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Quote:I found this out the hard way. My current Katana/SR Scrapper has Tough, but not Weave....I had soft capped without needing Weave. However, when I was hit, I was hit hard. So far, the extra resistance has made a difference. I'm still tweeking my own build.Resistance goes a long way towards making Super Reflexes more survivable, at least at the top end, such as when fighting AVs. For something like that, you need enough hit points and/or resistance to take a few really heavy hits in a row, because you WILL sometimes get unlucky with defense. Probably not very critical for normal missioning unless you like to mission on really high difficulty settings.
Quote:This a thousand times over. I'll give you Ultimo_ that Endurance is an issue for the uninitiated in the 10-22 range, especially solo. I agree there is a problem there. I have taken for granted my experience overcoming these issues. After all, I've had more then five years to perfect solo leveling. My problem arises in that an experienced player has all the tools necessary to overcome these obstacles. My last few posts encouraged educating new players how to overcome these obstacles. They ARE there if you wish to utilize them. Why don't you?????You're missing a larger point here. Those are, indeed, fringe cases. But if the tools to enable such amazing levels of performance are available, allowing one to build fringe cases, they illustrate that there's an incredible dynamic range in available potential for endurance management. Those fringe builds are usually chock full of every endurance management tool available to them, but you don't need all that to be brimming with enough endurance for much less extreme levels of play.
The tools are available. The effect can be mitigated, and more than sufficiently.
Why do you continue to be so damned stubborn about using the proper tools available to overcome your own Endurance problems. They are there for the taking if you but utilize them. This isn't about concept builds. I think it's more about you wanting to be able to do as you wish without any kind of barrier to difficulty.
Educate new players. It's been a long time, but I still remember how difficult it was trying to solo my first character in the teens. He was nearly unplayable. However, since that was more then five years ago, there are so many tools available now to overcome that issue, it isn't an issue any longer. -
I must agree with the position that sending something to yourself should easily be resolved within 30 days. Even without any kind of notification, I assumed that such 'transactions' would have a limited time period. A false assumptiion on my part? Perhaps in the eyes of others...but I naturally assumed this.
This is a perfect example of hyperbole. There have been far more threads asking for AT Respecs than problems with endurance over the years. As well as many other outrageous demands. Show us some evidence if you're so sure in your stance. Like Ultimo_, you have continually lacked proper evidence in your claims. The both of you have absolutely no sympathy nor respect from me.
Given that you like Mind control(as do I!) A Mind/Kinetic controller Fire/Shield Scrapper would be both potent and fun. As you are familiar with Dark Miasma, a Dark/* Defender Spines/Dark Scrapper would be equally potent and fun, with the added bonus of having similar characteristics. Red side, a Fire/Fire Brute combined with a Fire/Dark Corruptor would also be an impressive combo, again with similar characteristics.
As an aside.......My most successful Magic decks have been my Black discard deck, and my Red/Blue land destruction deck. I haven't played in years, but this brings back some fond memories of opponents groaning in agony.
Quote:No apologies needed Biospark. I agree with you completely that pre WWs, Influence was a big issue. You bring a good perspective about using WWs properly....in other words, selling drops and frankenslotting early in a characters' career. I admit I take for granted that I'm filthy rich, with barely any involvement in flipping. I've leveled enough characters solo to have each one self-sufficient from day one. Educating new players in doing the same thing should be top priority in keeping them. Thanks a bunch for being an upright guy.Hehe, my apologies for how I worded my post. I was actually trying to say just that very thing. Influence was relatively difficult to come by (to me) until IOs and Wents came about. Even after they came out, I stayed away from it all for quite awhile telling myself that when I made 50, THEN I would get involved in all these recipes/IO sets/salvage etc...
But then a Miracle happened. No really ! A Miracle +rec recipe dropped from a mission in Brickstown. Sold it for a nice 60 million, which was about 30 times as much influence as I had ever had at one time and Wentworths became one of my favorite places to visit.
Actual Newbies would be well advised to check out some guides on buying and selling, because I have built characters (recently even) without giving them a slush fund who were easily able to get to level 20 and have a few million in their pockets. -
Quote:Thank you very much UberGuy. This post mimics my experience and opinions exactly.Uh.
I can say with absolute certainty that if you think any of those things is required to be successful or to have fun (or any interrelated combination of the two) then you are "doing it wrong".
When large numbers of people come along and point out to you that your position doesn't seem reasonable, or that your experiences don't seem at all common, it seems worthwhile to at least consider that they might be on to something. To instead claim that all those people are in collusion to misrepresent the truth doesn't seem reasonable, especially when they don't really know one another.
About all I have in common with most of the people on the same general side with me in this thread is that a lot of them are veterans, and apparently most of us are pretty successful at playing the game. Hell, I argue a fair bit with some of the folks in this thread. It's not like we're some consistent opinion block come to unify against you.
