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  1. Morac_Ex_Machina

    New Cape Mission

    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Well, to be fair, most of those ARE Cimeroran ruins, so it makes sense they'd use the tileset. We just got an issue that had missions which took place in Cimeroran ruins almost 90% of the time.
    Maybe Striga is secretly made of boats?!
  2. Morac_Ex_Machina

    New Cape Mission

    Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
    Yeah, the ship interior was a new map when Striga was introduced. They spammed using it because it was new.
    Much like the new cave maps from Cimerora, no?
  3. I've stopped using Splasher since i16 broke it for my costume screen. So sad
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NightshadeLegree View Post
    The subscription is charged in $, so I suppose what I'm actually charged does vary from month to month based on the exchange rate.
    Yep. Even us Canuckers have to deal with this.
  5. Or you could just join one of the existing City of Heroes facebook groups. Or use the "become a fan" thingy as well.
  6. Mechano's got some good ideas. I would love to see a system like that implemented.

    Veteran rewards have always been a mixed bag for me. On the one hand, I like the rewards, and the idea of rewarding veteran players. On the other, the fact that if they continue releasing them at the current rate I am never going to get all the rewards or the badges is something I don't like.
  7. Facebook apps = meh. I kinda like the current system of being able to refer people to CoH and get free time for it. More people should probably use that.

    Originally Posted by Moiread View Post
    I'm all for getting new players, but seriously, never again do I want to see ingame rewards for getting people to sub. Free time is great, but a repeat of the Victory Laurel/Sandals is not something we need.
    Are the Victory Laurel/Sandals the same ones they give out during the Valentines event?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
    It usually occurs to me that the sorts of people who have rep disabled are the ones who would have tons of negative rep.
    The only way you could know this is if you kept giving me -rep! So mad rite nao.

    Will hate you forever.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
    anyone find it odd that the board thanks your for adding neg. rep?
    If by "odd" you mean "hilarious", then yes.
  10. Battlin' Tom's Murder Extravaganza!
    ArcID: 99803
  11. While we are on the subject, please fix the issue with Crab legs carrying over to Bane alternate builds? (Yeah, yeah, standard code rant. I can dream, right?)
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordSquigie View Post
    God knows how to delegate; he's very "hands off".
    And the Priests are more "hands on"? (hurr hurr)
  13. I think doing this in Mercy may be more fun.
  14. Yep, 5th Anniversary publicity shoot, earlier this year. System notices popped up on the live servers about an hour beforehand saying "Get to da test servah!". By far the most people I've ever seen in one place (I never did old Hami raids).
  15. Also, what about colour blind people?
  16. Morac_Ex_Machina


    Originally Posted by Master_Armantus View Post
    I quickly scanned through the forums in hopes of seeing anything about WE (Winter Event) '09. Forgive me if it's already been discussed to death as I've been away for a few months, but IINM last year it started around Thanksgiving, so we're pretty much at any time now. Last year the ski slopes kicked my you know what due to lag issues, but this year I've come back with a smooth connection!
    Start date is unknown, but they've been testing out some new stuff for the event on the test server recently.
  17. Heh, I think that's the first time I've actually seen the full image that they posted with the CoH entry. My character is front and center in that thing
  18. Personally? True Neutral.

    Most of my characters tend towards Chaotic Good/Neut/Evil, depending on alignment.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    I find that the vast majority (over 90%) are perfectly understandable. On the other hand, having the word 'perk' repeated a half-dozen times conveys no information.
    It's like if the receipt just listed the word "food" instead of the food item, and only the cents part of the dollar value.

    *shrug* I don't see it as a flaw necessarily. Just like I don't think there needs to be big bold letters on my Motrin bottle telling me not to take more than the recommended dosage. If a person can't be arsed to log in to the game to check to see if they have the features attached to a booster or item pack, I don't feel any sympathy that they bought something they already had.
    Whether or not you feel sympathy does not mean that there shouldn't be error checking. The current implementation is ugly, and requires extra time spent by the customer service department to refund accidental double-purchases.
  20. If you are a fan of tedium, you can check all of your posts individually, by clicking on the rep button in your own post.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    to help "fix" your "problem".
    In this case, "fix" means "neuter", and "problem" means "children", right?
  22. Speaking of Positron, Posi (the dev) recently unearthed Positron (the character) circa 1991.

  23. Well, there was someone making an Anglerfish costume recently...
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    As a side note, I've never personally met someone that wasn't loyal enough to their immediate family to protect their mother, father, brother, and sister's good name.

    Then again, I suppose there's a first time for everything.... Nice to meet you, Blood Spectre!
    Personally, I don't really consider these things insulting, because they really don't know my parents or my siblings. Smack talk is smack talk, and nothing more. If someone accused my father of fraud, and went on to write articles about this, that's another issue (this did happen, by the way).