Manip/Manip AT?




So, what would everyone think about a Manip/Manip AT?

To me, this is something I’ve wanted to play for quite some time. It would be a very high risk AT, would require some good strategy, and would reward the player with high damage and challenging game play.

Obvious Concerns:
1. Same power set for both Primary and Secondary
2. Lack of Mitigation
3. Lack of Mez Protection
4. High/Low Performance

1. Having both primary and secondary power sets the same is something that is, currently, not in the game. This could be fixed by making an all melee primary with an all non-armor mitigation secondary but, to me, this wouldn’t work out as well. The Manipulation sets are already a mish-mash of melee, self buffs and various forms of mitigation. Each set has its own theme which is what would make combining two of these sets an interesting pairing. Of course, there are little tweaks that would need to be looked at, like Boost Range and two Build Ups (see below).

2. While it is true that this would be a melee set without any armor toggles, the mitigation is found throughout the sets as secondary effects, as well as minor control. Ice has slows and ice patch, energy has knockback, mental has –recharge, elec has sleep, dark will have –to hit, devices has its various tools and nearly all of them have an immobilize. Would these be enough to keep the character alive? I think so. Ignoring mezes for the time being, this combination could solo well and would be a great powerhouse on a team.

3. I will agree that mezes would completely destroy this type of pairing of powers. However, instead of just giving them a mez protection toggle, I would try and get a little more creative. I would do two things to resolve this issue. The first would be to give the archetype an inherent resistance to all mezes. Since mezes scale from the low level Clockwork Sleep to the ‘go make a sandwich’ Malta stun grenades, I think a scaling resistance (based on level) would be best. I would also set their offensive toggles to suppress, rather than toggle off, when mezed.

Step two would be to swap out one of the two Build Ups with a new power. This power would grant them 1000% mez resistance for a short duration, perhaps 20 seconds. During this time each mez that affects the character would grant a stackable increase in damage. This power would have a 90-120 second recharge making it more situational and something to keep for the more mez-heavy groups. If this is not possible, due to how the system does or does not work, then I would make it a 20 second 50% Build Up with the added mez resistance.

4. High and low performance issues. This is, oddly, where I am torn. If played poorly, this type of archetype would have very low performance, and would have more issues than an eBay bought Blaster in the Storm Palace. If played properly, this would be a very powerful combination, and with proper IOs could be considered OP.

I’m sure there are some other issues that I may not be seeing, but I think something like this would be extremely fun to play. With I21 supposedly allowing any new character to choose from any archetype means that this doesn’t need to be tied to either side (ie: you don’t need an opposite AT to counter it in the ‘# of ATs per side’ balance).

The plus side to this concept is that there is very little art/fx/animation changes that would need to be done, and Blasters would most likely see more Manip sets down the pipe as they would become available to more than one AT.

Comments? Concerns? Love it? Hate it?

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Your first concern is not an issue. Choosing something as your primary could just lock it out as a choice for your secondary, the way Dual Blades, Katana, and Claws lock out Shield Defense. As for two instances of Build Up, the easy way to fix that is to just take it out of the "secondary" versions of the sets and replace it with something else.

{}... .-



I WANT. and with your idea, would this include assault sets or no? i wouldnt think it would just wondering.

An easy fix to the BU problem is the the primary sets get BU while the secondary sets get Power boost instead, of course energy manip would get a new power(preferably whirling hands to have SOME Aoe)

But yeah... i want this. It would definetly be a fun AT. The inherent Could be a scaling mez protection and maybe some other goody, like scaling damage and resist?

It wouldn't need any new epic pools either, because the blaster pools would fit it just fine, of course rework numbers to fit the AT's modifiers but thats all.

This would have to wait until after I21 though, they already have enough to do right now, but one this i wanna say:
i would roll a dark/MM of this AT... and would LOVE it

{}... .-



/signed, for the sole fact that I love the idea of there being a pure tactical AT

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Sooooo who wants to PM a dev about this? xD

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



Originally Posted by theduke24 View Post
I WANT. and with your idea, would this include assault sets or no? i wouldnt think it would just wondering.
The idea was to be a melee focused AT, so I never really thought about adding/integrating the Assault sets.

Originally Posted by theduke24 View Post
Sooooo who wants to PM a dev about this? xD
Oh, I talked to Castle about this a few times and have already started to work on Synapse.

I think the biggest issue is, how many players would want to play an AT that had the same type of primary and secondary, rather than play something with two different power sets? This is why I mentioned in the OP, splitting the melee and 'survival' abilities into two trees. Personally, I don't think that would work as well, and it would take much more work to implement. The Manip sets are already done, you'd just need to tweak a few abilities.

The main reason I posted here was to see how many people would be interested in something like this.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



I was thought Melee/Manipulation would be easier and more appropriate. Spines/Fire, Claws/Elec, War Mace/Devices, Super Strength/Ice, etc. You could start by just ignoring the overlaps, do not include the Melee sets that have a matching Manipulation (EM, ELM, Fire, Ice, and soon Dark), but possibly eventually rework things so that you could include them.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I suspect that very few players would be interested in a manip-manip archtype.