I know I have generally only ever played "FotM" characters by accident, often before were recognized as such. I typically solo all the way to 50, not teaming until I get there (I play 50s a lot). I don't have anything anyone would call a good farming character. Despite that I'm stupidly wealthy in game, and have what I consider plenty of 50s, most of whom got there without much outside help.
This game is not hard. Endurance management is not hard. Even if it's not fun for you to manage your endurance, it's almost ludicrously easy to gain levels and get to the point where endurance is much easier to manage. The notion that it takes a Regen or something with comparable endurance tools to be able to manageable endurance reasonably is just silly. It doesn't just not jive with everyone's experiences, it doesn't even jive that well with the math for the game's mechanics.
This game has an existing balance framework, and other than ED and IOs, it hasn't changed much in six years. I've been embracing that framework since I started playing the game. Not because I love everything about it, but because I find everything about it manageable, and because by working with it, I can make excellent, highly effective characters. They aren't all good at the same things, but they are all very good at something, and they're all capable fighters. I don't particularly care if they don't all fight with the same level of capability - all I particularly care about is that each one function as best as possible for that character, given their AT and powerset choices. Try working with the system some time, instead of at cross purposes. I know I have more fun that way. -
Quote:I agree that using the market is important for a beginning solo character. I disagree that any character needs a 'rich uncle'. Influence is remarkably easy to come by solo now. Simply sell most of your drops and you should have sufficient money to frankenslot in the mid teens.Except that those same new players are probably dirt-poor as well. So they also need to get involved as early as possible with Wents. I know that before IOs, I struggled to get influence just to keep my SOs current. Once IOs came around and I learned how to make inlfuence and build better, it got much better. Its kinda like every other MMO out there, once you get someone into the end-game, they can "rich uncle" any of your newbie characters, which makes leveling alts so much more enjoyable.
It's fairly important to plan a bit ahead, so the idea of getting new players involved with WWs early is a good idea. -
Quote:Although I've often thought that getting rid of TOs and DOs was a good idea, with IOs in the picture, it's easier than ever for a solo character to frankenslot early. I think educating new players about IOs and inspiration use is all that is necessary. Heck...even properly slotting DOs and good inspiration use is more than possible.I am 100% in agreement with you on this Sarrate. The vet powers help out alot, especially if you also happen to be playing a toon that can lower defense of their opponents and make acc a non-issue. But how about any new players coming on board. Its safe to say that many of them will try solo-ing and run into that "tough-spot" in the teens.
Not trying to suggest any changes myself, and I know that the more astute newbies will seek out help from the forums or other players in-game, but would say... changing all store-bought enhancements to SOs kinda solve this whole level to 20 question ? -
Quote:I agree that Sands of Mu helps a great deal with solo play 10-20. Even without it though, inspirations drop at such a rate that end usage is a non-factor most of the time. My most wind sucking character was a Stone/WP Brute. I simply made a habit of combining all inspirations to blues before level 20.I'm not sure I like the "Beginner's Luck for endurance" idea.
Firstly, the levels that it would be strongest (1-10) are the levels you probably need it the least. Every AT has nearly the same AT mods, so their damage is close together (aside from Brutes). At these levels, player accuracy is pretty good, as well.
The worst levels, in my opion, are 10-20, are where the potency of Beginner's Luck tapers off anyways. For this reason, I don't think it would help that much. Well, that and it would really amplify the feeling that you're getting weaker as you level up. It happens now with Beginner's Luck (A), but it would be magnified with a second BL for endurance.
You know what helps me most from lvl1-20? Sands of Mu. Heightened accuracy due to BL, simulated enhanced damage, and a cone. This allows it to simultaneously speed up killing, save endurance, and not lose as much health per fight (the enemies are dead faster, so they have less time to deal damage). I abuse the heck out of it at low levels.
I can see a problem in the 10-20 range for new players that haven't a clue about combining inspirations. Perhaps that single clue should be shown automatically at low levels to better educate new players. I use almost no inspirations soloing except blue ones 1-20. -
Quote:If you had actually built properly, you wouldn't have had any issues to begin with. The rest is simply hyperbole. I do a fair amount of soloing, and I have rarely had to stand around unable to act.I've been around for several years. I know how to build. All my characters have Stamina triple slotted and endurance reduction in every power. The point, which you've either missed or ignored, is that it's not fun standing around unable to act.
Quote:I'll admit I have made some concept builds, but I AM an experienced player. I HAVE taken advice.......
Quote:The fact is, I'm not the only one that has said this, and it's been brought up countless times over the years. That suggests to me that there's some kind of a problem that needs to be examined.
