YAY!!!!! We Rock! Nice work Guys!!!!
Not meaning to sound flame-ish but when ive farmed ive teamed with a few clean hand prints members several times :P
Still getting to number 1 is a great achievement, well done. Congratulations
well I don't doubt for one minute that none of our members farm but we do not farm as an SG activity and we do not allow farming team request or anyone asking for farming on our SG channels
Woo go Handprints! Now what? :P
Isn't cross-forum-posting supposed to be bad?
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url="http://www.the-cow.net/"][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url="http://www.collegeofwar.com/"][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
Gratz you lot
Now how about organising a little pvp! #1 sg/vg v the EU!
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Isn't cross-forum-posting supposed to be bad?
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probably but it is hard to choose which side to post on when you are no1 on both
Gratz you lot
Now how about organising a little pvp! #1 sg/vg v the EU!
[/ QUOTE ]
Sounds fun, I will destroy j00 :P
Please fight My Brute: http://2hero.mybrute.com
Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.
Gratz you lot
Now how about organising a little pvp! #1 sg/vg v the EU!
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Sounds fun, I will destroy j00 :P
[/ QUOTE ]
If i win does it make me the #1 sg killer in the EU?
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
If i win does it make me the #1 sg killer in the EU?
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope, it means we send some hitmen to break your kneecaps
Is that like cross dressing, bacause we do that as well?
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Awwww yeah, all wool costume ftw!
If i win does it make me the #1 sg killer in the EU?
[/ QUOTE ]
Nope, it means we send some hitmen to break your kneecaps
Is that like cross dressing, bacause we do that as well?
[/ QUOTE ]
Awwww yeah, all wool costume ftw!
[/ QUOTE ]
All wool? You forgot the crotchless chaps...balls out ftw!!!
Yeah baby!!
This thread is getting better by every post...quick fetch the SG themed assless chaps.
This thread is getting better by every post...quick fetch the SG themed assless chaps.
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I already have mine...bow down to the Handprints...BEEATCHES!!!
Well, everyone who isn't a Handprint, we have news:
Well, everyone who isn't a Handprint, we have news:
[/ QUOTE ]
Going to be so awkward busting people wearing those
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
whats the point of playing a game where you are the best? will cancel my sub till we get down to 2nd again :P
go handies!
Aye good job to all involved, would've been there last night had my broadband connection not pooped out during the week.
From all at the art of war I extend my congratulations - you must have some serious non stop TF runs to gain that prestige without farming, ( and no that wasnt sarcasm ) With our ever fluid roster im pleased enough we are in the top ten and gaining on TPC for no8 spot, but really well done guys
Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"
The Clean Hand Prints are now the no1 hero SG on union, that makes 'The Handprints' no1 SG both Villain and Hero side!!!
It took 2yrs for both SG's to hit the number 1 spots and this is purely down to fantastic members, great community, non-stop activity and pure dedication.
I know that there will no doubt be a discussion forming now on how everyone thinks that the ranks suck but do you know what we really do not care.
We got there with NO farming and are proud to be the no1 community SG in Europe!
Thanks Handies past and present
[/ QUOTE ]i don't care how you want to cut it you had to farm prestige to get to number one place, you do not get prestige pocket money for just logging in. Yes you work for it but also it was farmed at the same time as the whole group was doing it to help you get there. but that being said well done though
i don't care how you want to cut it you had to farm prestige to get to number one place, you do not get prestige pocket money for just logging in. Yes you work for it but also it was farmed at the same time as the whole group was doing it to help you get there. but that being said well done though
[/ QUOTE ]
We do not farm. If you don't beleive us, check our website and forum, where it is in the rules to not request or advertise farming or power-levelling. We have kicked and banned a number of players who have persisted in requesting farming teams.
We succeed by keeping a large active membership, which we do by running lots of events - TF/SFs, superteams, trials or just general teaming. Our success is mostly down to our determined leader, Von, who works very hard keeping the SG where it is - especially chasing anyone not in SG mode .
We do not deny that individuals within the SG choose to farm, we do not control how anyone plays the game. But these people don't usually stay in the SG for long when they realise that we are not the SG for them.
[/ QUOTE ]but your word are saying different to im not farming chasing people being in SG mode come on think about it that is farming for your making them being in SG mode
but to me the moment you start play any toon you have farmed from the start. it don't matter what you done it farmed going from one mission to then next that also includes repeat the same mission over and over again, it is farming as you gain more Xp/Inf/Salvage/Recipes/prestige each step after a kill that in range to your toon. this is my final word on this but i do wish you the best
Don't really get your point.
SG mode = farming?
We don't farm as most people understand it - but I don't quite get your definition.
[/ QUOTE ]when you go into SG mode you start getting prestige for the SG, so the moment you gain a prestige it was farmed as you had to take action to achieve the goal
but to me the moment you start play any toon you have farmed from the start. it don't matter what you done it farmed going from one mission to then next that also includes repeat the same mission over and over again, it is farming as you gain more Xp/Inf/Salvage/Recipes/prestige each step after a kill that in range to your toon. this is my final word on this but i do wish you the best
[/ QUOTE ]
So you're basically saying that playing anything in the game is considered farming? For example: if I log in and do a TF it's considered farming? Or even if I do a mission from any contact you will classify it as farming?
Dude, do you actually know the definition of farming?
but to me the moment you start play any toon you have farmed from the start. it don't matter what you done it farmed going from one mission to then next that also includes repeat the same mission over and over again, it is farming as you gain more Xp/Inf/Salvage/Recipes/prestige each step after a kill that in range to your toon. this is my final word on this but i do wish you the best
[/ QUOTE ]
So you're basically saying that playing anything in the game is considered farming? For example: if I log in and do a TF it's considered farming? Or even if I do a mission from any contact you will classify it as farming?
Dude, do you actually know the definition of farming?
[/ QUOTE ]
1.The act of repeating an action a number of times for the purpose of earning something from the repeated action. In City of Heroes this most often involves resetting a mission a number of times in order to earn something out of the mission multiple times. Things earned vary from experience, to influence/infamy/prestige, to badge credits
[/ QUOTE ]
wiki Farming so yes
The Clean Hand Prints are now the no1 hero SG on union, that makes 'The Handprints' no1 SG both Villain and Hero side!!!
It took 2yrs for both SG's to hit the number 1 spots and this is purely down to fantastic members, great community, non-stop activity and pure dedication.
I know that there will no doubt be a discussion forming now on how everyone thinks that the ranks suck but do you know what we really do not care.
We got there with NO farming and are proud to be the no1 community SG in Europe!
Thanks Handies past and present