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  1. Adding the FF proc in Mids gives the option to turn that power on and off. Turning the power off will factor out the recharge from the proc.
  2. Jaelen

    Nuke My Survey!

    Originally Posted by Seraphael View Post
    1. Shield/SS Tankers still outdamage most Blaster AoE combinations or at the very least they come very close. I'm aware BaB has stated Shield Charge would be nerfed but I don't see the devs nerfing Shield Charge that much and risk offending the hordes of Shield using Brutes, Scrappers and Tankers.

    2. Isn't Lightning Rod even a greater offender though? That power alone is a mini-nuke that is as good as or better than anything in the Blaster arsenal. Why pay the rather heavy face-planting price of a Blaster (the one thing the AT generally did better than most other ATs were AoE damage at the cost of personal defenses and team support) when you can have your pie and it it too with other ATs?
    As far as 2 goes, no. Lightning Rod does less damage at point of impact than Shield Charge does over its entire radius. LR most of its damage in a 3 ft radius and then reduced damage for the rest of its area of effect. Shield Charge is supposed to have mechanics similar to LR but doesn't. It does all of its (higher) damage over its entire radius.
  3. But in this case, it is the other way around. At least per City of Data. The summon is normal base 1 accuracy while the actual explosion is 1.2 accuracy.
  4. insp_delete Awaken$$insp_delete Bounce Back$$insp_delete Restoration

    If you want to actually keep one, get a Restoration and remove that part of the bind/macro.
  5. Jaelen

    Claws / Regen...

    I think you'll also want to get Instant Healing earlier too and max out its recharge first and then the heal portion as you can fit it in. (After you finish slotting your attacks with some damage.)

    The fitness pool is one of the things that can be delayed on a regen. You won't need more than QR until you start piling on the toggles.
  6. I don’t have the ability to plug this into Mids where I am now, but I do notice a few things.

    1) Go ahead and finish the 5th Doctored Wounds everywhere you have 4 slotted. This gives +5% recharge set bonus which is very useful for Regen.

    2) Combat Jumping is way over slotted. It has a miniscule end cost and doesn’t give enough defense to worry about enhancing it. While leveling, I never do more than a common defense if I slot anything at all. You could move the slosts to Tough and get a bit more resists.

    3) Regarding Stamina – No, it is not usually needed for Regen. For leveling purposes, it really just comes down to whether or not you are regularly running out of end while fighting. Your attacks are nicely frankenslotted for some end reduction. Late, after you add the extra toggles, you might need a small boost. But by then you are almost to CP/PP. I don’t see end being a problem.

    4) You’ve frankenslotted a couple of passives for end reduction. Neither Fast Healing nor Resilience use end, so straight heals and straight dam resist is all that is needed. For Resilience, I wouldn’t spend too many slots on it. Like CJ, not really worth enhancing unless you just don’t have anything else to spend slots on.

    5) You might see about adding the 3% def Steadfast IO. Since you're planning on stacking some defense it is a useful defense boost. It should be pretty obtainable even at your level. Use merits if you don't yet have the inf.

    Even without those tweaks, that build is easily good enough for a smooth ride to 50.
  7. I think it all started when someone came up with a theoretical Kat/WP build that Werner plugged into his survivability spreadsheet and came up with this really good number.

    Then Iggy put it into practice and soloed an ITF and did other cool stuff. I'm pretty sure it was his original build that Werner analyzed, but I'm not 100%.

    Quite a few FotM's come from someone posting a vid or screenshots of something cool or OP'ed.
  8. Jaelen


    It's not totally silly, just...alternative. Nothing wrong with slotting some cheap +hp while you're working on accolades and perma-ing DP.

    I see it like how a lot of people skip TOs and go straight to DOs, SOs or IOs to save a little money. Doesn't mean people are wrong to actually use TOs.

    You definitely want to dump them as soon as you get perma DP and accolades. I mean come on, no one uses TOs at 50.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JamMasterJMS View Post
    "Good luck. HIGH FIVE!"?
  10. The difference in actual cast time versus listed cast time is due to arcanatime,
  11. I've made my blaster, Radioluminescence. Wednesday is great with me. Looking forward to it.

    Btw, my global is @Azreoth
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
    Only for 100 levels. Did you know that Follow Up stacks with itself?
    That was the first thing I thought of when I read that post.

    The second thing I though of was - How much benefit does stacked Follow Up give you when you are at the damage cap?

    I'm in the Speed Boost gud crowd though, so don't read too much into that.
  13. I'd like to get in on this if you don't mind an RP newb, because I do like to have fun at least once a week. I was thinking of making a rad/fire blaster.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post

    An attack's damage type(s) has absolutely no bearing on which defense type(s) are used against it.
    Yes and no.

    It is strictly true that defense only defends against an attack if it is tagged with the proper damage type. However, most split damage attacks are tagged with both types. Your fire and dual pistol examples are anomalies.

    It's easy to see why DP only has the lethal tag since the damage type changes, but I don't think the tag can. I don't know why the split damage fire attacks aren't.
  15. Jaelen

    shadow maul -

    Not only is it not necessary, it is almost always detrimental to a good attack chain. IMO, Shadow Maul is only good if you can hit at least 3 with it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    Elude lasts 3 minutes, all old godmodes have that duration.

    The 2 minutes godmodes are the new ones like OwtS (Shield) and SoW (WP).
    Yeah, I meant the kind of 2 minutes that lasts 180 seconds. That's what I get for trying to correct someone.
  17. Just so nobody gets the wrong idea, Elude does not give any extra recharge. Just movement speed, defense, recovery and defense debuff resist.

    And it lasts 2 minutes.
  18. It's always on even if slotted in a toggle and the toggle is off. The only time you lose the -kb protection is if you exemp more than 3 levels below the level of the IO.
  19. I don't think it's become a feature, but I do agree that it probably won't be fixed for a while.

    It's also possible they fix it by making it unstackable as opposed to unenhanceable. If it were up to me, that's what I would do.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    He's probably nuked a billion zombies on his farm map, nary a purple has he seen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Which map do you use for this?