Q's for Martial Arts masters
1) Is the all Smashing damage a serious at higher levels?I know the damage type is commonly resisted but I've never played a toon that uses purely Smashing damage. I'm considering slotting Touch of Death procs to offset the issue if it's really noticeable but they're pricey since you need the complete set to get the melee Defense bonus. |
2) Should I skip Crippling Axe Kick? I've read that the power's commonly skipped by MA users due to its quirks but I've never had the chance to try it out. |
3) What's the most synergistic secondary? I've got a feeling that Dark Armor would be preferable for Oppressive Gloom but I'm not sure. My concept for this toon is a shapeshifter so I've got a lotta leeway in terms of what works. |
4) How well does MA fare against very hard targets? By definition I'm a casual gamer. In CoX terms I'm a little bit more. I'm not looking to solo AVs or take on a pylon but I like knowing that if an Elite Boss pops up in a mission I don't necessarily need to scour the team window. |
You can certainly take on EBs just fine with MA, and if you build it right, you could take on AVs (though it sounds like you don't care about that... nor do I, heh). My MA Scrapper soloed through all the EBs in the game, though of course the ones with Tier 9s are more annoying.
I personally love my MA/Regen. I grabbed Air Superiority, and that with the Stuns in MA are nice mitigation if I need it (no redraw to worry about, either). But it'd work fine with other powersets, too.
For damage, a lot of high level mobs have resists to a lot of damage, including Smashing, so you will run into that. Current Praetorian robots are a little weak to Smashing, I think (or they don't resist it), so it's not all stacked against you. Anyway, I picked up procs while slotting my attacks well and that helps, so I would recommend doing it (though it's a good idea for most characters when you can do it as well).
I personally enjoy Eagle's Claw a lot (it's hard for me to not like leaping into the air and kicking a guy's face in, hehe), but believe CAK now has better DPS. However, Cobra Strike + Eagle's Claw can nicely stun bosses with annoying auras and/or damage (or on their own for lts or minions). EC also has a 15% chance to crit, which is higher than most attacks, including CAK (if I'm looking at the numbers right). So there are pros and cons to both.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
You can certainly take on EBs just fine with MA, and if you build it right, you could take on AVs (though it sounds like you don't care about that... nor do I, heh). My MA Scrapper soloed through all the EBs in the game, though of course the ones with Tier 9s are more annoying.
I personally love my MA/Regen. I grabbed Air Superiority, and that with the Stuns in MA are nice mitigation if I need it (no redraw to worry about, either). But it'd work fine with other powersets, too. For damage, a lot of high level mobs have resists to a lot of damage, including Smashing, so you will run into that. Current Praetorian robots are a little weak to Smashing, I think (or they don't resist it), so it's not all stacked against you. Anyway, I picked up procs while slotting my attacks well and that helps, so I would recommend doing it (though it's a good idea for most characters when you can do it as well). I personally enjoy Eagle's Claw a lot (it's hard for me to not like leaping into the air and kicking a guy's face in, hehe), but believe CAK now has better DPS. However, Cobra Strike + Eagle's Claw can nicely stun bosses with annoying auras and/or damage (or on their own for lts or minions). EC also has a 15% chance to crit, which is higher than most attacks, including CAK (if I'm looking at the numbers right). So there are pros and cons to both. |
I run with Regen as my secondary, I have no problem with EBs and can take many AVs solo. I reccommend Storm Kick, Crippling axe kick, and crane kick as attacks, as well as dragon's tail. You don't really need anything more than that.
My very first Scrapper was MA/Regen ... My theory on attacks is MORE is always better than less and I have them all along with Air Superiority. When I got to Epics I took Body Mastery which added Focused Accuracy and now even my Vet reward Sands of Mu is effective and in my attack chain. I am not one to spend Billions IOing out a characetr but she does have generic 50 level Ios in most slots and can handle ANY EB. If it gives you any more incentive to try.. I tend to like trying different powersets but I have TWO MA/Regen scrappers at level 50 now and the second has Dimensional Warder after soloing all of those Praetorians as Elite Bosses.
It may not be the most DPS scrapper out there but it will definately hold its own solo or on a team and i like the animations. Enjoy your new addition and have fun! :-D
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon
My very first Scrapper was MA/Regen ... My theory on attacks is MORE is always better than less and I have them all along with Air Superiority. When I got to Epics I took Body Mastery which added Focused Accuracy and now even my Vet reward Sands of Mu is effective and in my attack chain. I am not one to spend Billions IOing out a characetr but she does have generic 50 level Ios in most slots and can handle ANY EB. If it gives you any more incentive to try.. I tend to like trying different powersets but I have TWO MA/Regen scrappers at level 50 now and the second has Dimensional Warder after soloing all of those Praetorians as Elite Bosses.
It may not be the most DPS scrapper out there but it will definately hold its own solo or on a team and i like the animations. Enjoy your new addition and have fun! :-D |
I stay away from eagles claw and cobra strike because with all set enchancments theres nothing I can't kill faster than it take to stun them. Typically those attacks are ineffective against EBs and AVs. Eagles Claw might seem awesome, and sure it looks good, but honestly for the animation time, its a pretty crappy attack. Thunder kick is nearly worthless.
