I just keep playing other alts. So, like so very many projects of mine, finishing Arcana's challenge may remain out of reach.
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
What is this Arcana challenge you're talking about?
(Edit: Just gave it another shot. Second ambush took me out. I couldn't even count how many pets with their 75% to-hit were beating on my poor, defenseless soft-capped Super Reflexes. It was a HUGE spawn.)
"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
Videos of Other Stupid Scrapper Tricks
My search-fu is no good. What is this RWZ challenge that scrapper forum-ers talk about? I have this pretty sick WP scrappy that I like to test