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  1. 2 weeks ago, I got a Miracle +recovery off a Freak Tank towards the end of a Respec mission. I didnt realize it until I was at the store, and had to scroll back a ways to see that it had come off a kill.
  2. Err, are you attempting irony here, Zombie? I know im partly colorblind here, but your text is nearly illegible on the hero boards without higlighting...
  3. Late to the party, I know, but I usually find them at the long warehouse thats SW from the Hospital- it's also one of the Clockwork Paladin's spawning points, and as a bonus, it's near the hospital... (Which can be important if you're trying to solo that first hunt at the level it's initially given to you)
  4. Per Monday's patchnotes, it's not a bug to give them the powers, it was a bug that they did not use them, they now do:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Release Notes for 19.20090619.1
    Monday, June 22, 2009

    Mission Architect

    Custom Critters with “Custom” difficulty level will now actually use all of the powers they are given.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm quite happy to have my Gang War minions back. Gen, or anyone else whos interested, check out arc #1664 on Test.
  5. yeah, its kind of hard to be sure about the presence or lack of details when the screenshot in question is the approximate size of a quarter...
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I would prefer if they had improved giant monsters that cause true environmental damage and would go on rampages.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And NPCs that do more than stand on a pedestal and watch you die.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I would love to see Cops help.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, I LOVE having Longbow KS when I'm street sweeping in Atlas or Galaxy...
  7. Not a TA, but I'd love to get in on this with my Ice/NRG blaster.
    It's 25-30 If I recall correctly?
  8. Okay, I can see that the Crey Lab was broken, but why the burning forest?
    And for that matter, why is Forest 01 and Forest 03 the SAME map- wheres the barren forest?

    With no Shadow Shard maps, and now the burning forest gone, I'm running out of places to set stories in other dimensions. Is Eden next on the list to go?
  9. Ah man, I just dunno what to do. I'm so bummed about Gang War getting removed from minons, plus Aim/Build up getting added onto Hard. I really wish there was some way we could make them see just how bad this plan is, but at this pint I guess im resigned to having it go live and F everything up before they make some half-arsed attempt and putting it right... <sigh>
  10. What the heck? I just logged in to find that "one of my arcs has been marked invalid"- so I go to Edit it, and find "Patrol Enemy Group not set" because apparently, Prisoners are no longer on the list of Standard groups.
    Grr! I was using that patrol to set the level range of my mission, since the Devs for some reason didn't give us a way to do so directly. Now apparently I'll have to find some other midrange group that makes sense to be lurking around a factory...
  11. I'm seeing an intermittent bug where my Martial Arts scrapper's Crane Kick can appear to KB destructible objects in Architect missions. I say 'appear to' because the model moves, but becomes "out of range" at it's apparent new location. Using ranged attacks (Nemesis Staff FTW), the bolt appears to track to the items original location, but either spot is still "out of range" for melee.
  12. Two complaints, one minor, and one not so much. Unfortunately, like the Halloween Event, I doubt either will be addressed before the end of this year's event- but maybe next year.

    My minor gripe is that the Halo Auras, while Unlockable by anyone, can still only be used by people above 30. It really would have fit the spirit of the event better to allow these to be used by all. We have the tech to allow other auras from lvl 1 (see the Cyborg Pack), so why not allow these?

    My not so minor gripe is that you apparently have to HAVE the "Recue Baby New Year" mission in order to get Candy Canes from the reward table, but the reward table doesnt indicate this, but still lets you choose them, netting you zero reward.
    I realize a whole lot of people, including myself, are bumrushing low level missions, but others, including myself on some other alts, might be doing them the "normal" way with a group of friends and not see the need for every memeber of the team to take the same mission.
  13. Heartbreaker

    Issue 13: BUGS

    Not a bug, has always been like this. Its because the pets have like Negative 75% Resist All, including healing apparently.
    My D3 routinely heals her Wisp for around 1400hp- too bad badge progress only counts the HP you actually restore.

