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  1. Golden_Avariel

    Ascension Armor

    Too bad it is currently so expensive. Each piece costs as many E-Merits as I've ever earned. Or at least that's what I've seen posted.
  2. I seem to remember during the GR beta the rogues and vigilantes could talk to any of the contacts they earned via safeguards and mayhem missions but they disabled it toward the end. So it isn't like they can't do it, they just choose not to allow it.

    Too bad because that's exactly what I wanted to do with my rogue. I'd love there to be *something* to do blue-side that wasn't a task force, radio, or hero tip. Even if it was only one pre-existing arc/contact per level-range and those were the only ones you could earn in the bank mission, I'd be happy.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by reiella View Post
    None of my friends published stories mostly.

    I'm sure the other stories out there are awesome and great, but mostly I use it as a means of story-telling with peers.
    Bingo. I use AE strictly for the roleplay with my friends. Mainly we use it to altar the way a regular game arc plays out or to opt out of certain aspects we don't want to be a part of (such as the "Destined One" stuff). It's also a good way to do a low level character origination story as an introduction.

    In the end, I don't write for others and I don't imagine my arcs would make a lot of sense to folks outside my circle and that's ok. I think it is a fantastic tool for acting out MY character's lives.

    Plus the AE Tickets are really really useful.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pampl View Post
    It's a good thing no one was disputing that, then.

    Are you familiar with the phrase, "if wishes were horses then beggars would ride?" I think it's pretty relevant here. Wishing that people would stop buying game money does nothing to solve this, no matter how hard you wish.

    edit: re-reading this, it sounds snottier than I meant. No offense was intended.
    No offense taken. In the very next sentence you didn't quote I admitted it was naive. Since we both agree there is no disputing it then we are good.

    Of course, Jophiel hit it on the nail best. If it wasn't virtual goods it would be something else they were using that slave labor for.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pampl View Post
    Don't want to get all political, but I think the history of prohibition and legalization of alcohol and other drugs show how faulty this reasoning is. Driving an activity underground means that the underground can use that activity to subsidize itself. Organized crime was the real winner from alcohol prohibition and the Mexican drug mafias are the real winners from the war on drugs. If you want Chinese gold farms to be driven out of existence, then you need to offer a legit alternative, not just moralize in louder tones.
    If people didn't pay for RMT there would be no market for their virtual goods. I don't see how that can be disputed.

    Is it naive? Yes but that doesn't make it any less true. It wasn't like I was saying we need to wage war on chinese gold farmers or RMT in general. I'm advocating that people be smarter about who they do business with and let the chips fall where they may. Something everyone should do all the time anyway.

    But the fact that it is SO profitable that people are resorting to criminal and immoral activities to sell virtual goods to people who could very well go get it for themselves boggles my mind and raises my hackles.

    Now, if you want to call my desire to have the merits and incarnate salvage stay off the market as "waging war on chinese gold farmers," then ok, I'll take that label. Whatever it takes to keep RMT'ers away from me while I'm trying to relax with my game of choice.

    The only part I'd take back in my original post is the comparison to illegal drugs. There's a difference between a person physically addicted to a drug and a dumb/lazy/frustrated/whatever player playing a happy-funtime-game who just wants to skip the "boring" stuff and get to the "good" stuff NAO!
  6. Paying a 3rd party for in-game virtual goods like gold or influence or levels is just lamely stupid and the lengths the gold-farmers go through to hijack accounts and advertise their business is the price we players pay for other player's stupidity. Apparently now we see that stupidity has an even darker side. It's all starting to sound like illegal drugs.

    And just like with illegal drugs - if there was no market, there would be no problem.

    I hope the devs keep the incarnate stuff off the market. The moment we can trade those among ourselves is the same moment we'll get hit hard by RMT's again because some idiot will pay them for it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
    Also, there's no way I'd ever earn enough Influence without resorting to farming AE missions. Across all of my characters, I probably have 500 million. At best. That barely gets me in the door.
    I hear this a lot but it doesn't cost any influence at all to buy a rare (or very rare) with E-Merits. You just need to save them. A rare only costs 8 - 4 days running the trials successfully once each. For all 4 slots that's 16 days.

    Very Rare takes a lot longer to get with E-Merits alone but I'm content with my tier 3's so I'm not worrying about it.

    That's assuming you can get on a trial. The last few times I've been in the mood none were running.

    Disclaimer - none of the 7 tier 3's I've made on 3 incarnates were made with E-Merits since I've been fairly lucky with rare drops. Usually by the time I unlock a slot I can immediately put a T3 in it. I've only had 1 v-rare and have no plans at the moment to do anything with it.
  8. It took me a long time after getting the hover power to realize that space bar would go up. I was using S to move backwards over the Hollows in order to gain altitude then W toward the mission door to go down.

    When a helpful player finally explained the altitude keys I was then annoyed that I was constantly losing altitude while flying forward.

    I'm not sure when I finally realized the camera angle has everything to do with which direction you are going during flight.

    It took me over a month to correlate which enhancements the powers SAID they used with the names the stores actually used for those enhancements. Every purchase was a gamble with the precious influence I had very little of. I still think that is one of the biggies for new users to get used to. They should all use the exact same terms.

    The player lingo was the hardest thing for me to get used to. People were talking but it wasn't English. It didn't help that I had no clue how the channels worked and was afraid to talk for fear I would spam the whole server with my inane questions.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LSK View Post
    Not necessarily with all those muscles is just like being over weight where the blood circulation is difficult to move.
    I guess that's true. I hope his heart wasn't damaged by steroids. I wouldn't be surprised if it was but it would be sad.