I run with Regen as my secondary, I have no problem with EBs and can take many AVs solo. I reccommend Storm Kick, Crippling axe kick, and crane kick as attacks, as well as dragon's tail. You don't really need anything more than that. |
Still, there are plenty of bosses in the +40 game that I liked taking out of the equation for awhile. Gunslingers resist smashing like crazy, and do a lot of ranged damage (with high accuracy, if I'm not mistaken... it seems like they hit more often than other mobs, at least). I noticed a big different fighting them when I kept stunning them or knocking them down. And they're not the only bosses like that.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
1) Is the all Smashing damage a serious problem at higher levels? |
The Touch of Death set is good for the set because of the proc and the melee defense set bonus. Getting a couple of these sets for your build will be very recommended if you are building for defense.
2) Should I skip Crippling Axe Kick? |
If you are aiming for a high +recharge build, then get this power, since that is necessary for its high DPS chain. If you don't have a high +recharge build, then you can get away with skipping it since you are not necessarily aiming for a min/maxing build, and get something else that works for you. For the longest time, I got Thunder Kick instead of CAK, and I had no problems with it (was able to accomplish the RWZ Challenge and solo a pylon, though it did take a long time).
By the standards of his forum, most people are going to say that Thunder Kick and even Eagle's Claw are more skippable than CAK. But keep in mind that this is from a min/maxing perspective. Even a "subpar" MA build is still good and able to accomplish most of the normal content of the game, from soloing EBs and teaming up in TFs.
3) What's the most synergistic secondary? |
Again, I think your playstyle will more determine which secondary might work the best for you.
4) How well does MA fare against very hard targets? |
I have found (and posted in the pylon thread) that I had higher dps with EC than with CAK, 166 to 161, with a high recharge buildbut that is just me. My recharge was high 117 without hasten.
One of the main drawbacks with MA if you don't take SD is that you only have one AoE, so if you like to participate in farms it can be a little boring.
Like others have said you should handle EB's with no problem. MA has a hard time with some of the tougher AV's (at least in my experience), but I can handle Chimera, Manticore, Mako, etc with not much problem.
I run MA/SR, get soft capped, run tough for some resistance and you should have a fine toon
American-Dynamo 50 MA/SR: Freedom
2 RWZ challenges, 4 AV's solo'ed no temps, no insp
50s include MA/SD, MA/SR, DP/Elec, Claw/Inv, Kat/Dark, Kat/Fire, Spine/Regen, Dark/SD
First Arc: Tequila Sunrise, #168563
H1) Is the all Smashing damage a serious problem at higher levels?
2) Should I skip Crippling Axe Kick? I've read that the power's commonly skipped by MA users due to its quirks but I've never had the chance to try it out. |
3) What's the most synergistic secondary? I've got a feeling that Dark Armor would be preferable for Oppressive Gloom but I'm not sure. My concept for this toon is a shapeshifter so I've got a lotta leeway in terms of what works. |
4) How well does MA fare against very hard targets? By definition I'm a casual gamer. In CoX terms I'm a little bit more. I'm not looking to solo AVs or take on a pylon but I like knowing that if an Elite Boss pops up in a mission I don't necessarily need to scour the team window. |
Thanks for all the replies so far guys. I've decided that I definitely wanna go for MA/WP. Now I'm torn between whether to roll the combo as a Scrapper or Stalker
What's really got me divided are the differences between the sets. Both the Scrapper and Stalker versions have things that I want. The Scrapper MA has Dragon's Tail, a nice AoE and source of soft control in an otherwise single target set. Stalker WP has a click self heal in Reconstruction and invisibility. But on the other hand the Scrapper version has Quick Recovery which would allow me to skip Stamina.
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What's really got me divided are the differences between the sets. Both the Scrapper and Stalker versions have things that I want. The Scrapper MA has Dragon's Tail, a nice AoE and source of soft control in an otherwise single target set. Stalker WP has a click self heal in Reconstruction and invisibility. But on the other hand the Scrapper version has Quick Recovery which would allow me to skip Stamina.
And in regards to skipping Stamina: I think that's a bad decision during leveling, but a viable one in a final build (especially with scrappers, who can get Physical Perfection unlike brutes). While leveling, you really feel the difference between Stamina with Quick Recovery, and Quick Recovery only. Also, Health is actually a great power on /WP scrappers.
Eh... I don't like MA at all, but WP is much better on scrappers IMO. Don't let the lack of a click heal in scrapper WP deceive you - Rise to the Challenge is much more potent. You won't be left wanting for click heals, trust me. As for the invisibility... You can take Super Speed on a scrapper and stuff a Celerity +stealth in it, and the only things that will see through it will be turrets, GMs and snipers. You won't have AS and Placate, of course, or the enhanced out-of-hide crit chance in large teams, but will be markedly more durable. IMO you should base your decision on that (and Dragon's Tail) instead, not on the lack of a clicky heal in scrapper WP.