    [ QUOTE ]
    Pain Domination

    Server: Victory
    Zone: Mercy Island
    Character name: Big 'Mo
    Bug Description:

    This really isn't a bug so much as an oddity.

    1. Big 'Mo is a necro/pain MM with a Blue Wisp Vet Pet.
    2. Cast the vet pet and a zombie.
    3. Cast Nullify Pain. Zombie and self are healed for 14 hp. Vet pet is healed for 56 hp.
    4. Cast Soothe on zombie: 27 hp healed. Cast Soothe on vet pet: 109 hp healed.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    a LoTG 7.% Recharge currently goes for around 50 Million. For a 20 Merit Random Roll to be worth taking a chancce on, there would need to be AT LEAST 50% odds that that roll will be worth a minimum of 10% a LoTGs sale cost in Inf, or 5 Million. It's an unfortunate fact that the VAST Majority of drops in Pool C arent worth anything near that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You don't have the math right.

    There has to be about a 50% chance that the total value of all 12 random recipes will be worth the same as a LOTG for people to be motivated to take the random rolls.
    (This is discounting the opportunity cost of waiting till you have 250 merits rather than getting a random recipe everytime you have 20, but let's ignore that for now)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    First, unless something changed, last I heard a random roll was 20 Merits, and a LoTg was 200. so thats 10 rolls, not 12.
    EACH roll needs a 50% chance to be worth at least 10% of a KoTG for the numbers to work out, and even them im giving up a sure thing for a 50-50 chance. Every signifigant deviation from that 10% makes those 50-50 odds less likely, and we all know which side those deviations are more likely to occur on.

    And the "opportunity cost"? Giving up the "opportunity to enjoy such wonderful recipies as Crap of the Hunter? No cost there to me, I'd have to say.

    [ QUOTE ]

    A 50% chance that the total of all the 12 recipes will be worth 1 LOTG. Several of the other recipes in the 30s range (remember, you can choose your level range) regularly go for 7-15 million, especially the procs usable in aoe powers, the Numinas and Miracle Uniques go for quite a bit more, probably around 50 or 60 percent of a LOTG alone.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sure, a Numina or a Miracle unique are comparable to a LoTG, but you're fooling yourself if you think that youre gonna have anything near a 10% shot at either of those.

    Lets face it, we all know that about 80% of the pool C recipes are extremely limited in demand and utility (AkA, Junk). Sure theres a handful, maybe 5 or so that are worht Multi-Millions, and a slightly larger handful that are worth form 1 to 5, but the vast, vast majority of other Pool C drops go for under a Million.

    [ QUOTE ]

    There's also a nonzero chance that you would, with 12 random rolls, get multiple LOTG or other valuable procs or uniques.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There's also a "nonzero chance" that Scarlett Johanssen thinks im hot and wants to be my sugar momma, but im not holding my breath...

    [ QUOTE ]
    If you have a 50% chance of making less than half what one LOTG is worth, but also a 5% chance of making triple, that means some people will go for the randoms - like playing the lottery.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It's not like playing the lottery. If I win the lottery, I can retire. If I "win" the Random Drop, Ive still got a dozen or so Multi-million dollar IOs to buy, and thats just for 1 character.

    And 5% is ridiculously generous. I'd say you've got your decimal point in the wrong clumn.

    I'm fairly good at math, but I dont have a degree or anything- if you'd like to post a mathmatic proof of how 10 Rolls can stand a statistically relevant chance of being worth 50 Million when the vast majority arent worth 1 Million, I'm all ears.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    A: We feel that players will take that chance on the random roll tables for that chance at the reward they want. There will always be that temptation to roll on the Pool C rewards 12 times instead of buying that one shiny IO. If a player doesn't get what they want, they can post these items on the markets. Also consider that before only players running Task Forces and Strike Forces were contributing Pool C and D items to the market, now even solo/casual players will be able to do so.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You guys seriously believe this? I have to question your understanding of human nature then.
    If people were given a choice between the Random Roll and Merits upon completion, I could see some people going for instant gratification, but once the Merits are in thier hot little hands, requring people to convert them into a Random Roll is no longer Instant Gratification. Once those Merits are in thier inventorys, the vast majority of people are going to be inclined to hoard them.