    I was never a wrestling fan but even I knew who he and his contemporaries are... were... whatever.
  10. I agree, it should lead to other times when the timeline was threatened and being defended by the incarnates of their times. The crystal would take us to a variety of small Cimm-style zone. Camelot springs to mind right away but there are plenty of historical/mythical flash-points to use as inspiration.

    That would be so cool.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    from testing, the pylons do not buff hami's stats

    the pylons however, dont do absolutely nothing, they actually make the hami core untouchable until they are all taken down
    Is this a Carnie-type cheater's untouchable that allows Hami to attack you while you cannot attack him or is it a true phase where neither can attack the other?

    Because if it's the later then that would be a big reason to hold off on the pylons.

    But if it is the former, and the pylons aren't debuffing hami's attacks/stats, then it truely doesn't matter.
  12. A certain multi-player fantasy RP game set in a famous Faerunian city had you rezzing in a temple but that isn't an MMO. I only mention it because it is basically identical to COH except you lost current experience instead of future experience and you didn't even do that if a party member resurrected you.

    I don't have any experience with other MMO's but I know a friend of mine used to complain about the body thing back when they played one of the early fantasy MMO's.

    I think mentioning game names is taboo so I won't.
  13. Heart attack while driving a car.

    You'd think someone in that good of shape would be the last one to have a heart attack at 58.
  14. It is unfortunate about the baked in ties. I wonder why they didn't do it just like the baron coat... or any of the jackets for that matter. Why force a tie when there are plenty of separate shirts with ties under Chest?

    As for the hats, I think it was crazy not to allow the two colors to be the hat and the hair. Lots of the existing hats force a band color on you, they should have kept that standard. Hair is a lot more important that hat bands in my opinion.

    It's gone into test so late I suppose it is not going to get an edit. But it isn't like they haven't made tweaks to the packs after going live before.

    I don't suppose they moved all the wings to the new Backpack category? That would completely solve the wings + bolero problem among other things. Maybe that will happen soon. I can only hope at this point since I accidentally erased my wings on my last bolero outfit.
  15. I only got to join you guys a few times but I enjoyed it every single time. I always felt welcome even though every TF or SF I joined you for were brand new to me - I'm specifically thinking of the Eden trial which I still have not managed to run again. You guys were always patient with my noobishness.

  16. Ok, you guys have me stoked. I can hardly wait.
  17. Has anyone else had trouble with EoE's not necessarily protecting you from the weakened Hamidon's bolts?

    I was on my tanker last night. While we were taking down the last 1 or 2 green mitos Hami got aggroed somehow. No problem, I had 2 EoE's so I took one, taunted him and moved off to give the others a break.

    Each hit took me down 25% and eventually I died while the EoE was still active. I used an awaken, turned my mez protection back on, chewed a few blues and my last EoE and ran back in. By this point the party was hacking on Hami so I taunted and braced myself for another death... except it didn't hurt. The 2nd EoE seemed to work fine.

    I'm still puzzled by what happened.

    BTW - I had us do it oldstyle with the party taking out the rikti and pylons first, then the mitos then hami. I still get comments that we should save the pylons for last. I'm beginning to doubt myself on that... it really really doesn't matter... right?
  18. Golden_Avariel

    webpage question

    A lot of those links never worked for me even before today. I don't know what's up with that.
  19. I do that when creating a new character before I really know what powers or even what AT to pick. I'll tinker with it for weeks or months sometimes then when I finally make the character I just pull it in and make any last-minute adjustments to it and the powers I need and I'm done.

    The only problem with using the creator for existing characters is that the zoom doesn't work like it does in the tailor and you don't have access to all the capes and auras... but it will be close.
  20. I have a "civilian" costume slot that I switch out on my main tank. A couple of different swimsuits, dancing clothes (the default in that slot), workout clothes, christmas clothes, slouching around after work clothes, etc. Ever since the ability to save/restore costumes came out I've been doing this. It works very well, especially with all the free costume tokens I have.

    The only time it is a problem is between issues. They seem to frequently break things when they put out a new release.
  21. heh point taken. It is awful for my fire/shield amazon. It's a weird kind of yell but I'm pretty sure it's the same one you get with the tarzan emote. I might be wrong.
  22. Golden_Avariel

    Teaming Question

    Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
    Turn XP off at lvl 1 and just run around atlas brawling Hellions!

    But wait, according to this thread 30 is still underachieving so I can at least get up to there. I'll stick to using Axe Kick and Dragon's Tail on Freakshow in Bricks.
  23. Golden_Avariel

    Teaming Question

    Originally Posted by Residentx10 View Post
    He really should be in this community but he likes throwing/flushing away money monthly without ever seeing a return on his investment(ROI). It's his money but he's underachieving in his current state.
    I blinked at this comment, particularly the underlined part, then laughed out loud.

    Now I need to go see if Underachiever or some variation on it is available as a character name.
  24. I don't have a female SS but Gob's right about Shield Defense. The taunt on a female is awful. It's been broken for a while now. I bring it up every once in a while and bugged it at least once in-game but no luck so far.

    You can test it by toggling off all your shield powers. The taunt or confront will be the normal female-sounding ah-hah sound. Toggle on any shield power and it changes to the tarzan yell. I have no idea why.