52 -
Just a detail, DO use equip on the Bruiser, the Knockback was changed to knockDOWN MONTHS ago. Have Fun!
if you wanna keep it cheap, I think this might be your weapon of choice.
Personally, I ALWAYS believe in going a lil overboard with RAM.
I would've gone with this ...
Your choice though. Have Fun! -
Looks like more than enough to me. lol
Apart from the cpu, it easily outguns my custom'd Shuttle. -
I noticed ALOT of Thug mentions, YES, they ARE that good! I could write guides on Thugs/Storm and Thugs/Pain. The secondaries are almost polar opposites, but both get it done very well.
/Storm gives you a very chaotic way to mess up your targets, keep em off balance, and soften em up.
/Pain is more about you and your team, it takes whats already there and cranks the volume to 11.
Thugs ... they hit on ALL ends. The Punks (after lvl 6) can lay down lots of suppressive and knockdown power. That lil psychotic Arsonist a Fire damage GOD. The Enforcers are good at shredding whole groups with their Dual Uzis. And the Bruiser ... he smashes EVERYTHING that so much as looks at him funny.
Mercs .. I LIKE them, but it is common knowledge they just don't hit as hard as the others. Which REALLY sucks since I LOVE the sound of ALL THOSE BULLETS flying! I think the idea was that they trade raw firepower for debuff powers. STILL though, if they just gave the Spec-Ops 'Stealth Strike' or used the new AR animations for the Commando, that would really help even them with the others. I'd LOVE to see the Commando have 'Scourge', that would put him over the top. -
I KNEW I couldn't have been the only one whacked enough to go FULL 8 against Longbow! Yeah, I tried that on my SS/WP brute on a council mission paper mission ... Stomping, LOTS of STOMPING! They never knew what the hell hit em. lol Then tried a Longbow ... You can guess.
Then tried FULL 8 on my Thug/Storm .. I got slaughtered. Even with Gangwar providing cover, I never seen my boys get chewed up so fast. -
Hmmm, accidental Self-destruct ... Once in a blue moon, but still fun.
No tankers, but charged my Brute in without toggles ... more times than I wanna count!
Trying to TANK .. with my Corrupter .... yeah, you can imagine that one.
OH and my personal fave screwup ... Charging in ... and forgetting my BODYGUARD MODE! -
Ok .. thats just weird, I walk THROUGH my 'Bots all the time, and whenever I'm real close to em, they always step back a bit to avoid colliding. Now when I'm with another MM, I CAN'T walk through his/her henchmen. Go figure.
Ok, this MIGHT'VE already been answered ... but what about Pool Powers? Particularly the blurs left by Flight, Speed and Jump. I'd LOVE to custom color/brighten those. Blue Flame trails, anyone?
My fave Corrupter is my Fire/Storm Fire gives you damage of every style almost without limit. Storm gives you slowing, defense AND damage resistance debuffs, a pair of Nasty pets, and wide area stealth. My fave attack style is the the Fatal 4, Freeze Rain + Rain of Fire + Fireball + Firebreath. ONE salvo will bury nearly ANY mob. You can solo with it, Teams will LOVE you. OH, just be careful with knockback attacks ... Teams might NOT love that.
2 Things, 1. you WILL need Stamina if you run your Mist alot. 2. You WILL want to put end reduction in Mist. Its an endurance BLOWTORCH. -
Mercs knock things quite around a bit after Upgrade, but you REALLY don't notice in the massive hailstorm of lead.
Thugs USED to knock back ... now its ALL either DEAD or knocked DOWN. -
Hmm tough call, I got 6 MMs, but my fave has to be my Thugs/Pain, Bloody Red Rose. I must've started her over a dozen (or MORE) times, but she is PERFECT now. She's att 44, I'm sure she be my first 50. I've yet to see a EB or AV she can't take down, the Pain takes the best parts of Thugs and cranks it to 11. You'd think my fave would be my Thugs/Storm, all those killer debuffs ... but I just plain have more fun with Pain. Go figure.
REALLY!? Maybe a 4TH try as a Ninja/Storm will be the charm ..
Thugs/Pain, Thugs/Storm, or Thugs/Dark ... you see a pattern here? Thugs have a strong bit of everything. Punks deliver LOTS of Knockdown, Enforcers basically make everyone better and lay lots of strafing firepower, the Arsonist is a Fire-damage MASTER, and the Bruiser ... I'm reminded of a line from Alien Resurrection, "Hey, you the mechanic! I mostly just HURT PEOPLE!"