Edit: By the way, don't bother replying. I'm tired of you. It was only out of morbid curiosity that I bothered reading the OP to begin with. I agree with BZB....I shouldn't have made the mistake of adding to this rediculous thread in the first place. I'm far too familiar with your unique brand of obtuseness, but I guess I'm nearly as much a fool. -
Quote:In the smattering of players posting about endurance issues(not including you), the problems are nearly always resolved with a series of steps.I've posted builds in the past when it's been requested, and the threads usually degenerate even further than this one did. They become little more than source material for the trolls to tell me how much I suck, and they're really beside the point since endurance issues have been reported and discussed by MANY other people. It's not about ME, no matter how much some people would like it to be.
Thus, I've declined to post the builds. That, and I don't favour the idea of posting 200 characters...
1.Helpful forumites ask for a build.
2.Player provides build.
3.Helpful forumites make build suggestions.
4.Player uses those suggestions.
5.Problem solved.
You, however, have continually ignored 4 and 5. To the point of landing on ignore lists. -
Quote:Agreed. Which is why mine is off.The intent of the feature is that it serves to indicate how well regarded a particular poster is by his peers. However since it's so easy for people to work together to either boost their own rep or lower someone else's it's essentially useless for that purpose. Therefore as the mods stated it's a forum game.
I don't think you're going to get much more information about anyone famous that may play this game. Part of the charm is the anonymity. Most of the famous out there either want to be left alone, or to be treated like everyone else. I've never held the same awe of the rich and famous as most people seem to do. I'm much more interested in how they are as human beings. They have the same loves, dislikes, flaws, triumphs, and failures as the rest of us.
Just another terrific video. Thanks very much!
I asked a similar question a few weeks ago wondering if the problem could be on my side. The general answer was it's just something that happens sometimes with this forum. It's possible the number of users could create a logjam of sorts, although I haven't a clue to the validity of that.
It's also possible it has something to do with that crazy cat! -
Replied in the Market Forum.....now reaffirmed here....I love this idea. One of the best suggestions I've seen from a player. It's something I would use, and use often. Probably for the betterment of the game.
Oh, I agree whole-heartedly. But such a small percentage of players out there have the patience to wait even ten minutes, I generally advise saving some salvage.
Quote:I'm a bit surprised by this. I'm not doubting your word Ironblade, you are one of the more cogent posters on this forum. I, however, noticed a remarkable improvement when my Dark/Dark scrapper reached SO level enhancements. She seemed one of my most sturdy, hardest hitting scrappers I've played to date. Of course 'sturdy' is a bit of a misnomer...I rely on both of the healing powers to keep going. I'm sure, though, after playing a Spines/Dark to 50, that when I have Tough, Weave, and some IO slotting, I won't have to rely on Dark Regeneration much at all.eh. I made a dark/dark scrapper and expected him to get 'better' once he had SO's. I wasn't impressed. I remade him as a dark/dark tanker and found him much tougher.
Maybe I'm spoiled, though. My main scrapper is /regen and /dark just wasn't cutting it.
That said, I really wish I'd made that character a Dark/Dark Tanker instead. I really have enjoyed the scrapper version, but I'd be nearly indestructable as a Tanker methinks. -
Although I have no experience with a Fire/Kinetic controller, I do have with a Spines/Dark scrapper....and mine is a beast. You do need proper IO slotting to overcome so many toggles. End management is almost trivial now that's he's slotted up.
Quote:This is generally when I start slotting IO set as well. Keep in mind though, that many IOs are quite rare in this level range. Plan ahead, and makes some bids several levels below level 27 if possible. I also start storing any salvage I know I'll need which will cost a lot when you want to start crafting. Buying salvage at the time of crafting can become a huge Influence sink if you don't want to wait on lower bids.I usually start at level 27, when its time to refresh your SO's.
Some of the best levelling sets start at level 30 (Thunderstrike, Crushing Impact, Red Fortune, Doctored Wounds), and by then the actual bonuses from the enhancements have settled down enough that waiting a few levels makes little difference. -
Really love this idea.
Quote:I tried to do the same with my DM/Regen....I also caved and eventually took Stamina..mostly so I could do stupidly difficult things like...soloing the original Respec trial.Nah, you just needed QR and Stamina. 6 slotting them was to...I guess insure your blue bar NEVER moved from 100. I recall my earliest DM/Regen tried my best to NOT take Stamina because I hated the idea of required powers (Stamina and Hasten being the main offenders), but I eventually caved since running IH was a monster hog like running Focused Accuracy is, but I never had a problem with endo again after stamina. Maybe I had just learned how to manage my blue bar better (like turning off sprint in combat--how hard was that for people?)
I've been browsing through the forums today, and have noticed that it takes a long time to access threads. I'm wondering what causes this. Is it my browser? Or is it some other factor that I have no control over? Thanks for any replies.