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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    there is no line of story anywhere and we're always left with lose ends.

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    THat's a little bit unfair, I mean, the lore exists. It just seems to me that instead of being an overlying plot, the lore is simply used to tie together the various missions. I would prefer a larger story to be a part of, though.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    You've been ginving a lot of one word responses latley, and I have no idea what you're disagreeing too here. Try and by clear with your posts, and if you agree or disagree with somthing, give your reasons.

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  3. What part of "No." are you guys struggling with?
  4. Hero2

    Audio Re-Vamp

    SWTOR to be fully voiced. Wow!
    The first half is about Mass Effect 2 (looks amazing ofc), but scan to half way through and they start to talk about SWTOR.
  5. [ QUOTE ]

    It's [censored] to lose your powers when you are crowd controlled, let alone have them backfiring at you.

    While I would endorse traps and the ability for you to lose powers in specific zones or parts of zones, I believe this is too much particularly for PvP. I also believe it would be a nightmare to balance in PvE with all the existing NPCs villain/hero powers.

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    But [..]

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  6. Hero2


    I concur wholeheartedly.
  7. Hero2

    Non-combat pets!

    It's about time this got suggested.

  8. /unsigned.

    It's [censored] to lose your powers when you are crowd controlled, let alone have them backfiring at you.

    While I would endorse traps and the ability for you to lose powers in specific zones or parts of zones, I believe this is too much particularly for PvP. I also believe it would be a nightmare to balance in PvE with all the existing NPCs villain/hero powers.
  9. Hero2

    NPC,s in bases

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    I don,t know it this has been brought up before if it has I will apologise now.

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    It has , and MrMotivator is the earliest suggestion about it that I could discover (bear in mind the search function only lets you look 3 years into the past) but nm.

    More unlockable content! /signed. Again.
  10. Since it takes so long to load a zone, /signed.

    I'd put the blurb from the hazard zone guys on the relevant loading screens, but that's just me, I guess.
  11. Hero2

    Power colors

    I think Posi hinted at it in the last Q&A. I'm paraphrasing but, "This was not possible when we were at Cryptic", was his response.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Issues that have lately evolved the story line.
    [*] RWZ story arcs + taskforces[*] Ouroboros and their story arcs/taskforces[*] Midnighters zone/arcs[*] POSSIBLY the new taskforces in issue 15 (even though smallest issue ever)

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    I think you're holding the wrong end of the stick. While they do add to the existing plot, they don't add to each other. Instead they add to the original content, instead. While it's nice to see Riktified Hero 1 and also to craft a lost cure, might it be possible to cure Hero 1 after you defeat him? Oh... you don't want to make old content obsolete?
  13. Here is an important lecture on story and particularly story in videogames. I suggest the devs spend some time watching this, especially when bearing Mission Architect in mind.

    Will Wright SXSW Keynote 2007

    Some notes I took:
    Possibility Space - branching storyline/narrowing options as story unfolds
    Story Fragment (trigger/random : result)
    Procedural Storytelling
    Story Types: Unintentional/Subversive/Expressive
    Story Genres : Player generated, but computer predicted, automated semiotic analysis
    Goal states, objectives.
    Fractal storytelling
    Self expression, player driven content
    Quality vs Quantity : Most player-created stuff is crappy, develop better tools for them <-----<<<

    Spore : Texture/Animation/Behavioural tools
    Predict what the player would like

    Drake's equasion : This equation was devised by Dr Frank Drake [..] in the 1960s in an attempt to estimate the number of extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy with which we might come in contact http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drake_equation

    Computer has evolved into a tool of self expression
    Games & entertainment help us develop : Systemic thinking, create accurate models of the world around us : help us change the world for the better.

    Here are some further notes:

    In conclusion: Will Wright is the Chuck Norris of boffins.
  14. Hero2

    Goodbye Alex :(

    He's long gone. On the ol' dole now, rest his soul.
  15. Community? What community?

    I'd also say that the one thing I'd love for MMOs to adopt is the idea of an overarching plot. I thought CoX was going to have one, but they simply revive forgotten factions and add a small story around their re-emergence rather than create a story that changes as time goes by and perhaps reacts to the actions of the players. I think that SWTOR will be doing this, but I wonder about the will of other games to progress their model in this manner.
  16. Badges? We ain't got no badges! We don' need no steenkin' badges!
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    I don't really see them changing this as it would be too exploitable, enter mish, kill all mobs but one (or however meany you can safely survive), set heal on auto and go afk for the night. Voila healing badges for no work while you sleep.

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    I suppose it doesn't really matter how easy it is for the different powersets to get badges. My Archery/Devices blaster finds it extremely tricky sometimes to get badges (I don't see me ever getting the MoSTF or RV mob badges), but I guess my tanker would be more capable of it simply because he's a better build. THat doesm't mean that the tanker is exploiting, though, it simply means that the class is more suited to a playstyle. The "exploiting" angle doesn't really wash, for me. I don't like that the class is able to afk/auto the badge, but that's the way the class was made... it wins in some ways where other classes lose.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    best dev move yet removing farm badges :P no sarcasm here either

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    What's a farm badge?
  19. (S)He could be someone who doesn't do battles but makes "helpful" (though unfortunately not essential) contributions in terms of story (obviously these would have to be written in at mission creation, and take into account that the player may not want/have a sidekick and thus cannot be essential to the plot).

    The sidekick doesn't always have to be with the player, so the player can do missions alone or with a team (in which case, imo, the sidekick shouldn't be available), and can often be captured - this is how I see the main role of the sidekick, to be the captive - someone the player has developed an affection for and doesn't want to lose - this would give more incentive to complete timed missions, perhaps?
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    Guild Wars is already pretty much a single player game while levelling. Making CoH one too would not be a good idea IMO. Making it easier for people to solo will just mean its even harder to find teams.

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    Oops! Too late.