Dark gives you some SCARY powers and controls. Storm is a debuff machine with a nice dose of chaos. Pain takes what you got, and cranks the volume ... and theres nothing more awesome than a Bruiser on a Pain Bringer Binge.
As for the Moonwalk, well thats between you and Recently Deceased. I WILL miss him. -
The Pink Killer Rabbit is VERY right. lol 2 Thugs/Storms will bury just about anything you go up against, hell I got ONE and they bury just about anything. The Lightning Storm, the best thing to do it give it 3 slots with recharge SO or IOs. I personally add 3 more slots for heavy damage. You get it ready more often, AND it fires its bolts faster, say ... just under 1 shot per second. Oh and you CAN cast one while you have one already up.
Ok, just because your have Pain Bringer, doesn't mean you're ALWAYS gonna use it on a Henchman. If you're on a team and have .. say a /SD brute, I never seen one that didn't have endurance issues. One dose of PAIN, you make him VERY happy. Dom and Corrupters can always use the boost. Allies aside, The Commando, Bruiser, and from what I've read, the Oni all burn end pretty fast. I have had the first 2 (Tried Ninjas 3 times, just couldn't stand em.) all run out of ammo on me. The Assault Bot is an oddity, its attacks simply don't burn endurance fast enough to run dry. (believe me, I've TRIED!) The fastest end burner I seen personally, is the Enforcer, All his attacks are rapid-fire, he fires .. and just never stops. The Pro-Bot and the Arsonist are almost as bad.
I know Mu pretty well, have run it with my SS/WP brute, and 4 MMs. The Electric Fences is GREAT at pinning targets down! One thing, Silver Mantis is VERY tough to kill, you might wanna bring a team for her, the rest can be solo'd pretty easily. The Colalax Queen, (can't think of her name) I think I set a speed record trashing her. lol Theres a mission with Malta, they not to tough for a Brute, but MAKE SURE to kill the SAPPERS first. The last is Serafina ... tricky, but still nothing a solid Brute can't pulverize. Good luck!
I tried a DM/WP last night .. I gotta say it IS badass! Just gotta ask, what exactly is a 'Buzzsaw' build? Just lots of small, fast, rapidfire attacks? I'm definetly gonna lvl this one in a hurry .. wonder what Epic Pool will fit best ...
I knew theres a reason I never bought anything made by Prima. Guess they never heard of an ATTACK Tanker.
Ok I MUST ask this, Jade Dragon, WHY ON EARTH would you NOT want your Bruiser to have Equip powers? They DID fix the Handclap, it knocksDOWN now, and the Haymaker is just a good all-around attack. They REALLY brightened him up. Mine (Tank Eater) used to get stuck flinging rocks all the time .. now, he charges in faster than a Kamikaze Pilot.
That sounds like my very first MM, a 'Bots/Trick Arrow, I made it up to ... 27, I think. Think it was all attacks, all bots, all fitness pool, and ONE arrow attack. Yes, even 'Repair'! I was young and DEEPLY dumb then ... a year ago. At least I can admit it, though. lol
I guess I'm a simpler sort, I just 6 slot em for all Acc, then at lvl 12, 6 Acc DOs. At lvl 22, 3 Acc and 3 Damage SOs or lvl 25 IOs. I focus on what I'm gonna use my henchmen the most for ... FRAGGIN', LOTS of FRAGGIN'. So I max out Acc, I passionately HATE wasted ammo. I Then max out damage later. Don't know much on IO Sets, don't overly care.
Ok .. I got 6 MMs, 3 stormers, and 3 pain machines, Mercs, Bots, and Thugs each, which would piss off Heroes the quickest? They're all in the low 40s, except my bots/storm, 38.
Hmmm ... Could always lead by EXAMPLE. "Ok, THIS is Tankerminding ..." The mob bombards you, and you take nearly no damage. The wannabes stand in awe and ask, "How?" It is better to SHOW en, not tell em. Its like a movie, you can read the reviews, the prequel comic, the novel based on an outdated script, but you not gonna know til you're IN the Theater.
I'd say start with a Thugs/Pain, but then you might be spoiled with everything (and everyone) else not hitting hard enough.
Pain on MERCs .. OH YEAH. The Mercs have their own debuff array, so Pain fits em like a glove. Yes, they have a Medic, but thats one ONE guy with a single-barrel heal, you can do better than him, and make sure he's ATTACKING instead of healing. Pain Bringer works GREAT on the Commado, the damage boost and the endurance make sure he never runs dry on ammo. Carnies will hate you with a passion. lol