    Put another way, a LoTG 7.% Recharge currently goes for around 50 Million. For a 20 Merit Random Roll to be worth taking a chancce on, there would need to be AT LEAST 50% odds that that roll will be worth a minimum of 10% a LoTGs sale cost in Inf, or 5 Million. It's an unfortunate fact that the VAST Majority of drops in Pool C arent worth anything near that. In fact at least 50% of them are lucky if theyre worth 1% of a LoTG.

    Soo, let's see- Hoard my merits, or blow 10% of a LoTG for a random chance to get something that wont even be worth the time it takes me to post it at WW? Well, I dont know about anyone else, but to me thats a no-brainer.

    I dunno about anybody else, but I'll just keep plugging away at Katie, it's nice and short, and one LoTG every 28 Days or so is way better than my current rate of acquisition.

    Like I said before though, If people were given a choice between the Random Roll and Merits upon completion, I could see some people going for instant gratification- so here's my suggestion:

    I understand the Dev's feel that some TFs are too easy/short, so why not just return the option for a Random Recipie Drop to all remaining TFs that meet a certain metric- say, datamined median times of over 1 hour or something like that.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Base Repricing
    1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Currently, it wont really affect me that much, the two main SG Bases that im responsible for are relatively 'finished', in that we have everything we need to cover our interests. For these groups, that means mainly a place to craft and store IOs, and an additional TP hub.
    With the reduced prices, I may install some other items, but its not like a really need a super-duper computer that gives me 10x my current control or whatever.

    [ QUOTE ]

    2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I probably will not, being as I mentioned above, my two main bases are relatively complete at the moment, and those groups arent really short on Prestige. I have some smaller "solo SGs" that would love to take advantage of the "lower prices", but they dont really seem to apply to starting items.

    The "basic" cost of a "starting SG base" hasnt changed at all, it still costs 360,000 Prestige for what I'd consider a "Bare Bones Crafting Base" with the following: Invention Worktable, Enhancement Storage, Personal Storage Access, Base Salvage Rack, a place to put them, and a Combo Power/Control unit in the OC.

    The cost to 'Upgrade' from the Combo unit to standalone ones is 600K on Live, down to 425K with the new pricing. While thats not an insignifigant change, it does still mean that most of my smaller SGs will still need around a year to save up for the upgrade, let alone having the prestige to actually use the room that change frees up.

    [ QUOTE ]

    3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It took me about a day or so to build my current bases- they are small 3x3 grids of the 2x2 rooms on the smallest plot.

    [ QUOTE ]

    4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    See feedback above about repricing not really helping small/new SGs

    [ QUOTE ]

    5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Short Term, it probably wont affect me much on my main servers. on alternate servers it may allow me to get functional bases marginally sooner. Long term, I suppose it will allow me to upgrade my exisiting bases somewhat sooner, if I ever decide they need upgrading.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
    1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In general not much, although the ridiculous reduction in the capacity of Storage racks will become an issue. While I dont forsee needing to use them to store Invention Salvage much, many of my bases already have storage racks with around 100 pieces of Halloween/Xmas salvage, and not being able to add to those racks will be quite irritating.

    Plus, many pieces of Invention Salvage are already at a premium, and forcing Players to choose between donating pieces that they may need for themselves to the SG is undesirable. Instead of the current system where most base salvage is low-priority, as it really only has two uses.

    If the system had been properly constructed to use low-priority invention salvage, instead of once again reinforcing demand for high-priority units (Luck Charms,Alchemical Silver, etc- Dont act like you dont know what I mean) I could support it more wholeheartedly.

