Change origin




Not sure if this can ever be fixed, but can there be a way to change a characters origin? I have a few 50s that that I have made and still play but don't like there origin that I started with. I don't to remake the character all over again. I just figure there is name changes why not origin. Just would be nice.



Little history lesson, since I saw this pop up.

Origin does nothing now. Way back in days of yore, as in pre-beta for the game, origin did. It determined how many powers you could get and how far you could develop them. That, quite obviously, was scrapped.

However, Origin remains one of four things we can't change - along with AT, primary and secondary sets.

I suspect that part of the character 'definition' has Origin as such a deeply buried, foundational aspect that being able to change it would break... well, many things, and like all "it might break," it'd probably break a lot more than we suspect.

Little different situation from name changes, where they really *have* to leave that for last and leave it open for editing - otherwise we'd have so many copyright violations VIPs would be paying $500/month to keep up with the legal bills.

Now, I don't know that that explanation is right or not - it's something that's been asked for for a long time, though. If it *would* be easy and not cause problems, hey, I'm all for it. Characters evolve. I just suspect fairly strongly that it's not.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I suspect that part of the character 'definition' has Origin as such a deeply buried, foundational aspect that being able to change it would break... well, many things, and like all "it might break," it'd probably break a lot more than we suspect.
It's true that Origins have very little effect on the current game. But I think the reason why we'll probably never get an "origin respec" option has everything to do with these leftover bits and pieces that are still scattered around in the code.

For instance some of the original low-level mission contacts were based on your Origin, at least blueside at any rate. This means that the core of the contact system probably has some origin-specific code that might be hard to deal with. Also you have the problem with handling DO and SO enhancements - these would probably force some kind of full respec regardless. And there's also the Origin Powers you'd have to account for as well.

Bottomline there are many more issues related to changing Origins than there are with something like changing a character's name. Seems like the Devs have decided it's simply more trouble than it's worth.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



My recollection is that this has been asked for before, and every time the response has been that it's fundamental to how the character's data is stored on their end. They would literally have to rewrite a very old, very basic part of the game - without breaking anything in the process. This is very, VERY unlikely to happen.

I've rerolled two characters, in their 20s (and this is back when that actually took a couple of weeks' worth of evenings to get), to fix their Origin. I'm sure it'd be even easier now. If the characters in question are old ones with anniversary badges etc that you can't get again... I guess you'll have to decide which bothers you more, not having the badges or not having the "right" Origin.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Since we'll probably never be able to change origins, at least it's very easy to write an explanation into a bio explaining a change in origins, or multilple origins.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
My recollection is that this has been asked for before, and every time the response has been that it's fundamental to how the character's data is stored on their end. They would literally have to rewrite a very old, very basic part of the game - without breaking anything in the process. This is very, VERY unlikely to happen.

I've rerolled two characters, in their 20s (and this is back when that actually took a couple of weeks' worth of evenings to get), to fix their Origin. I'm sure it'd be even easier now. If the characters in question are old ones with anniversary badges etc that you can't get again... I guess you'll have to decide which bothers you more, not having the badges or not having the "right" Origin.
Well, at least they could try to make 1-time badges account-wide, so all you characters have them.
It's a bit stupid to have an anniversary badge with a character, and not have it with an older one only because you didn't log in with that one.



Originally Posted by Lord_Kalistoh View Post
Well, at least they could try to make 1-time badges account-wide, so all you characters have them.
It's a bit stupid to have an anniversary badge with a character, and not have it with an older one only because you didn't log in with that one.

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If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



There's also a rumor floating around somewhere, only slightly supported by in game developments, that suggest origins may become more important again in the future.

It's only a rumor, but it would be nice to see some new origin specific contacts or something.

As far as why the respec won't ever happen, you already have the answer from a couple people now. Keep in mind that the current development team often runs into snippets left over from the early days (only a few of them were around back then IIRC) that they don't fully understand the effects of. Two quick examples: the aggro formula (aka it's never getting fixed because literally nobody understands how it works to begin with) and whatever it was that they broke in bases a little while back that made everyone's base defenses go haywire. It's nearly impossible to guess what might go wrong if they allowed you to change your origin.

As a workaround, I suggest using the events of story arcs in game as a springboard for ways you could write a short explanation in your bio. Pool powers and APPs could help give the effect you want. For example, say you have a natural character but you start thinking magic would suit him better. You could pick up Mu Mastery and say that learning the arts of the Mu made him appreciate and understand the magical arts.

@Rorn ---- Blue Baron ---- Guardian



I need this.
Well, I want it...Wanted to change origins for a couple of characters.
I know I could just ignore it, but I like my characters well done in every single way I can.



I would change origins on a couple toons as well, if it was possible (and free).

I also always thought that if you wanted to have origins in the game, a lot of toons would best be described with 2 origins. Like: natural / tech, or mutant / science.

In my philosophy of the game, the arcs should be realigned into origin-specific storylines, so players that choose a particular origin (or origins) would be encouraged to play different material. Of course, the whole game's content should be open to for everyone, but it just seems to me that if you choose, say, a natural origin character, it would be logical and satisfying to play him in a natural milieu. (Like a martial artist who goes up against primarily martial arts foes, mercenaries, and street gangs.)

This is a common theme in comics. While exceptions abound, typically the Fantastic Four fights science foes (Galactus, Dr. Doom's robots, the Kree Sentry, the Skrulls, the Red Ghost, the Inhumans, etc.), the X-Men fight mutant foes (the Hellfire Club, Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, etc.), Dr. Strange fights magic foes (Dormammu, Baron Mordo, Dracula, etc.), Iron Man goes up against tech foes (Unicorn, Melter, Titanium Man, Crimson Dynamo, Controller, etc.), and so on. It's because their origin draws them into conflict with foes who have similar means and interests.

But more importantly, I suppose, I'd like to have the ability to change a supergroup name (for free).



It just occurred to me, they could change the origin like this:
- You select the new origin.
- The game creates a character with the same name, AT and power set, but the selected origin.
- Set the XP to the XP of the old one and lvl-up the new toon selecting the powers and the slot in the same way.
- Then it proceeds to place the same (or equivalent if they are origin restricted) enhancements in the slot.
- Then it sets the new toon to the default toon and deletes the old one.

The only problem is that has to be done off-line and may be resource intensive. Something like the copy tool for the test / beta servers but with more process. So maybe it's not that there's no way but the cost in doing it.