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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    I wonder what happens if a group of 24 gets him down to 50% HP, and then half of the group quits. Will he go to 0% HP and you win? If so, I think the devs are going to hate me for pointing it out, because a LOT of people are going to get the badge this weekend.
    Originally Posted by makerian View Post
    The HP do not dynamically scale, however. His HP would not drop in half if half quit. If we have a really bad run, we can pretty easily test, by having some people quit the league early, but almost positive you will not see any change (if you did, it would be Bug Hunter worthy).
    If Tyrant's HPs do not dynamically scale, then what's to stop the opposite from happening? I don't have much occasion to lead itrials so I'm just assuming the Join in Progress feature works like this, or even works at all. If Tyrant's total HPs do not adjust mid-fight according to the size of the league, then is there anything to keep us from forming a 12-person Mag league, getting to Tyrant, and inviting in 12 more people?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by makerian View Post
    Another one I'd like someone to decipher for me:

    Tyrant's health: 29/100
    Tyrant's favor: 42/100
    Time until defeat: 11:47
    Time until Light of the Well: 00:29
    Connections to the Well: 4/6

    Partial Stats:
    Regeneration Rate: 0.57%/sec (780.87 hp/sec)
    *Base: 0.33%/sec (454.04 hp/sec)
    *Diamagnetic Interface: -0.03%/sec (-35.42 hp/sec) from Bettie Page
    *Plasma Blast: -1.58%/sec (-2043.19 hp/sec) from Cataphract Essence
    *Transfusion: -0.17%/sec (-227.02 hp.sec) from Plutonium Quake
    *Drain Psyche: -1.68%/sec (-2284.44 hp/sec) from Psalm 23
    *Heat Exhaustion: -1.08%/sec (-1475.64 hp/sec) from DarkOrangestop
    *Favor of the Well: 0.50%/sec (678.84 hp/sec) from Self
    *Scaling: -0.26%/sec (-352.01 hp/sec) from Self

    Those numbers don't seem to add up ... Not sure why. Anyone?
    The combat attributes window does not take resistances into account when listing individual regen debuffs. The value shown for each debuff there is the amount that it would reduce regeneration by if the target had zero resistances.

    Notice these lines in particular:

    *Base: 0.33%/sec (454.04 hp/sec)
    *Favor of the Well: 0.50%/sec (678.84 hp/sec) from Self
    *Scaling: -0.26%/sec (-352.01 hp/sec) from Self

    Sum those figures and you arrive at this number:

    Regeneration Rate: 0.57%/sec (780.87 hp/sec)

    According to your data, the player regen debuffs appear to have no effect on Tyrant.
  3. I'll be available for this. I can bring my fire/fire dom, Ion Sky; or I can use Ion Genesis, my fire/time corruptor, if we need more debuffs/healing.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
    OMG! This just in: business tries to make a profit!
    They're not UNICEF. They're in business to make money. Next, someone will trot out a ridiculous line about ripping off your customers not being a good business plan. Tell that to companies that sell any luxury item. A $500 pair of sunglasses is not more functional than a pair costing under $100 but some people pay the big bucks. Similar situation here. I think the prices for purples and enhancement/salvage/recipe storage are ridiculous, so I don't buy them. But I pay for two VIP accounts and just about every costume part that they make. Everyone has their own opinion of what's 'worth it'.
    You are absolutely correct of course. It's all about the money; my concern is that by selling purple enhancements, NCSoft is entering a niche where they are not competitive on price, and have to gain market share by creating artificial barriers to entry such as banning players who buy from other companies. Perhaps they should consider focusing on other products that bypass content, but where they would have a distinct competitive advantage.

    A good example of this would be powerleveling services. Other companies offer that service as well, but the player has to give them login information which would leave the account vulnerable to hacking attempts. NCSoft could offer a token in the cash shop that would instantly boost a character to level 50 with no risk to the player's account. The player gets a level 50 character, and NCSoft increases their bottom line, so it's win-win. I mean, I probably wouldn't buy something like this, but the demand is obviously there so such a service would be worth it to some players.