    [ QUOTE ]

    2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Some small ability to trade Invention Salvage between members. Although the 'unsecurness' of the racks will be an issue in larger SGs, almost all of mine are samll groups of people I know IRL, so its not a problem for me. Just because its not a problem for me doesnt mean a better solution isnt needed.

    [ QUOTE ]

    3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Doesnt seem that complicated, I believe I have it all worked out at this time.

    [ QUOTE ]

    4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Price fluctuations in the Market having a signifigant effect on the ability to outfit a base would be my main concern.
    But I really have go go with the "Why are you 'fixing' this, it's not broke?" crowd. There are MANY other base changes that have been clamored for, vs this one pretty much coming out of nowhere.

    [ QUOTE ]

    5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Although the 'unsecurness' of the racks will be an issue in larger SGs, almost all of mine are samll groups of people I know IRL, so its not a problem for me.
    Just because its not a problem for me doesnt mean a better solution isnt needed.

    [ QUOTE ]

    Additional Notes:

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Although I realize that my new rent will be a palty amount, it is still a signifigant change from my current amount of Free. It truly rubs me the wrong way that I will now have to pay attention and rent after I spent a great deal of time and effort setting up a base that conformed to the old criteria for free rent.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [*]There is a lack of understanding of the vision to remove base salvage. No one in their right mind has been confused by it, yet this is what we are told. At the same time you remove "Salvage Found" messages, you introduce a new type of "Merits" into the game. Won't that be as confusing? 'What do you mean I can't use Vanguard merits. it says merit!'
    Many of us find this reasoning hard to believe and there has been little to no consideration or conversation regarding it.

    [*]There have already been numerous threads regarding the lack of storage. There has been quantitative rather than qualitative and subjective data presented. 30 is just insufficient to hold invention, halloween and winter event salvage and any other salvage invented in the near future that can be shared. Suggestions have been made for and against, with some reasonable (and yes unreasonable) numbers. Again no reply or indication that the subject is even open for discussion.

    [*]The building community at large, though not in entirety, does feel slighted by the change not matching anything we've asked for save the modified pricing. No base items that already exist, no new tiles, items anything. Granted what Pohsyb has done with the raid pathing has beneficial aspects and will allow for more illusions of things that exist, some things do exist and we've been waiting.

    [*] No official notes listed ever on the new rent. asked about again and again with no reply. Please clarify.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What she said.

    Additional Notes:
    Although I realize that my new rent will be a palty amount, it is still a signifigant change from my current amount of Free. It truly rubs me the wrong way that I will now have to pay attention and rent after I spent a great deal of time and effort setting up a base that conformed to the old criteria for free rent.

    'Quote' is a funny word. copy/paste it enough times and it starts to look more and more like gibberish...
  17. Heartbreaker


    Well, it may be bending the 'rules' a bit, but I still consider this my personal Octfecta.
  18. 51 Month: meh, I never really used my one preorder helm that much, the lack of options included with them was a big letdown. I'm glad that all those who wished for them will finally eventually be able to access them though.

    54 month: Wow, that's really cool, and a great way to fix all those who were wishing for a way to respec out of one of the previous choices. On the other hand, I do hope that a few more PermaTemp powers get added to the roster of Vet Rewards. Personally, I'd really like to get the Iron Blade from Croatoa as a permanent power someday.
  19. While on the surface, this comes across as good news, I was rather disappointed to discover that it doesn't cover the one feature I was really hoping to be able to use it for: buying a Server Transfer. Presumably, this also means that it wont work for Rename Tokens either.
    I really, really hope that these features, as well as the ability to buy game time in one fasion or another, are added to the things I can use my Paypal account for, as I don't currently have a credit card.
  20. [ QUOTE ]

    Question :
    Are you still getting the sync bug?


