Rubbish TF Level System




The title says it all really, but I'll ellaborate.

Was doing the first respec task force earlier. There were 7 of us. I was level 24, and the rest of the team were level 24-25, and 1 level 30. At the beginning, we exemped the 30 to 24 and set off. Then, during the mission to arrest the sargant, we thought it would be better to have the 30 exemped to 25 rather than 24 to make it a bit easier for us. We did this and continue fine and completed the mission.

However, when we came to the reactor mission, we went inside to find level 30-31 enemies, simply because, we assume, of that change of SK earlier. This was REALLY annoying for the team and made the mission impossible to complete.

Don't you think something should be done about situations like that? The system that controls the level seems to be pretty stupid.



Glad you elaborated, 'cos it wouldn't have made any sense otherwise.

Sounds wrong though. Doesn't seem likely it's because of the exemplar change. Could be, just doesn't seem likely.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



No it's a bug. On a respec 2 we had 2 high levels exemped. When we entered the reactor enemies were 43. We solved it by letting the high levels sk'ing us. We were only 4 though(5 but one dropped).



Cant edit on my phone for some reason but i was just going to add that you should have petitioned.



It's a bug which been in since launch really. At one point they tried to fix it by makign some TFs at a fixed level.

We did a lvl 40 ITF once with one 50 exemped to 40 (it was me), i went LD and came back, got re-exemped and when we got to last mission it was all lvl 50's in it :|



It's a bug which been in since launch really. At one point they tried to fix it by makign some TFs at a fixed level.

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Well its not a bug, its a rubbish TF level system... Espeically if its been there since launch... I mean for God sake, it should have been sorted ages ago.



It's a bug which been in since launch really. At one point they tried to fix it by makign some TFs at a fixed level.

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Well its not a bug, its a rubbish TF level system... Espeically if its been there since launch... I mean for God sake, it should have been sorted ages ago.

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Still sounds like a bug to me. If it was on purpose by the devs, then yes I'd agree with you.

Anyway, never had the problem...then again, I only did the respec trials a few times.

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




I must ask, did you do this at the start of the tf (I.E before you started the respec or after you started) reason I ask is because if you do Exempts after then it will be set by the highest members levels before they was exempt.

So say as with your team, the highest is 30 and not exempted then the enemys will be level 30, if was exempt before you talked to the contact and started the tf/respec then enemys will be 25-26., so they have to bve exempt before you start the whole thing or else what people could do is just exempt before it starts and then unexempt and make a quick tf/respec for people.

If I have missed the point totally let me know.



it's not a bug, more of a system designed to limit how easy the TF is. If you took a 4 level 50's and exemp'd them to lvl 24's for the first tf (or any TF really) then swapped Sk's or exemplars then you could breeze through the whole TF in about 10 minutes. That's why it's there. Either get everyone in level range, sort out your exemplar's/SK's before hand or make sure you restart if you need to change. it's not a bug, more of a feature!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



I must ask, did you do this at the start of the tf (I.E before you started the respec or after you started) reason I ask is because if you do Exempts after then it will be set by the highest members levels before they was exempt.

So say as with your team, the highest is 30 and not exempted then the enemys will be level 30, if was exempt before you talked to the contact and started the tf/respec then enemys will be 25-26., so they have to bve exempt before you start the whole thing or else what people could do is just exempt before it starts and then unexempt and make a quick tf/respec for people.

If I have missed the point totally let me know.

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I understand what you mean. The SK was sorted out before talking to the contact, but we decided to swap half way through. So the first indoor mission was fine, the reactor wasn't.

it's not a bug, more of a system designed to limit how easy the TF is. If you took a 4 level 50's and exemp'd them to lvl 24's for the first tf (or any TF really) then swapped Sk's or exemplars then you could breeze through the whole TF in about 10 minutes. That's why it's there. Either get everyone in level range, sort out your exemplar's/SK's before hand or make sure you restart if you need to change. it's not a bug, more of a feature!

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Its the [censored] feature then. What about those of us who want to change SK, or something else just as innocent? It wrecks the taskforce and means we have to restart...

Maybe I should know better as I've been playing along time, but say if it was a bunch of new players, they'd be wondering what was going on.



sadly it happens. done the same to me on a katie or 2. but did u try ur best no matter the lvl? if so then u should feel like. i went in. tried n failed. unlucky tf, another time perhaps. if u didnt try ur best then go bk n try again

i dont mind the feature tbh, adds tht element in a tf tht stop it from being easy. just my view tbh.

sorry to hear u was unable to complete it though. does suck still.



never had a problem with any tf's i've run or been on in regards to the aforementioned system....but then we sk'd before we started the tf and stayed that way through out. (unless the out lvl'd the sk ofc)



Not had that issue, but had something similar.

Doing the LGTF there were 8 of us, everyone but me and my wife were set to Heroic and she and I to Inv. We were lvl 47 and the leader and owner of the mish was 50.

We did the first mish okay, but stuggled with the second and lost some people. It turned out the mish was lvl 50 and inv. Trouble was we couldn't change rep and reset the mish as we didn't have a mish to swap to (cos we're on a TF and have no other mishes). Thats fair enough, but IMO it should have set the TF to the level and rep of the leader not one of the other team members, its not how normal mishes seem to work after all.



