


I quickly scanned through the forums in hopes of seeing anything about WE (Winter Event) '09. Forgive me if it's already been discussed to death as I've been away for a few months, but IINM last year it started around Thanksgiving, so we're pretty much at any time now. Last year the ski slopes kicked my you know what due to lag issues, but this year I've come back with a smooth connection!

My Virtue Projects

AE: 38959 - Invasion of the Dark Realm



Last year's began in the middle of December.

Thank you, Champion.



Originally Posted by Master_Armantus View Post
I quickly scanned through the forums in hopes of seeing anything about WE (Winter Event) '09. Forgive me if it's already been discussed to death as I've been away for a few months, but IINM last year it started around Thanksgiving, so we're pretty much at any time now. Last year the ski slopes kicked my you know what due to lag issues, but this year I've come back with a smooth connection!
Start date is unknown, but they've been testing out some new stuff for the event on the test server recently.

@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.



In other news, thanks to Eabrace, I put up an animation of the new emote on Paragonwiki:




Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
There *will be* another one.

Major bugs need working on.
Yeah, i'm pretty sure of that - but I've not heard anything official, so I wasn't going to say that there will be another one

@Golden Girl

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