DM/Regen PVP build




Hi, I am relatively new to the forums and wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction as far as making a build for pvp using Dm/regen. Any tips or comments, or builds (influence not an issue) would be helpful ty.



I'm not an expert on PvP, but you should probably go with a primary that has "Build Up" instead of Soul Drain or Follow-Up.

- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom

My Katana/Inv Guide

Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein



I'd suggest going Fire instead of Dark for PvP, the DoT in incinerate helps break stalker's hide. You have build up as mentioned earlier.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Go with Fire Melee, Broadsword or Martial Arts (yes, MA). Many Scrappers are wrongly convinced that Katana is a good PvP primary, and it's far from it (quick animating, poor burst damage set). Dark Melee isn't terrible for PvP; Shadow Maul hits like a truck and all of the attacks do some fairly nice damage. But the lack of Build-Up will hurt. A lot.

But I say go for it! Don't be another boring BS/Regen or Fire/Regen. FoTM's get boring.



I have a DM/invuln I used to use for pvp. the invuln was a terrible choice but i loved the DM. While the lack of build-up does hurt, the debuffs and other specialty powers help a ton. It has reasonably good dmg, with an attack chain of smite-siphon life-midnight grasp-touch of fear (dont need any recharge for this so you can focus on maxing regen/defense and the immob/fear keeps em from running) The best part of the set is having siphon life, touch of fear and midnight grasp. The fear and immob wont last long so you have to reapply a lot but they keep pesky fliers, and jumpers from running away. Being able to stop squishies from running is very very important for scraps imo. Also, i like to think of siphon life as an attack in my attack chain that gives you some kick-*** regen. With siphon life, reconstruction, instant healing, and dull pain, there are very very very very few people that will be able to kill you. Overall, you are pretty unkillable and able to kill squishies easily by locking them down with immob/fear. Like others posted though, DM might not have enough DPS to kill IOd tanks and other scraps. You may find yourself in a few stale mates



ty all for advise, The reason why I am trying dm for pvp is because I just wanted to see how they would play out in pvp. I was also wondering how IO slotting works for pvp would anyone have any examples of an IOEd slotted DM/regen build to give me a rough idea of how to slot for pvp?



what part of DM/REGEN do you people not understand ???

the OP asked how to design a DM/Regen PvP build ... not what power set should they change to for PvP, ... maybe this is their first scrapper, maybe this is their only scrapper, maybe this is the only scrapper they have on the server that they want to PvP on ... but reguardless of your opinion of what power set to play where, the OP asked specifically about how to build a DM/Regen PvP build.

i'd ask, where do you plan to PvP the most ?... as builds can variablly differ if you plan on zone PvP in one of the four possible zones, as IO set bonuses will only be effective if the IO is with'in 3 lvl's of the of the exempt lvl the zone puts you at (except for purple (ultra rares) IO's)



I mostly plan on pvping in RV and arena



Having PVP'd my DM/SR I can say that the biggest issue is the lack of buildup and that the debuffs which work so well in PVE just don't hold weight in PvP. IMO, it really shines in PVE but is lacking in PvP.