Under the previous business model I'd say you would have no chance of ever getting such an archtype made.

As of CoH: Freedom... well... the chances are significantly better. Depending on the work-load required to "make" a Manip / Manip AT it could be profitable under the new Paragon Store system.

Let's call it a "premium" archetype and sell it for... say... $5.

CoH has what... 60k~70k subscribers.

Okay, let's say 5% of a 60k population bought the AT ~ 3,000.

At $5 that would be $15,000 back to NCSoft / Paragon Studios.

Now, would I personally play one?

No. I would not.

Honestly if the developers were to approach such a concept, I'd rather see something in the lines of the Villain Epic Archtypes.

1-24: Manip / Manip

24: Career Split

  • Manip + Shields / Control
  • Manip + Shields / Assault
Most of the Blaster Manipulation sets have existing shield / control / assault counterparts. Devices could probably leverage Weapon Mastery for shields, but there's really no assault or control counterparts.

The conceptual idea is that as this AT levels it's able to plug some of obvious holes, such as loads of melee-range powers with no melee protections.

Splitting the upper-levels into Control / Assault expands the gameplay possibilities, allowing players to go full tactical with lock-down abilities, or to give players some extra range and a bit more damage.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I suspect that very few players would be interested in a manip-manip archtype.

Under the previous business model I'd say you would have no chance of ever getting such an archtype made.

As of CoH: Freedom... well... the chances are significantly better. Depending on the work-load required to "make" a Manip / Manip AT it could be profitable under the new Paragon Store system.
You know, I never thought of anything like that. Most of what I was thinking was along the lines of there no longer being a line drawn between Hero and Villain during character creation, thus they don't have to wait for 2 ATs before they can release.

However, I would not be opposed to something like a Premium AT. I could easily see myself paying $5-10 for a new AT, even one that's 'mostly' proliferated, since I know that there is mostl likely quite a bit of extra work 'under the hood', so to speak, when creating a new AT.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Originally Posted by Cyclone_Jack View Post
You know, I never thought of anything like that. Most of what I was thinking was along the lines of there no longer being a line drawn between Hero and Villain during character creation, thus they don't have to wait for 2 ATs before they can release.
This... was never likely to begin with. I'm having to speak on guesswork here because I don't know the current studio policy.

When City of Heroes was controlled by Cryptic Studios there were a wide range of epic archetypes planned for the game such as the Kheldians, Coralax, Avian. Cryptic's development policy to use "epic archetypes" to implement gameplay and / or costume ideas that would not fit within the existing archetypes. The Kheldians implemented a shape-shifting / multi-power choice type of game-play. We know that one of those Epic-Archetypes, the Avians, were canned in the lead-up to the Issue 8 introduction of Wings.

When City of Heroes was bought out by NCSoft, the development priorities changed. The initial focus on the part of NCNorCal was side parity, and I believe it was publically stated that the Issue 12 Villain Epic Archetypes were created for that reason.

During the development of Issue 12 NC-NorCal indicated that the V.E.A.T's were a one-off for parity purposes, and that no other new archetypes were planned. There were several allusions to a new policy that had permanently scrapped the various other planned Epic Archetypes, as well as a general no new archetypes policy. The indicated development policy was that any future game mechanics / costumes needed to fit within the confines of the existing archetypes and skeletal systems, rather than doing one-offs.

Examples of these game-play mechanic changes can be seen in sets such as Dual-Blades which introduced combos; dual pistols which brought with it the [swap ammo] function; and Electric Control which implemented new chaining mechanics in [jolting chain] and [synaptic overload].

Examples of the costume changes can be seen.. well... just by browsing the existing booster-packs.

* * *

Now, what I don't know is if this previous unspoken development policy is still in effect.

In the run up to CoH: Freedom I've seen a couple of decisions go into effect that I honestly would not have expected. For example there is un-slotting which in the past the various development teams were firmly against.

Which brings us up to here:

However, I would not be opposed to something like a Premium AT. I could easily see myself paying $5-10 for a new AT, even one that's 'mostly' proliferated, since I know that there is most likely quite a bit of extra work 'under the hood', so to speak, when creating a new AT.
My suspicion is that this would probably be the way to go if the developers are open to the possibility of new archetypes.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
My suspicion is that this would probably be the way to go if the developers are open to the possibility of new archetypes.
I would agree. Granted, a game with 12 different archetypes to choose from already has quite a few choices. Does it really need more? Would more shift the balance of the game in some way? These are questions I am unqualified to answer. All I know is that I've wanted to play a dual Manip AT for a very, very long time. Will we ever see it? Highly unlikely, but I wanted to see if there were others like me that would enjoy something like it.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



oh hey i found this thread again

Like whats been said before, the devs have been doing some new things lately so this could be a possibi;ity. Would we see it in the near future? no. It'd have to wait until after all of the incarnates are here and theyve released "the coming storm". If this is set up as a premium AT, I'm sure a lot of people would buy it JUST to see what it would be like.

1-24: Manip / Manip

24: Career Split
  • Manip + Shields / Control
  • Manip + Shields / Assault
I'm not exactly sure whether I'd like this branching Idea better than just a manip/manip. This would make more work for devs, but now that i think about it, it would be more interesting.

