Open RP Event: In-game Beethoven Concert
I love it!!
I'm just going to post a quick reply and get back to you about the specifics, if that's okay!
I think I am going to attend as the Amazing Ape. I just think it is a great event for him (a very willing audience member) and I may get to dress him up in a tux!
I'll look into bringing at least one companion (and I will pass this on!!).
Thank you very much for creating this event!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
This is really cool! Im in, ill be attending as Robby Rush! ill get back to you with details as to whom im bringing!
I just added pictures of the stage and balcony levels to help people choose which level they wish to be on. Electric-Knight and Silvertron, just let me which you prefer. I am glad you both like this event!
id prefer the balchony level, and are their going to be cocktails and food?
After asking a few associates where they think he should sit for such a concert, Amazing Ape decides to be as close to the music as possible and gets stage level seats.
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Ezekiel Covington and Laurel Takara-Smith will happily take two seats on the stage level
I might join this, but I'll have to select a fitting hero for this.
This too looks like a very fun event! As I mentioned in another event thread, I sadly work and hope you'll consider throwing another in the future during the week (for us weekend workers).
Added Ezekiel Covington and Laurel Takara-Smith to the guest list.
Quick question, is this ten in the evening EST?
Really neat idea. Reminds me of Star Trek; how they'd show random recitals that the crew did.
Sign me up! While my character, Cyclone Shield, is a very talented pianist, I think he'll just watch the concert this time around. He'll be attending by himself.
One balcony ticket please!
I'm going to try to come too, though I haven't decided on which character. I may bring a date, and either way, I'd like stage level seating.
Event Programs
If you would like to print out a program for yourself before the concert, please
Click Here
Very nice touch
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
Just wanted to thank you for running a really nice event! Great idea and very well done.
It was also a pleasure meeting everyone there (as Amazing Ape) and I hope to keep in touch.
Also, absolutely fantastic job with the base. I ran around for a full tour before signing out. As I said at the time, great job!
I look forward to visiting the Heights again and in seeing some of the same people in-game some time.
As soon as this bug with the Bio-Hazard Base emblems is fixed, I'd like to get some people over to my red-side SG's base, which is a casino/hotel that I've been working on (on and off) for a while.
Thanks again!!
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"-Dylan
It's a shame we don't still have the Paragon Times. This would have made a great write-up!
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
The concert was very nice; low key and pleasant. It's was very creative and the musical selections were spot-on. The conductor of the orchestra was entertaining, clever use of emotes! I hope you do more events in your base, including more concerts.
I'm so sorry I missed this. I took a break after some time at the Sadie Hawkins dance, and ended up nodding off while I was watching TV. Woke up to a cat pawing my face, and by then it was like 2 AM.
Sunday, September 25th at 10pm EST

Lets try a different kind of roleplay event
The Roleplaying community has a lot of role-playing events to choose from. We have all done the Dance Parties, the in character taskforces, the static team and countless hours standing around PRing in our SG’s base of operations but when is the last time you went to something new? The in is time for your character to attend a classical music concert!
How it works
This Concert will work as close to the real thing as possible but here is a general outline of the evening. Like a real life concert, this kind of thing is often attended with friends, love ones or, perhaps a date. Dress up a little or a lot. It’s all up to you.
1. Head to the Atlas Park Base portal and look for a member of Hero Heights standing by it. This person will invite you to a league so you man enter the base and theater.
2. Go to into and start listening to the stream so you can hear the music and the ambiance. The station will cut into normal programing at least 20 minutes before the concert start time to help us start the proper mood.
3. Before the concert starts, feel free to find your seat, chatter in local with your neighbor, or just hang out in the lobby and watch the pretty people walk by.
4. During the Concert, standard concert behavior please! Emote and talk in a whisper. If it is a loud whisper and others can hear you, use /e. If only your neighbor can hear, then /tell.
5. There will an Intermission. Same idea as before the concert started.
6. More music!
7. The concert ends and people eventually exit the theater. You, do not, however, have to leave the Heights. The neighborhood is full of places get a bite to eat, relax in or just enjoy.
Sign up
In order to get a general idea of how many people are coming to the concert, we ask you sign up ahead of time by replying to this thread. Please state if you would like to be in on the Stage or Balcony level and the size of your party. Each level has approximately 60 seats.
Stage Level
1. Amazing Ape and guest
2. Ezekiel Covington
3. Laurel Takara-Smith
4. Square_Woot
5. Cyclone Shield
6. Ardrea (and a possible guest)
Balcony Level
1. Transmogrify
2. Echo Mirage
3. Daughter Dawn and guest
4. Robby Rush and guest
5. Jazual
You can Help!
In addition to coming to the event, you could be part of it. We need players who would like to be on stage as part of the Steel Canyon Orchestra. We could also use other staff to help the theater come alive. If you are willing to help, please reply and say how you would like to assist!
Let will help
About the Venues
Hero Heights is a neighborhood themed supergroup whose base represents an area outside the war walls between Steel Canyon and Independence Port. The heights is home to a high concentration of meta families living in it and, hence, is considered by many as the safest place in Paragon City outside of Atlas Park proper.
Here is some flavor text to give you the general idea:
“Welcome to Hero Heights! We are an unusual neighborhood.
Crime just doesn't happen here. That might be because the shoplifters that tried to rip off Holman's Market three years ago didn't know that Mr. Holman was The Wall before he retired in the 1980s. Or was it because Ms. Quicklight was shopping there at the time? No, it was probably because Mandy, Mr. Fashion's 6-year-old daughter, used her heat vision when one shoplifter pulled a gun, and Pastor Henry encased the other perp in ice until the police could arrive.”
About the McIntosh Theater
The McIntosh theater was built in 1923 as a combination vaudeville stage and movie theater by millionaire Benjamin McIntosh. A confirmed bachelor with no heirs, Mr. McIntosh set about spending his fortune on buildings in immigrant communities. Hero Heights is one such community and was blessed with a 120 seat in the art deco style.
The building amazingly survived the First Rikti Invasion mostly intact and has been restored over the last few years to it’s current fantastic state.