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Anyone can submit art to the City of Heroes group on deviantArt?
Check on a different server and see if the message is in use, or not available. Not available means blocked by filter, in use/avaliable means that the name just got locked out for a period of time.
Quote:Dude, that looks nothing like the cartoon....Fixed that for you:
btw, hate the new vampiress face....it's ugly and doesn't respond to scales so the ugliest part of it (the blocky jaw) can't be altered
(Seriously, my X-men knowledge comes from the 90s cartoon and the movies. I assume that has something to do with the comics, but... *whoosh* over my head :7) -
So go hunt Banished Pantheon masks and CoT and other things that only spawn at night if you want those badges!
If you're blueside and willing to set up a little time to chat, one of mine is a possibility. She comes from a family of mages and her magic is based in movement. One of her primary roles is demon hunter, though recently she's learned not all of them need to be killed on site, she'd be willing to give one a chance while still bound if it wanted to do good.
But I'm a big fan of talking OOC and maybe a little IC to get a feel for other players to make sure our RP styles are compatable before committing to making characters dependant on anyoneI'm @Kai in game too if you want to hit me up.
Sween! He whose avatar always left me laughing. Welcome back
I remembered screens!
Wyld Fyre, aka Jae Smith as Jubilee since 2005, though it really wasn't perfect til the sparkles aura
Black Symphony, at least the half that is Zeke Covington, as The Shadow since 2009
Black Radiance, aka Roxy Acetylene as a french maid (cause that's what that ascot screamed at me)
Do you mean like halloween costumes for our characters, or costumes using the Halloween Costume Pack? If its the later, check the last couple pages of the Post your best Costumes sticky
Well good luck to people, I can tell from the OP's choices that our ideas of style aren't exactly on the same page so none of mine will be here
There are a couple people in Exalted RP, I peek in here and there and see if anyone wants to go meet some characters but no luck yet. I have an SG of sorts but its really for friends who want to vacation on Exalted a bit, and quite frankly I don't know many of you people yet to be handing out any invites, but maybe that will change someday.
Yeah....not enough lead time and not enough 'con' to even try from the other side of the country. Try Gencon or DragonCon next year, they'll be lot of us there! ;7
Its the zen of cacheing, wait 10min and it will mystically work. Ohm.
I really have nothing helpful to say, I just thought you might be amused that I originally read the name of the group as 'Tonkatsu Hero Force' and the mental images were hilarious
I don't think its clique-y so much as its hard to find RPers you click with, and see more than once, at random. I have a server friends list of cool people I have run into and RPed with but have never seen more than once. Its a lot more being introduced to friends of friends than showing up someplace and there regularly being the same cast of characters.
There is a Stylish one from way back, I'll have to find it again
You can have my two and a half if you like
Lexi Preston, personal assistant to Crey's VP of Genetic Operations in the Rogue Isles, sometimes known as the sabatour and thief Psiamese
Lina McCallister, cyberware using hero from a parallel dimension. She has a ton of outfits, this is her latest Incarnate boosted one, with tail armor!
Tianyi isn't really a catgirl, but her no-so-secret-anymore identity as Byako is
http://kai.blackboxchaos.com/pics/CoH/ref/Byako.jpg (big ref image is big) -
That's exactly what I did with my Exalted names, pick the right powersets and origins, load in as blank slate. Redeem a tailor token later and make a costume at Ms. Liberty
Me, well, my alter ego reality hacker's song is the MK Ultra Mix of Own Little World by Celldweller or To Be Free by Stella Frust from Sol Bianca: The Legacy
Own Little World - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mcgPgWo8AHg
To Be Free - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z396jjALSSs
My characters all have thier own themesongs :7
Wyld Fyre/Jae Smith - tech savant rural-turned-big-city pyrokinetic
Smash Mouth - All Star
Terra Aureus - blue collar unpowered broadsword wielding vigilante with fragmented memory
3 Doors Down - Life of My Own
Roxy Acteylene/Black Radiance - Hedonistic rockstar with a dark past involving genetic engineering
Papa Roach - ...To Be Loved
Blaize/Kenna O'Neill - urban, young(only 90!) phoenix
The Propellerheads - History Repeating
Rakkshasi/Rowan Wendel - technomage of feng shui tendancies, blades, and deadly grace
Radiohead - Everything in its Right Place (Hybrid Mix)
Whitestar/Hope Smith - accidental traveler in spacetime who knows it will get better
The Horrors - Still Life
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJQk0jDZx8o -
So in discussing RP, and using AE Arcs, and all that to further stories, a cool idea was born, Base NPCs.
Simply put, players would redeem it as an account rewards, and would design them like custom AE models that are categorized at Person. They get no dialog or powers, just an outfit, a name, and maybe an emote(readbook, at ease, etc, etc).
Base designers can buy placeable objects called 'NPC location' and put them anywhere in the base that they'd like.
Much like placing personal items, individual players can then choose to place an NPC in any free location in their base.
Anyone else think this sounds like a great idea? -
Ezekiel Covington and Laurel Takara-Smith will happily take two seats on the stage level
We do this thread on Virtue, not sure how common it is elsewhere, but basically:
- If you are playing around looking for a character name and come across some cool ones you don't use, you can post them here to help people out.
- If you delete a character and you think the name might be wanted by someone, you can say you have released it, or will soon if anyone wants to PM you and claim it.
- If you need a name for a specific concept, you can ask and some creative name types can offer suggestions.
- If you have names you have characters for, but aren't particularly attached to, you can post that you'd consider trading them
I didn't get Kai, but I'm not terribly worried about it since I don't see myself playing on Exalted *that* much.
I snagged Kaji.
Yep, that's pretty much it. I would have liked Corona, but I'll take Coronna. -
Some updates to existing costumes, replacing the pleated skirt and combat boots in the first and the enforcer chest option and thigh high boots in the second