    They should also consider selling incarnate powers. How many posts have we seen in the forums about people who are frustrated by the amount of time and effort it takes them to progress through incarnate content? In particular for the people who like to solo, it would take forever for them to get T4 powers across the board. If they could just buy the powers in the cash shop, I'm sure many of those players would consider that worth it.

    And of course, badges. Some badges are nearly impossible to get or only available for a limited time, like the anniversary badges or ones for special events. If they were offered in the cash shop, badge collectors would go nuts. A mastermind with a first anniversary badge? Or maybe a bughunter badge without actually having to find a bug? Definitely worth it.

    I believe all of these would sell like hotcakes if they were offered in the cash shop, and make a fortune. I don't understand why the devs haven't added them in there already.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Except that you can be permanently banned from the game if caught buying or selling in-game items for real life money.

    Losing $12.50 once is a lot cheaper than losing the near $1000 I've spent on my account over the last 8 years.
    NCSoft should stop banning players for buying inf then. I mean, it was one thing when NCSoft could claim they were doing it to preserve the integrity of CoH, but now they're doing it to establish a monopoly over the RMT market in the game. Instead of enticing you into their cash shop with competitive pricing, they are using the threat of bans as a bullying tactic in an attempt to coerce you to use their shop over the competitors. I'm beginning to think that the devs don't have the players' best interests in mind here.

    Plus that money actually goes somewhere I want it to go (Paragon Studios), rather than funding Chinese gangs or prisons.
    You could help to support emerging economies. Seems like a worthy cause.
  6. Even as a sale price, 1000 points is a bit too expensive. A quick check of WW shows that the crafted enhancements are selling around 300 million inf each. That's 1.8 billion for a 6-piece set, or 1.5 billion for a 5-piece set which would be a more popular choice. Looks like it would be cheaper for a player to buy inf from a RMT merchant and use that to buy the enhancements instead. I mean, if the moral high-horse about earning the enhancements in-game no longer applies, then at least people ought to get the best deal for their money.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
    the saddest thing I saw with CoX was a scrapper challenge where they had dual blades and stood in place in RWZ cycling a few attacks to defeat the spawn. There was no action to the fight and basically no thought or tactics. Just cycle attacks.
    All the thought went in beforehand I'm sure, to work out the character's build and attack chain. The fight was won before it started.