After 24, would a power be removed to make room for the shield? or would it be an inherent power once we respec? And what would your Idea for the shield be? And would the branching be like VEATs where after we respec, we can still pick from the manip/manip set?

If they work it as a branching set like this, It would take a lot more work, but would also be much more balanced, and much more interesting.

Well... /signed for the branching idea

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



When I first read about Dominators using Control/Assault, I was hoping that the controls would be similar to the Controller controls, but changed into a smaller PBAoE format (like Ice Patch vs Ice Slick). I was actually quite bummed to see that it was just a straight port. That being the case, if I were to do the split:


The Control powers would focus on small PBAoE controls and some ranged single target controls, and I would probably inner-mix a utility power or two (perhaps a debuff here or there). As these would be a smaller PBAoE, they would not affect as many enemies and would recharge faster. I would probably keep any shield powers for the APP/EPPs. Due to certain powers being duplicated between sets, certain secondaries would be unavailable depending on your primary choice (eg: no Energy Manip/Energy Assault).

You could maybe add in a Manip/Debuff, but I'd rather see a Melee/Debuff combination get created someday.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Originally Posted by Cyclone_Jack View Post
The idea was to be a melee focused AT, so I never really thought about adding/integrating the Assault sets.

Oh, I talked to Castle about this a few times and have already started to work on Synapse.

I think the biggest issue is, how many players would want to play an AT that had the same type of primary and secondary, rather than play something with two different power sets? This is why I mentioned in the OP, splitting the melee and 'survival' abilities into two trees. Personally, I don't think that would work as well, and it would take much more work to implement. The Manip sets are already done, you'd just need to tweak a few abilities.

The main reason I posted here was to see how many people would be interested in something like this.

Oh you said you talked to castle and synapse, what did they say?

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



I for one would have no interest in playing Manip/manip. That said, if it's something they could add relatively easily to the Paragon store and earn a bit of cash off, go for it.

What I'd really like to see is Melee/Support (or Support/Melee). I'd drop a bit of cash to play Dark Melee/Time Manipulation.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
I for one would have no interest in playing Manip/manip. That said, if it's something they could add relatively easily to the Paragon store and earn a bit of cash off, go for it.

What I'd really like to see is Melee/Support (or Support/Melee). I'd drop a bit of cash to play Dark Melee/Time Manipulation.
Have fun with that.

Melee/Support would be a HORRIBLE combination in this game. You are forced into melee to deal damage, yet you don't have any of the tools necessary to survive in it.

It can work in other games, but other games have things like armor to protect your character. We just have powers, and if you don't have self protective powers being in melee for extended lengths of time is asking for a dirt nap.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by theduke24 View Post
Oh you said you talked to castle and synapse, what did they say?
In the simplest of terms, "Never say never, but don't hold your breath," pretty much sums it up I'll keep bugging Synapse from time to time just because I think an Elec Manip/Ice Manip or Dark Manip/Psi Manip would be a ton of fun, IMO.

Originally Posted by Oathbound View Post
What I'd really like to see is Melee/Support (or Support/Melee). I'd drop a bit of cash to play Dark Melee/Time Manipulation.
Yeah, if done right, I think a Melee/Support or Support/Melee could work out well. I'd probably give them a little bit of positional defense so they could linger in melee a little easier, but I think there would be some interesting and fun combinations.

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



Originally Posted by Cyclone_Jack View Post
In the simplest of terms, "Never say never, but don't hold your breath," pretty much sums it up I'll keep bugging Synapse from time to time just because I think an Elec Manip/Ice Manip or Dark Manip/Psi Manip would be a ton of fun, IMO.

Yeah, if done right, I think a Melee/Support or Support/Melee could work out well. I'd probably give them a little bit of positional defense so they could linger in melee a little easier, but I think there would be some interesting and fun combinations.
Dark/Psi is why i want it so bad :P sould drain+drain psyche then psishock? yes please. tried to roll a ?/psi/soul dom but i just cant get the manip manip idea out of my head

And i would play a melee/support toon. i would say itd have to have at LEAST scrap or brute health, with tank damage mods. i would like to try a Time/KM or something like that

EDIT: i would pay for both AT's

-= idspispopd =-

[size=1]Arc ID: 3155 - Project Prometheus (Seeking Feedback, now with less invalidation)[/size]



1: Get Fiery Assault/Icy Assault Character
2: Have option to have fire swords/attacks from one hand, ice swords/attacks from the other.
3: Summon Fire Sword and Ice Sword.
4: Run into crowd.
5: ???
6: Profit.



NO necroing lol!

I think the post by je_saist was excellent.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Hm...I might roll a manip/manip...

1-24: Manip / Manip

24: Career Split
Manip + Shields / Control
Manip + Shields / Assault
Especially if this is how it gets implemented. Personally, I hope to the guy in the apartment upstairs that they ARE planning to do new Archetypes.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.



Earlier i said blaster epics would work fine for this AT.... I take that back.

I think that the troller/dom epics would work better for this AT, as they give Direct self protection as opposed to more mitigation, something this AT would already have plenty of.

Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.