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  1. Kirsten

    Any word...

    Hrm...I was hoping that signature powers could possibly be Omega Slot...
  2. Epic Archetypes are great, but this would not be one. It would be a very messy custom AT which would require obscene amounts of work to balance, before ever bothering with PvP. *ahem*CO*cough*
  3. Did you try falling and missing the ground?
  4. Ah. I was hoping for some sort of "Rainbow/Light-based" set.
  5. I did the math there, and the Custom set comes out to about $9400. So if anybody has over 9 Gs sitting around, good luck with the set, bro/she-bro!
  6. Kirsten

    Any word...

    ...on player Signature Powers? I don't know if anything was said, but I'm curious about Dev opinions on the subject.
  7. Also, Kalistosh, the idea behind Plantoid rather reminds me of the Harbinger of Earth EAT somebody came up with earlier.

    Edit: Cimeroran Added to Post 2, by the way.
  8. Man, I missed it...I woulda asked for "Zombie Prostitute"!
  9. You're all gonna hate me for this, but... SOON(tm).
  10. Kirsten

    Manip/Manip AT?

    Hm...I might roll a manip/manip...

    1-24: Manip / Manip

    24: Career Split
    Manip + Shields / Control
    Manip + Shields / Assault
    Especially if this is how it gets implemented. Personally, I hope to the guy in the apartment upstairs that they ARE planning to do new Archetypes.
  11. The OP's idea does seem a little squishy...I could only see it working if the attacks in the pet set were replaced with defensive toggles.
  12. ...iOS...


    In summary, I hate Apple. Cool app though. Hope it gets ported to Android.
  13. Necromancer: Gained from both the Midnighter and Cold Hand of Death Badges.
    +Gives a zombie summon power which gains charges when logged out in Midnighter Club or Dark Astoria.

    Dreamspace Explorer: Gained from both the Chronologist and the Midnighter Badges.
    +Gives an increased chance for Arcane Component salvage and large Inspirations to drop.
  14. Kirsten

    iTrial Crashes

    Haven't tried safe mode, will try.
  15. Kirsten

    Change origin

    Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
    Well, at least they could try to make 1-time badges account-wide, so all you characters have them.
    It's a bit stupid to have an anniversary badge with a character, and not have it with an older one only because you didn't log in with that one.
  16. I would personally fund the creation of at least one free new Archetype, and/or a buttload of alternate power animations.
  17. I think they only killed Psyche so they could let Penny join and still have room for somebody totally new.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
    lots of stuff
    Hmmm. I like these, but I have a thought... Why do the Chimera have darkness based powers in their secondary if it's "Prismatic Aura"?
  19. In a rerail, I say the well is Blue Steel.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    What 'pure magic AT'?

    Despite certain anomalies (most of which are due to tech limitation, i.e. Masterminds) pretty much any set in this game can be represented by any of the origins. You can throw fire and be tech, natural, magic, science or mutant. Locking any of them, even thematically, is a really really BAD idea.

    If you mean more stuff like alternate animations i.e. wands for blast sets, that's a whole other topic.
    I think he meant something like Blood of the Black Sand or Midnighter...
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    I hope all is well with you.
    Womp wah...
  22. Hm... Well, I feel that some prices are a wee bit inflated, but if I had to say it, I'd be willing to pay 800-900 for an EAT, or 1000-1100 for a normal AT, provided it had a fair number of powersets available.
  23. I liek to use them, either as a fallback (Recovery Serum, anyone?) or thematically.