    This topic caught my eye because I just finished playing a beta for an MMO where players need to move around to dodge attacks. Generally in MMO's I don't move around more than necessary during a fight. In particular with CoH, for the most part players can't move and use powers at the same time, so if I'm moving that means I'm not attacking. In fights against typical spawns I may need to move around a bit to use AoE's or catch runners. In an extended fight, such as an AV or GM fight? No, unless the mechanics of the fight require me to move in order to dodge a special attack or such. I don't mind moving around, but I won't do it needlessly.
  8. I have 5 or so characters that I still like to play on a regular basis. Kinda hard to choose a favorite from among those, but I'll go ahead and pick my fire/fire/fire dom. I had originally rolled the dom as an alternative to a fire blaster, and I'm glad that I did. That character is a damage machine, with excellent controls to boot. I don't know if that powerset combo is widely considered to be uber though, as I rarely see other fire/fire doms.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FourSpeed View Post
    PS> We're getting fairly close to seeing if an S/VG can actually have more than
    1B Prestige - an interesting thought....
    There are three SG's on Freedom now with over one billion prestige. The number one SG has about 1.7 billion. Psychotix is up to 1.5 billion, which makes me wonder if there was a prestige race on Freedom again at some point.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    When people make billions and billions in this game... I have to wonder as to why? What could you possibly do with all that? I think I have maybe 3 billion across all of my characters, and it feels to me like I am unimaginably wealthy. That amount will last me for a very long time. I would likely start giving it away if I had an order of magnitude more than that.
    Sometimes I like to go for a swim.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    If you're going to use Doc Wounds don't stop at 3. When using Doc Wounds you want to goto 5 for the 5% recharge, which is pretty much the entire point of the set. If you only want to 3 slot it use Numinas or Miracles for the hp bonus.
    Numina's and Miracle sets don't have a recharge IO unfortunately, so three-slotting it with one of those sets won't give as much recharge. My slotting in Chrono Shift matches PR's slotting, and I did it for the enhancement values more than the set bonuses. At one time I was thinking about someday switching out the heal/recharge and the heal/end/recharge for the Panacea versions for a bit more recovery, but I forgot all about that (until now).
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
    Inf Supply's Idle Speculation is ok, but I much prefer Making Procs Out of Nothing At All.
    I'd go with I'm all out of LOTG's.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    So does anyone want to take a wild guess at what converters (and the sales volume of really expensive things therefrom) have done to the inf supply?
    Given the way that the market easily absorbed the initial shock on the first day of the patch, I'd say they barely moved the needle. And I haven't done much since my initial profit-taking myself. I've bought a few 'cheap' purples to use up some of the converters I've looted, but in doing so I feel like a retired person who works a part-time job just to keep busy. Before converters were announced I was spending nearly a billion inf per week on consignment fees, and I'm certainly nowhere near that figure now.
  14. Apparently I'm addicted to fire. It's a little funny, because I originally shunned the idea of a fire blaster or fire controller, maybe as backlash from perceiving them as FOTM sets. But now I have a fire^3 dom, fire^3 scrapper, and fire/time corruptor in my small stable of active characters. Maybe I should just get it over with and roll a fire blaster and fire controller too. Then my journey to the dark side will be complete.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
    I took it on my fire/fire scrapper, because the set otherwise holds aggro as well as rain of fire does vs siphon speed'd tsoo.
    The only time I considered taking Confront was with my fire/fire, but I simply didn't have a spare power pick in my build. If the devs ever rework the fighting pool such that I don't need to take Boxing as a prereq, then I might grab Confront.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Which would at least make your single target damage closer to 90dps not 55dps, which seems less weirdly low (average blaster single target damage should be closer to 120 dps at level 50).
    I estimated that I was getting around 130-140 DPS pre-incarnate.using just archery attacks versus same-level AV's. No damage procs, but that did include using Surveillance every 30-ish seconds. Redraw on archery is a real drag on the DPS; I was minimizing redraw by using Build Up, Boost Range, and Surveillance all at once. From what I watched of 2HB's video, you may be leaving a lot of DPS on the table by incurring redraw so frequently. Have you considered using Aimed Shot in your chain, or is that not feasible with your build?

    And congrats on the monster kill. That's something my archery/energy blaster could never do.
  17. I've already been thinking about doing this, and if I won the lottery I'd pull the trigger on it for sure. I would buy a new gaming rig, completely decked out. Then, I would take my current rig, reinstall Windows XP on it, and use it for CoH and other older games. CoH just doesn't like my current combination of Windows 7 and SB Audigy sound card.

    Oh, and I'd also be playing from the deck of my new yacht, of course.
  18. Say, how does the Panacea unique function in an AoE heal like Healing Aura? Does it only affect the caster, or everyone hit by the heal? For some reason, it never occurred to me to try this out.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shred_Monkey View Post
    So... if the market has crashed... you're all buying now, right?
    I don't think we've seen the bottom yet on a number of items, and I don't think they'll rebound anytime soon (and not by much when they do). I plan to put out bids on anything that my scrapper alt still needs, but that's it.

    *edit* And I only need 2 purples out of the 15 that I want to slot into my scrapper. I have multiples of everything else from the conversions I made. There's no good reason for me to be buying right now.
  20. I haven't done a final tally, but about 25-30 billion I think. I didn't sell everything; I just wanted to skim some of the cream off the top, so to speak.
  21. Intrinsic

    Your DXP Plans

    Took my TW/WP scrapper from 25 to 41. I'd planned to concentrate on this character, so I'm pretty happy with the results.

    Then Sunday night I noticed the level 1 ill/cold controller that I had contemplated at one point but never got around to actually playing since I don't enjoy low-level controllers. I figured if ever there was a time to power through the lower levels, it was now. Made 19 on some quick DfB runs. Could have been better, but at least that's high enough to get in to some TF's should I focus more on this character in the future.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TopDoc View Post
    Each bid is for 10 items at 100M each, so 1B total. No problem with that.
    Ah, you're right, I just quickly glanced at the image and read it as 1 billion each. Nevermind
  23. AF, is it possible for you to get your money back out of those bids? I thought there were problems reclaiming a multiple bid when the total value exceeded two billion. I'm too skeered to test it myself tho.