2677 -
8baller...your post and sentiments are not stupid. Thank you for sharing a very personal story....I'll bet there are many other players with similar connections.
Quote:Dark...PLEASE get in touch with Tony V over at the CoHTitan site and post this! He is also working very hard at doing similar things. The two of you together might be a force of nature that could turn the tide, along with support from the community. PLEASE let Tony V hear what you are doing...I'm going to be busy working on a business plan to pitch to a major tech company with deep gaming roots. I am waiting on feedback from Zwill and Posi regarding this, i send them a pm here on the forums and a reminder on Twitter.
Basically, we have what they are looking for. A MMO, that has an established loving fan base, a great Dev team and standard setting interaction between those two parties. I am confidant that if the Devs contact me, we can set up a pitch that shows the compnany i am thinking of: What they get, what Paragon Studios were working on, what their return investment is, what Paragon Studios need in order to grow, a loyal fan base that might shift their own gaming war with their #1 competitor.
This company has the money and the balls to buy the game, the studios, reinstate the devs and the crew, and even buy the license for the engine.
All i need, is to get in contact with the Devs, and i am sure we can come up with a great plan, instead of a 'Save us' note. -
We built this city, we built this city on fun and friends
Built this city, we built this city on fun and friends
You might not know me or recognize my face
But we all care who goes to that place
Knee deep in the villains enjoying the fight
Now the bad news eating up the night
Someone always playing corporation games
Who cares they're always changing corporation names
We just want to play here... someone stole the stage
They call us unimportant.. write us off the page
You play your hero, listen for the glowies, don't you remember
We built this city, we built this city on fun and friends
It's just another Sunday, on a King's Row street
CEO's have got the choke hold, oh then we just lost the beat
Who counts the money underneath the bar
Who rides the wrecking ball in to our avatars
Don't tell us you need us, 'cos we're not a bunch of sheep
Looking for Paragon, cause love of the game runs deep
(I'm looking out over that IP bridge
Out on another gorgeous sunny Saturday, watching the Tsoo and Family)
Don't you remember the fun?
(It's your favorite game, in your favorite game world
The city by the statue, the city that rocks, the city that never sleeps)
Boombox rocks the music, do the monkey dance, don't you remember
We built this city, we built this city on fun and friends
We built this city, we built this city on fun and friends
Built this city, we built this city on fun and friends -
Houtex, Father Xmas, BillZbubba, Memphis Bill and so many others have been so helpful to players having problems with their game/puters. (Me included) They saved the day so many times.Thank you all, for your generosity of spirit. We have all learned there are real heroes behind the pixels.
a bunch of us staged a protest on the steps of City Hall. It was late at night and lasted a couple of hours.
Info was shared on broadcast for petitions and letter writing...
Zwill...you have no idea how many people really think the world of you, myself included. Thank you for all you have done, and what you are doing now. This game has been a wonderful part of my life for eight years...it's like watching a friend die and not being able to do anything about it. I wish you all the best in whatever the future has in store for you.
Cryo, your sentiments echo so many others who have loved this game. I have heard 'it's just a game...get over it...get a life' from those who will never understand. The friends I made while playing have shared laughs, sorrows comfort and fun during so many phases in my life. I am hoping against hope that somehow the game can be saved, but if not, this feels like a death in my family. I too, loved the fun and the people behind the pixels.
For me, there is no substitution for this game. It's one of a kind. I don't want a replacement just because I need to be playing an online mmo.
When I first started CoH I had never played an online game before. I was so green and such a noob! I had been on about 3 days, and someone asked to team. I was SO thrilled. They promptly ported me to the tallest building in Atlas...and quit. I stood at the top of the building not knowing what to do. If I jumped and died, would I have to recreate my character again? (Told you I was green.) Finally, I jumped...didn't die but came close. The next day I was invited to an sg, the Sons of Horus. The people in that sg were the most helpful, patient and kindest folks I ever met. A big tanker named Painstake took me under his wing and he became like a brother to me. We are still friends after 8 years.
I have tried some other games, but CoH is the best for me. I am not alone in this, as I have read here in the forums. CoH is the ONLY mmo I would ever actually pay for. No other game comes close, nor am I looking for anything to replace it.
This wonderful game has been in my life for 8 years. It has been therapy, escape and much more. I feel like I am about to watch a friend die before my eyes...so yes, I cried. More than once.
..if only I had the power to keep this great game going....
Khel...you are one of the reasons I enjoyed things here...I will miss you so much, my friend.
I am going to miss you guys so much......
All my 'little people' will fade away in Atlas Park, where they started.I will make them face the flag with a salute, heads held high anf they will leave with dignity.
I think I was too stunned at first to cry, but the tears are flowing freely now. I feel like I am watching a friend die........
I am an 8-year vet, too. I feel like I am losing a really dear friend. I can't even express how sad I am.
I don't do anything halfway, you twinkie-witted gasgobblin!
Some of my faves that always make me chuckle:
[NPC] Freakshow Student: D00d, thanks for the save. I happen to like my face and having it torn off would suck.
[NPC] Short Fang: So he says to Ghost Widow, 'No, go screw yourself.' She just fixes him with this cold glare and puts her hand through his chest. Loser died. No teleporter, no nothin'. Spookiest thing I ever saw...
[NPC] Luddite Friar: Well, science has invoked many ills upon society...
[NPC] Luddite Brawler: Does this mean I have to throw away my PSP?
[NPC] Ben: I'm hoping they come up with a Healix actiion figure! She deserves it!
And from Dillo:
AHA-HA-HA! You are full of the correct, *hoorb*
'Changing truth on a hairless headfront' (bald-faced lie)
"*hoorb* Prepare for posterior repercussion! " (butt-kicking) -
There is a rich and detailed history in this game. For those of you who are new, it's worth the read. It will immerse you and give you a connection that longtime players enjoy. Some people will just play to 'bash things' then move on. For the rest of you that really want to know more, here you are:
Canon Timeline-Paragon -
For taking shots in the costume creator (or anywhere on the web ) I am using the last free version of FastStone Capture (5.3)
FastStone Capture 5.3
I keep it in my quicklaunch taskbar so I can pop it on any time it's needed...I don't keep it running in the background, and use Prt Scr for regular ingame shots.