A TF does sets it's missions to the rep of the teamleader.
Are you sure that the teamleader didn't disconnect during the first mission, passing the star to the second (with his rep on invincible)?
Anyway if something like that happens again, make sure everyone has set his rep to villainous (you can do that mid TF) and then *all* log out for 5 minutes. When you log back in the mission will have ressetted itself to the rep of the first person to log back in.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



A TF does sets it's missions to the rep of the teamleader.
Are you sure that the teamleader didn't disconnect during the first mission, passing the star to the second (with his rep on invincible)?

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Very very sure.

Anyway if something like that happens again, make sure everyone has set his rep to villainous (you can do that mid TF) and then *all* log out for 5 minutes. When you log back in the mission will have ressetted itself to the rep of the first person to log back in.

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Cheers I'll bear that in mind.

Wonder if the problem the OP mentioned could be reset the same way. Everyone log out, everyone but the high level log back in 5 mins and enter the mish, the high level log back in after 6 minutes and join the team.



i though the level pacting thing was a know issue to stop the anyone from unmalefactoring during a mission just to compelete it quick without any hassle to the team... what the point to have a strike force set to level 45 and you come up against the Freedom Phalanx and unmalefactor to 50 and lackie someone and pound your way to an easy Master of Lord Recluse badge......this was the reason i though being behind it all to stop easy victory on Harder SF? as they decied to do only if you quit a SF before you eneter a miss you lose mob size in a SF but i seem to be in a minoroty here....

I'm sick so hopeful i keep in what people are saying

and also i hear everyone say to me make sure your rep is down to lowest 1st i though it was due to everyone though it was incase of a crash but alot seem to believe the myth the rep they see in the mission to do bar thing is the whole SF.....i know for a fact that isn't so thats your rep as i normal check to see who rep is what before a SF is started and im normaly the highest rep in a SF team

Well they my 2 purple snott rags rare recipes opion



SF's and TF's have a maximum level. If the level range is 40-45, you automatically get exem/malefactored down to 45, you *can't* un-exem to 50 untill you either quit the TF or finish it. If you quit, iirc you're booted out from any mission map instantly aswell, so you can't quit and help there either.



SF's and TF's have a maximum level. If the level range is 40-45, you automatically get exem/malefactored down to 45, you *can't* un-exem to 50 untill you either quit the TF or finish it. If you quit, iirc you're booted out from any mission map instantly aswell, so you can't quit and help there either.

[/ QUOTE ]yes that is true but that why i stated it for the Lord Recules SF....everyone being malefacted to level 45 and in the final miss if we had this system where it was set to the highest player and everyone was maled to 45 and spawn the map to 45 hard is it to jump to lvl 50 when you swicth the rolls and malefactor turning into be mash even and not even a true hardcore badge......i just trying to see the knowlegde why they got this system as it is and it not a bug...but i like to be proven wrong

but it will happen for any of the SF/TF if everyone was malefactor down to TF/SF mission starting recquiments to the lowest and mash though half way though the map with every grey due to the fact everyone lackied to the high powers in the SF/TF that it the maxed from any level 50..... please tell me if i am making any sence as my head is truely thumping



If I recall correctly, a change was made to TFs to prevent people making TF's laughable by exemplaring to the lowest level member, then removing the exemplar and wiping the floor with the resulting low-level minions.

I remember doing the ITF with an exemped level 50 Mastermind. We briefly unexemped for one mission and the next was full of level 53-54 mobs that the poor level 35's couldn't possibly defeat.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



Of course none of these things would happen if everyone in an instance had their combat level adjusted to the correct one for the instance. Not to keep plugging the same idea, or anything.



Of course none of these things would happen if everyone in an instance had their combat level adjusted to the correct one for the instance. Not to keep plugging the same idea, or anything.

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But that wouldn't sit very well for collecting specific levels of salvage or recipe drops and i think the idea is when you're level 50 your not dealing with street punks robbing old ladies, you're dealing with world-threatening issues and saving the World/Galaxy/Whole universe from destruction/invasion/enslavement. it would be stretching it a little to have Hellions and Skulls able to damage a level 50 to the same extent as a level 10.

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



my comment: Don't let the highest person of youre team go into the mission if theleader is in an other zone!!!

Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3



it would be stretching it a little to have Hellions and Skulls able to damage a level 50 to the same extent as a level 10.

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That is already exactly what happens under the exemplar system (and if you're in a level 10 mission with a level 50 and you aren't doing something silly, you are exemplared); likewise, a sidekick can let that level 10 threaten Malta. Likewise there already exists a system to adjust drops for level-adjusted individuals.

If you were some number of security levels above the mission, you'd be unable to use late power selections, would have enhancement effectiveness trimmed, and lose XP (perhaps on a sliding scale based on the excess SLs) just as exemplared characters do.

The only subtle change I would make is if anyone levels _on the instance_, their combat level is +1 (let them enjoy the benefit) and if you are solo in your own mission, you get the benefits of levels gained since the mission was assigned (since I know some builds with weak soloing rely on strategic levelling to beat EBs).

It would mean a complete end to the problems one has in those TF/trial with a large level range (particularly the first respec, which people generally want at 24th if they have bad builds), an end to the way that mission difficulty is all over the place based on player levels, an end to the shuffling of SK and exemplars every time someone leaves, and...

... we all know the guy who won't take an SK because they _personally_ get more XP, never mind that they slow the whole team down and probably cause more work for the defenders and tankers. Those semi-leeches are a thing of the past with this scheme.

Oh, yeah, bridging's dead as yesterday's mutton, too.