Miss Chief

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  1. Ok, er, Coin, unless you got a different email than me there's a buddy code with a free month AND the offer of one month free when you sub for 6 months. BOTH are there on my email and it's definitely the EU one as I've never had an active US account, only a trial.
  2. are you absolutely sure? I never read anything about this in any notes?
  3. i ran the baby new year missions twice last night on a char that already had the badges from last Xmas so I knew I wouldn;t get the badges twice but I was expecting to get the temp powers but I didn't get them either! bug or WAI I'm not sure!
  4. Some of my current favourite ones.

    Powertrix. Going for the technological powersuit type of hero. This is possibly my favourite costume out of them all. You'll notice I really like the winged boots!

    Angel Terra Originally created for a concept all Angel supergroup, I liked her so much I carried on when others lost interest a little. I've received many a compliment for this one, which surprises me as it's really simple. To get a better idea of her boots I took a rear pic to show the winged boots. This character will be getting the armour tipped Valkyrie wings. A total must have.

    Cupid's Sister. Small TA/Pointy Sticks Defender, as the name implies, a sibling of Cupid himself. I like this one because it's got a slight technological edge yet doesn't go completely overboard. I really like the small waistcoat most of all though!

    Calypso Dawn, a relatively new toon with a Caribbean flavour. Who'd have thought orange, pink and blue would go together so well?

    I have some more, including my BS Scrapper with a major Celtic edge to her but it's late!
  5. Miss Chief


    Maneuvers on a scrapper gives about 2% better defence I seem to recall? Might be better off without it and save on your end? Parry will be more than suffcient if you can stack it with itself and even then you won;t use it very often. on my BS scrapper I only 'auto' it when I'm against lots of bad guys or they do alot of def debuff, such as Legionaires.

    Build up, 3x recharge and maybe a to-hit buff as well?
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    as you said sorudo yes it good to have you all your bars near to you toon but if your limited screen wise as in a monitor you can only be limited to where you place the bar as you see on my screen it above my powers it the closes i can get atm.....i do miss my 21" monitor

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You guys do know that you can make your HP and End bars appear right above your head, and make everyone elses as well?
  7. Cyborg pack? WoW-like? Give me a break! They are tryuing to please as many people as they can. They've done a pack based on cyborgs and they have one based loosely on norse mythology. They're doing a magic style pack seeing as it's one of the origins. They'll be doing a spandex style modern hero pack as well apparently. Some you'll like, others you'll hate. Don't buy them!
  8. Miss Chief

    any advice?

    If you take CJ you can slot an anti-KB IO into it as well.
  9. Four that are staminaless are Angel Terra, Qinetiq, Mae Hemme and Cupid's Sister. Fair enough that Kin might not be the best example of a staminaless build but for a Brute and a Defender that uses Hover in mission I get by surprisingly well. I do have Conserve Power on my TA/pointy sticks but I onnly really use it after EMP arrow.

    They've never had Stamina. I struggled without it on my Angel I'll admit until 28 but I got by.
  10. See that list at the bottom? Yes, that one, the one with all my level 50's listed? FOUR characters from that list are Stamina-less. Mandatory? Must have? Not in the slightest! Keep it as an optional pool!
  11. Miss Chief

    Server merge

    [ QUOTE ]
    A sticky outlining NCSofts current position on merges would be useful, but one proclaiming it to be a 'bad idea' I don't see happening. That's a pretty subjective opinion Dante. It would kinda tie their hands, and preclude any clever solution they may come up with to solve the downsides.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    NCSoft's policy on anything is denial followed closely by abject denial then a press release announcing the shutdown/merge of said product mentioned in the denial a few weeks previously. Well, judging by the TR shutdown anyway. Although to be fair that's pretty much how every company does it. Except Stark Industries.
  12. Miss Chief

    Badge Advice...

    For the hold one, Sappers do very little damage but long duration stun.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    ok heres my luck, i get the new card, only to find out this crazy adapter i need to connect to the power supply, isnt actually supplied.