    We are monitoring the forums and in-game petitions to see whether the issue has been resolved or improved.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Nope, not experiencing that bug- got bit by another, much nastier one. read all about it here:

    "LCMS" All the time, every time.
    Immediate "Lost Connection To Mapserver"

    They describe a problem several of us are experiencing since yesterday's update that has rendered the game unplayable for us.
  21. [ QUOTE ]
    I just checked and I will have 40 tokens after tomorrow. I'm just curious, does anyone have more than that?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ive got 47 currently on my main, not counting Vet Reward tokens, and should get 5 more tomorrow.
    Unfortunately, Ive got 3 costumes that will need to have the skirts fixed (and the faces screwed up...)
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Character slots in the character selection screen can now be reorganized by dragging and dropping. The sort order is stored in a file on the client, but only if "Remember Account Name” is checked on the Log-in Screen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This doesnt seem to be working for me. I do have "Remember Account Name" checked, but It's not remembering the order I moved them to- in fact, now they are showing up completely scrambled. To the point im even getting "unavailible slot" showing up in the middle of my list sometimes.
  23. Heartbreaker

    Moving Day!

    [ QUOTE ]
    I ended up buying 36 Battle Droids from starwars.com when they had a "moving sale". The guy packing the order obviously knew I was building a droid army and made sure each and every one was the "clean" version. For a while I had them (and my other 6 battle droids) pinned to the wall of my office. That many battle droids boxed in one place is an impressive sight to behold.

    Now they sit in a bin in the rafters of my garage. One day Positot will inherit the Droid Army...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I picked up a large number of battle droids myself, but not quite that many. That reminds me of the time some European guy was complaining on some colletor's forum about the fact that the European release of the Episode 1 figures came with a random battle droid, instead of those horrendous "voice chips" we Americans got stuck with. He was immediately inundated with hundred of offers so trade him crateloads of the voice chips for his extras...
  24. Woo!
    Ok, I pushed it hard when weapon options were first announced- I want a guitar. During closed beta, there was a lot of support for this idea, I'm sure it's still out there.
    I know you guys have a rule that a weapon has to look like it does the appropriate damage type, so I guess that would make it a Mace option, but try to keep in mind that the common slang term for a Guitar is an "Axe". Maybe you could rig one up to look like it's got blades on the sides of the body.

    Here's what I'm talkin about.

    FLCL for the win!
  25. Well, as someone who already has all the Kill badges from the 1st year, and about 20 sets of the costume salvage from last year, I found it to be an irritating grindfest. Considering the costumes dont stick around, the only part that interested me this year were the new badges, but in general those took far too long to earn. I spent SIX HOURS on one guy, just to get "Clothes Horse". That's ridiculous. He's lvl 40- I earned 4 boxes from all the Tricks I had to slay...

    The whole lack of progress bars for the badges thing is really annoying, can't we get a "seasonal" tab to put them in?

    phantom "treats" are as big a letdown now as they were three years ago. Maybe more, what with duplicate costume powers counting toward a badge, but not knowing if it was a dupe costume, an inspiration I didnt have room for, or just a straight-up dud.

    Actually, it would have been nice to have the costumes be some sort of drop that we could trade to others- then getting dupes would be a good thing.

    Speaking of dupes, several of the choices were a little disappointing- there's the fact that the 2nd least interesting Lost model was used, just slightly better than the bums. Then theres the proliferation of "Cop w/ White shirt", "Cop w/ Blue shirt", "Cop w/ Brownshirt", etc...
    You could have at least tossed in "Cop w/ Hawaiian shirt".

    And it would be really, really nice to have these on an in-game timer, instead of real time. Something like 6 hours, to let you wear it for a long session. Every time you put things on a "Real Time" timer, you poke an altaholic in the eye...

    In the future it would be nice if there was an alternate way to earn any additional event badges that dont require me to stand around and click on a door for hours on end.

    Dang, thats a bit of a rant... Despite all that, I still think the whole Trick or Treating thing is great. It's just that as an altoholic badge-collector, the current setup it a bit of a drag.