Why the "Hess" not?...
8-28 ftw
Happy birthday, you two!
@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper
"Life writes the best scripts."
been told it IS possible to run within the 30 min time limit...
Anyone willing to give it shot?...
I'll be lfm shortly after maintenance this morning...
Dang Bode, I'm working 14 hours today and cannot make it. I love Hess...pretty sure you've done numerous runs with me. Take down Burkholder a few times for me bud!
Oh, and Birthdaygratz!
Bluedood,Red Hot Dood,Nukn Futzdood,Chill-dood,BuffBuffRNdood,DarkDemonDood,Atomic Lobster,DrBlueVonDood...and many alts.
~Member of The LooneyBin Coalitions~
Contact @Bluedood
Dam!! 14???
I pull three 10 hr shifts over the week-end...
this is my chance till monday evening...
If I make it home from my Computations exam I will run this with you Bodenee.
Heres hoping for a short timed exam.
Oooh, I haven't done that one in quite awhile, and coincidentally my SO is going to be busy tonight. Count me in for the 7 pm run.
edit: make that the 9pm run.
Great turnout... both runs had full teams! Tho on run 2 our Keldian DC'd just b4 the last mission!... we waited a good 10 minutes... and still finished the run in 83 minutes! First run was 91... we skipped a few mobs and on both runs we skipped the mobs in the last room and just pulled the AV to the door.
Again I'd like to thank you all who participated!... I really find that TF exciting and quick... one that doesn't drag on and on AND doesn't feel rushed even when you do!
Gratz on your lvls and recipes!
Hope to do it again real soon... maybe next Thursday too??.. we'll see...
Again this Thursday!!!
6pm and 9pm CENTRAL!!!
One led by Bone Head' the other by Tank Bodenee...
C'mon... ya know yawanna be there!
speaking of which....
that PuG that we did Hess with yesterday... (Sunday)
Was awsome! NO TANK! * I say that cuz my Tank was the only toon I had access with before Bone Head' got it...*
Kaji Chi
Rosetta Kurosawa
Bone Head' (me )
P B Cates
Taka Slate
Tenzo Kakashi
We did it all in 66 minutes and 21 seconds!!!
Yes yes... I KNOW it wasn't a "world" record... but it was the quickest I'd been on... and NO TANK!!!
Thanks again all who joined!, And hope to see more of y'all Thursday!!
Again this Thursday!!!
6pm and 9pm CENTRAL!!!
One led by Bone Head' the other by Tank Bodenee...
C'mon... ya know yawanna be there!
I've gotten 3 Numina's in the last 4 TFs... pretty sweet odds...
You stole my mojo Bodenee!
Pinnacle Forever
Lords of Retribution: Bluring the lines between brave and stupid since 2005.
CrmsnConundrum 50 invul/SS tank - "I love stomp!"
Jimmy Buff-it 50 emp/rad defender - "Waste them away again!"
Faded Glory 50 ill/rad troller - "Only believe half of what you see"
Whew! Wattanite!
6 pm was done in 73 min...
9pm got started late, MANY team wipes...
One left, finished with 7 member team (thanx for stikin' it out guys!) and 2hrs 4 min and many lvls later.. we got our badge and Recipes!
Had a few more Hess 1st Timers! Good to see KnightOwl back in action!
Next Thursday more of same!
Good Job all!
I'd never really gone anywhere -- but my normally non-gregarious nature precludes much notice (I do alot of soloing).
That was my first Hess TF. I shall need to do it again in a less inebriated condition so that I can appreciate its subtleties. I can recall only two team wipes, but I remember heedlessly charging the nearest mobs at least once, maybe a few times (Scrapperlock: 100%).
Was there a giant Wolfpack-like robot in that last huge room, or was I seeing things?
Thanks for having me along, bodenee! Looking forward to doing another one sometime!
We NEED to petition to get that giant out of the volcano and trounching Striga! Striga needs a Giant Monster!!! He's Bigger than KRONOS I believe!
It'd be great if he were "triggered" Like Babbage is in the Synapse TF... Say right after the 4 Radar stations are taken out Burkholder cuts him loose among the Isles in Striga... that'd be a great Monster Mash! (and another badge of course!)
..and look me up again next Thursday!.. this would be the 4th Thursday in-a-row I'd be trying for a double dose of Hess!
6pm and 9pm Central time... maybe I can keep it going as an ongoing thing! (?huh?- well you know what I mean!)
And really great to see KnightOwl in action again!
Tomorrow's THURSDAY!!!
Time for another double dose of the infamous Hess Task Force!
First starts at 6pm central time with yer host... Bone Head'
Second at 9pm Central hosted by Tank Bodenee!!
Come one, come all!! Every SG, Every AT, heck.. even the fairy "magic" Origins can come!!!
Levels 25-30 Get xp, Everyone else above 30 gets to have a Hellofa good time!
??? No Oobe 5 stars???
Another sweet Double Dose Thursday...