    So im kinda stuck now with no new shiny to play with

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Most relatively new PSU's (within the past 18 months-2 years) should have the necessary 6 pin power plug for your graphics card. it's a 6 pin adaptor that looks like <a href="http://www.playtool.com/pages/psuconnectors/pcie6.jpg
    " target="_blank">www.playtool.com/pages/psuconnectors/pcie6.jpg
    </a> this.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    Of course none of these things would happen if everyone in an instance had their combat level adjusted to the correct one for the instance. Not to keep plugging the same idea, or anything.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But that wouldn't sit very well for collecting specific levels of salvage or recipe drops and i think the idea is when you're level 50 your not dealing with street punks robbing old ladies, you're dealing with world-threatening issues and saving the World/Galaxy/Whole universe from destruction/invasion/enslavement. it would be stretching it a little to have Hellions and Skulls able to damage a level 50 to the same extent as a level 10.
  15. it's not a bug, more of a system designed to limit how easy the TF is. If you took a 4 level 50's and exemp'd them to lvl 24's for the first tf (or any TF really) then swapped Sk's or exemplars then you could breeze through the whole TF in about 10 minutes. That's why it's there. Either get everyone in level range, sort out your exemplar's/SK's before hand or make sure you restart if you need to change. it's not a bug, more of a feature!
  16. Hmmm, begins to wonder what a TA/Sonic would be like? Is there a limit to -dam res?
  17. Miss Chief

    Defiant Legends

    [ QUOTE ]
    my legends :

    TG, Pvt Ringkobing, Aria, Sexeh Lady and Jadeh, basically the whole TC Guild
    definitely my old team Empath and Spad,
    Dark Steel somebody already mentioned as the first 50,
    TG because he is just mad,
    Wilf because he always cracked me up and was just plain nice!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ZOMG, Silence is back!
  18. Miss Chief

    Defiant Legends

    Ahh, so many people I've teamed with and know so well. All legends, shame some of them are no longer with us or no longer play. No mention of my name though, although I'm not sure I'm that infamous yet.

    oooooh! I was one of those empaths keeping Mr? upright once or twice!
  19. happy Day of the cake bushbaby!
  20. Doctor, Doctor, Every morning when I wake up I think I'm Tom jones!! 'it's not unusual.'.
  21. Ok, now I feel obligated to ask, what's everyone's beef with Castle? He's doing what he thinks is best for the game and you have to remember he's only the powers guy. Anything he wants to change will probably be run past Posi and possibly everyone else in some sort of meeting or internal playtest on their own private client. I hardly think he does anything lightly, has responded to players ideas in the past by actually implementing them (- range when taunted and powers decay on re-application in PvP were player ideas AFAIK) and actually making changes where feedback in a constructive form has shown changes he's made to make things worse or not work as intended. Personally I think his planned changes to Invuln, Energy Aura and Dark melee are brilliant and this shows he knows the sets too. he was also man enough to stand up and say he made a misjudgement on the APP/PPP issue and make a change which is more than Cryptic would EVER do. I say good job Castle, long may you continue to be modest and realise when you've made a mistake and be big enough to stand up and admit it.

    There seems to be a personal vendetta against him sometimes because of the PvP changes which, IMO, seems to mostly be those people that have farmed and paid a fortune in inf to get the purplies they want so they have an advantage which they think has now been removed. Who wouldn't say no to 40 people in Sirens instead of two groups of 4? The name of the game is FUN people, it's a GAME. Get over yourself and if you think your 'amazing idea' would work go ahead and suggest it. Apply for a job and show them. Write something constructive with well thought out ideas and figures, much like the people that get listened to on the US suggestions board do (I won't complain here about the Eu suggestions board not being looked at more than once a month here, that's another argument).

    Oh, erm, yeah, bye Lighthouse, I know the US forums will miss you greatly, over here not so much, but hey, that's what 3,000 miles and 8 hours difference gets for you!

    &lt;edit by mod: removed some text&gt;
  22. i find it even more amazing that a granite can swim and not just sink to the bottom of whatever water they're standing in.