And in regards to skipping Stamina: I think that's a bad decision during leveling, but a viable one in a final build (especially with scrappers, who can get Physical Perfection unlike brutes). While leveling, you really feel the difference between Stamina with Quick Recovery, and Quick Recovery only. Also, Health is actually a great power on /WP scrappers. |
Does Willpower retain it's vaunted levels of survivability without plenty of RttC fuel? I can always adjust my tactics to compensate if it doesn't.
As for Quick Recovery vs. Stamina, Mids shows Quick Recovery as having a higher +Recovery value than Stamina outta the box. Am I mistaken on that?
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Does Willpower retain it's vaunted levels of survivability without plenty of RttC fuel? I can always adjust my tactics to compensate if it doesn't.
You're not. QR > Stamina.
If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne
The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog
I think it all started when someone came up with a theoretical Kat/WP build that Werner plugged into his survivability spreadsheet and came up with this really good number.
Then Iggy put it into practice and soloed an ITF and did other cool stuff. I'm pretty sure it was his original build that Werner analyzed, but I'm not 100%.
Quite a few FotM's come from someone posting a vid or screenshots of something cool or OP'ed.
Like all scrappers, any primary and secondary will work well together and be fun and should have not issues leveling as scrappers are probably the easiest AT to get to 50 with since you can solo and team easily. With MA, I would focus on the extra AOE attacks to supplement the lack of AOE that comes with MA. So Shield Defense is my top choice unless you are going to pvp (then regen). MA/Regen can actually pvp decently.
Simple way to take down bug mobs with MA/SD is to run into mob and let AAO damage buff get up there. Focus Chi and Dragon's tail followed by shield charge to same spot to keep damage buff high and then eagle claw the boss or finish who is standing. Two knockdown attacks will not KB, but will put everyone including the bosses on their butts.
Shield Charge does decent damage, so even with single target fights that are long, I may consider dropping a shield charge here and there. MA is really about single target, and I love the animations as well as the feel of the gameplay with it, but the lack of AOE can be bothersome at times. Of course, if you were about AOE only, I would go Fire/SD or Elec/SD. I created the former, and my Fire/SD easily wipes mobs faster, but also solos ritki pylons faster too.
Forget about the whole stun stacking thing with dark melee. It looks cool, but team with a half-decent troller and you don't need to focus on that. A scrapper's job is many, but damage is one of the primary roles, so just decide if you want to be a single target specialist or an AOE nightmare and go from there.
WP is always a good choice too for an all around balanced toon, but I just wanted a bit more AOE, so I had to go shield and that shield AOE is da shiznut son.
Forget about the whole stun stacking thing with dark melee. It looks cool, but team with a half-decent troller and you don't need to focus on that. A scrapper's job is many, but damage is one of the primary roles, so just decide if you want to be a single target specialist or an AOE nightmare and go from there.
WP is always a good choice too for an all around balanced toon, but I just wanted a bit more AOE, so I had to go shield and that shield AOE is da shiznut son. |
Its a helluva lot of work to get the build playable, its an extreme endo *****. But it shouldnt be overlooked either.
Death shrouds pbaoe damage helps with ma/ single target focus alot.
Most of the time, buy the time ive managed to defeat a boss, DS has killed the minions and almost all of the Lt's. Dragon tail to finish up the left overs.
And oppressive gloom's pbaoe stun is GREAT when used in conjunction with trollers aoe stuns.
Have the /da run in with OG runnin and let the troller follow up with their aoe stun.
And, while not all trollers have stuns most do. I think ice, ill, and mind trollers are the only ones without.
But I like being the only ma/da toon ive ever seen. So maybe you shouldnt run up this combo.
Shield Charge is DEFINATELY getting changed, a red name has spoken on the matter. The only question is WHEN itll get its damage reduced.
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary
Hey fellow Scrappers. I'm looking to roll up a new toon for Going Rogue. I've settled on Martial Arts as the primary but I've never played the set before so I'm in need of some guidance. I read through Spider_Teo's guide but I have a few questions.
1) Is the all Smashing damage a serious problem at higher levels? I know the damage type is commonly resisted but I've never played a toon that uses purely Smashing damage. I'm considering slotting Touch of Death procs to offset the issue if it's really noticeable but they're pricey since you need the complete set to get the melee Defense bonus.
2) Should I skip Crippling Axe Kick? I've read that the power's commonly skipped by MA users due to its quirks but I've never had the chance to try it out.
3) What's the most synergistic secondary? I've got a feeling that Dark Armor would be preferable for Oppressive Gloom but I'm not sure. My concept for this toon is a shapeshifter so I've got a lotta leeway in terms of what works.
4) How well does MA fare against very hard targets? By definition I'm a casual gamer. In CoX terms I'm a little bit more. I'm not looking to solo AVs or take on a pylon but I like knowing that if an Elite Boss pops up in a mission I don't necessarily need to scour the team window.
I appreciate any advice you guys can give. I started with Scrappers and I'm looking to get back into the groove of the AT.
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