1st Run was with 6 and went smoothly enuff... we did the Kill-all and was done in 1:54...
2nd run... well that dam BUG showed up! We were all getting disco'd when we tried to enter the first mission! Team was of 8 and we lost 30 min on the timer (it kept running even tho we couldn't get started!) and yet still finished in 1:57!
So thank you all who participated and I'll be doing the same thing next Thursday!
It's Thursday! Time to bump this thread!
First run starts in about 2.5 hours...
Hope to get enuff folks to do the 2 runs again!
I have a new toon with access may run one with her...
Hope to see you there!
I'll be there
Once again 2 great teams!
1st was Tank heavy... still worked out quite well! (time of approx. 1:40)
2nd run (time of apprx. 1:20) was 2 tanks 3 scrappers, PB, Contoller (Carnage went twice! Thanx!) and a Blaster... I know we had at least 2 deaths-by-typing!!.... (if only I'd learn how to type without having to look at the keyboard... owell )
1st run I was on my 50... snagged another Numina as a random drop... and heard of several other nice recipes as random drops b4 we got the choice at the end.
Archon Burkholder went down fighting like hell both times tho we cleared more the 1st run than the 2nd!
2nd run we had Alli Sin along, a Task Force virgin, she seemed to enjoy the going's on...(I've been running into more and more "new" folks in the game, people on their toon up to lvls 20+ and they've never heard of a Task Force!, Like Lemur said, "Hess is a nice one to do as their 1st", UNLIKE the Positron-from-Hell... )
Thank you all and hope to do the same again NEXT Thursday!
Hopefully, I will be able to bring my new storm/nrg def next week.
Proud member of the Hard Liquor party
Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)
Speaking of the Hess...
I've yet to see a "bad" group!
One may take a little longer to complete it than others...
But no...
Never a bad group... must be something about the so few Mezzers involved in the whole thing...
only a few Vamps...
But teams of all makes of ATs have been able to breeze thru...
I think this helps those that think TFs are too difficult to accomplish with their build of (insert AT here!)...
So come one, come all, and bring whatever, whoever, you'd like!
Thursday is just around the corner... >.>
I was even contemplating MAYBE a Monday Moonfire TF series...
There's just something about the lowbee-quick (2 hrs or less) Task Forces that I find soooo appealing! (Besides the rushed "speed Katies")
...and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one!
So Hess is still Thursday -- a double dose -- participation pending...
While tonite we're gonna try another Moonfire TF. 7PM Central time... I'm gonna run it with My Defender Minney!
So Hess is still Thursday -- a double dose -- participation pending...
While tonite we're gonna try another Moonfire TF. 7PM Central time... I'm gonna run it with My Defender Minney!
[/ QUOTE ]
Things went a bit awry....
5AM Wednesday morning, right after I got off work I noticed a virus warning coming from my CA Virus protection (Security Suite as supplied by RoadRunner for it's customers...) It stated that it had a virus and that it had cleaned it but needed a reboot to erase it...
BIG Mistake!... once the reboot had completed my comp was screwed...
it would boot windows then sit there, any application I tried running met with the same results... windows application error, data missing in line blah blah blah....
12 hours of trying "tricks and fixes" to get around the problem were fruitless... finally it was a C: drive Format and reinstall....
I lost a lotta stuff... bout 3 yrs worth... on the bright side I had nearly 60% of the goodies backed up on my D: drive so that helped, but still....
the next few hours consisted of -- Download, Install, Update, reboot... repeat...
And even then.. finding the correct drivers that I had for both Video and Audio turned into quite a task..
but I was Finally up and running about 6:40pm Thursday evening... so I had to cancell the 6PM run, I did manage to get nearly a full team for the 9PM run tho (7 members) and despite my incredible lag we still managed a 1:40ish run!
I'd like to thank those that joined and to apologize to those that didn't get to do the 6PM run and to those on the run with me for my Z o n i n g speed... sheesh!
ANYway... I'm still tweaking settings and HOPEfully be up to full speed again (or at least as fast as I was b4 the crash!) in time for another Monday Moonfire... Moonfire is still under 2 hrs.. but it seems longer than Hess...
YAY! Our Forums are back!!!
Hopefully the lag will be minimum but I'll be running in safe mode... still can't figure out what driver i'm missing or how i had it tweaked before the crash...
But we're still on for tonight!
Thanx go to KPC for letting me Adv in the PinnBadges MoTD.
OK.. Birthday boy here will be runnin' a couple of Hess TFs tomorrow/today -Thursday 28th...

Tonites was such a blast and got me a Numina's Recipe that I'll run a couple!...
7 pm CST 1st one and 9pm CST 2nd...
If we're all hi enuff lvl I'll go Invinc, otherwise Heroic's just fine with me!... we'll smoke thru it in about 90 min with breaks...
*Old guys take a few Bio-Breaks in there!
Tank Bodenee will be hangin' out with Hess in Striga...
Look me up!